/* eslint-disable prefer-rest-params */ /* global __, lib, dijit, define, dojo, CommonDialogs, Notify, Tables, xhrPost, xhrJson, fox, App */ define(["dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/dom-construct", "lib/CheckBoxTree", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/cookie"], function (declare, domConstruct, checkBoxTree, array, cookie) { return declare("fox.PrefFeedTree", lib.CheckBoxTree, { // save state in localStorage instead of cookies // reference: https://stackoverflow.com/a/27968996 _saveExpandedNodes: function(){ if (this.persist && this.cookieName){ const ary = []; for (const id in this._openedNodes){ ary.push(id); } // Was: // cookie(this.cookieName, ary.join(","), {expires: 365}); localStorage.setItem(this.cookieName, ary.join(",")); } }, _initState: function(){ this.cookieName = 'prefs:' + this.cookieName; // summary: // Load in which nodes should be opened automatically this._openedNodes = {}; if (this.persist && this.cookieName){ // Was: // var oreo = cookie(this.cookieName); let oreo = localStorage.getItem(this.cookieName); // migrate old data if nothing in localStorage if (oreo == null || oreo === '') { oreo = cookie(this.cookieName); cookie(this.cookieName, null, { expires: -1 }); } if (oreo){ array.forEach(oreo.split(','), function(item){ this._openedNodes[item] = true; }, this); } } }, _createTreeNode: function(args) { const tnode = this.inherited(arguments); const icon = dojo.doc.createElement('img'); if (args.item.icon && args.item.icon[0]) { icon.src = args.item.icon[0]; } else { icon.src = 'images/blank_icon.gif'; } icon.className = 'icon'; domConstruct.place(icon, tnode.iconNode, 'only'); let param = this.model.store.getValue(args.item, 'param'); if (param) { param = dojo.doc.createElement('span'); param.className = 'feedParam'; param.innerHTML = args.item.param[0]; //domConstruct.place(param, tnode.labelNode, 'after'); domConstruct.place(param, tnode.rowNode, 'first'); } const id = args.item.id[0]; const bare_id = parseInt(id.substr(id.indexOf(':')+1)); if (id.match("CAT:") && bare_id > 0) { const menu = new dijit.Menu(); menu.row_id = bare_id; menu.item = args.item; menu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({ label: __("Edit category"), onClick: function() { dijit.byId("feedTree").editCategory(this.getParent().row_id, this.getParent().item, null); }})); menu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({ label: __("Remove category"), onClick: function() { dijit.byId("feedTree").removeCategory(this.getParent().row_id, this.getParent().item); }})); menu.bindDomNode(tnode.domNode); tnode._menu = menu; } else if (id.match("FEED:")) { const menu = new dijit.Menu(); menu.row_id = bare_id; menu.item = args.item; menu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({ label: __("Edit feed"), onClick: function() { CommonDialogs.editFeed(this.getParent().row_id); }})); menu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({ label: __("Unsubscribe"), onClick: function() { CommonDialogs.unsubscribeFeed(this.getParent().row_id, this.getParent().item.name); }})); menu.bindDomNode(tnode.domNode); tnode._menu = menu; } return tnode; }, onDndDrop: function() { this.inherited(arguments); this.tree.model.store.save(); }, // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars getRowClass: function (item, opened) { let rc = (!item.error || item.error == '') ? "dijitTreeRow" : "dijitTreeRow Error"; if (item.updates_disabled > 0) rc += " UpdatesDisabled"; return rc; }, getIconClass: function (item, opened) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary return (!item || this.model.store.getValue(item, 'type') == 'category') ? (opened ? "dijitFolderOpened" : "dijitFolderClosed") : "feed-icon"; }, reload: function() { const searchElem = $("feed_search"); const search = (searchElem) ? searchElem.value : ""; xhrPost("backend.php", { op: "pref-feeds", search: search }, (transport) => { dijit.byId('feedsTab').attr('content', transport.responseText); Notify.close(); }); }, checkItemAcceptance: function(target, source, position) { const item = dijit.getEnclosingWidget(target).item; // disable copying items source.copyState = function() { return false; }; let source_item = false; source.forInSelectedItems(function(node) { source_item = node.data.item; }); if (!source_item || !item) return false; const id = this.tree.model.store.getValue(item, 'id'); const source_id = source.tree.model.store.getValue(source_item, 'id'); //console.log(id + " " + position + " " + source_id); if (source_id.match("FEED:")) { return ((id.match("CAT:") && position == "over") || (id.match("FEED:") && position != "over")); } else if (source_id.match("CAT:")) { return ((id.match("CAT:") && !id.match("CAT:0")) || (id.match("root") && position == "over")); } }, resetFeedOrder: function() { Notify.progress("Loading, please wait..."); xhrPost("backend.php", {op: "pref-feeds", method: "feedsortreset"}, () => { this.reload(); }); }, resetCatOrder: function() { Notify.progress("Loading, please wait..."); xhrPost("backend.php", {op: "pref-feeds", method: "catsortreset"}, () => { this.reload(); }); }, removeCategory: function(id, item) { if (confirm(__("Remove category %s? Any nested feeds would be placed into Uncategorized.").replace("%s", item.name))) { Notify.progress("Removing category..."); xhrPost("backend.php", {op: "pref-feeds", method: "removeCat", ids: id}, () => { Notify.close(); this.reload(); }); } }, removeSelectedFeeds: function() { const sel_rows = this.getSelectedFeeds(); if (sel_rows.length > 0) { if (confirm(__("Unsubscribe from selected feeds?"))) { Notify.progress("Unsubscribing from selected feeds...", true); const query = { op: "pref-feeds", method: "remove", ids: sel_rows.toString() }; xhrPost("backend.php", query, () => { this.reload(); }); } } else { alert(__("No feeds selected.")); } return false; }, checkErrorFeeds: function() { xhrJson("backend.php", {op: "pref-feeds", method: "feedsWithErrors"}, (reply) => { if (reply.length > 0) { Element.show(dijit.byId("pref_feeds_errors_btn").domNode); } }); }, checkInactiveFeeds: function() { xhrJson("backend.php", {op: "pref-feeds", method: "inactivefeeds"}, (reply) => { if (reply.length > 0) { Element.show(dijit.byId("pref_feeds_inactive_btn").domNode); } }); }, getSelectedCategories: function() { const tree = this; const items = tree.model.getCheckedItems(); const rv = []; items.each(function (item) { if (item.id[0].match("CAT:")) rv.push(tree.model.store.getValue(item, 'bare_id')); }); return rv; }, removeSelectedCategories: function() { const sel_rows = this.getSelectedCategories(); if (sel_rows.length > 0) { if (confirm(__("Remove selected categories?"))) { Notify.progress("Removing selected categories..."); const query = { op: "pref-feeds", method: "removeCat", ids: sel_rows.toString() }; xhrPost("backend.php", query, () => { this.reload(); }); } } else { alert(__("No categories selected.")); } return false; }, getSelectedFeeds: function() { const tree = this; const items = tree.model.getCheckedItems(); const rv = []; items.each(function (item) { if (item.id[0].match("FEED:")) rv.push(tree.model.store.getValue(item, 'bare_id')); }); return rv; }, editSelectedFeed: function() { const rows = this.getSelectedFeeds(); if (rows.length == 0) { alert(__("No feeds selected.")); return; } Notify.close(); if (rows.length > 1) { return this.editMultiple(); } else { CommonDialogs.editFeed(rows[0], {}); } }, editMultiple: function() { const rows = this.getSelectedFeeds(); if (rows.length == 0) { alert(__("No feeds selected.")); return; } Notify.progress("Loading, please wait..."); xhrPost("backend.php", {op: "pref-feeds", method: "editfeeds", ids: rows.toString()}, (transport) => { Notify.close(); try { const dialog = new fox.SingleUseDialog({ id: "feedEditDlg", title: __("Edit Multiple Feeds"), getChildByName: function (name) { let rv = null; this.getChildren().each( function (child) { if (child.name == name) { rv = child; return; } }); return rv; }, toggleField: function (checkbox, elem, label) { this.getChildByName(elem).attr('disabled', !checkbox.checked); if ($(label)) if (checkbox.checked) $(label).removeClassName('text-muted'); else $(label).addClassName('text-muted'); }, execute: function () { if (this.validate() && confirm(__("Save changes to selected feeds?"))) { const query = this.attr('value'); /* normalize unchecked checkboxes because [] is not serialized */ Object.keys(query).each((key) => { const val = query[key]; if (typeof val == "object" && val.length == 0) query[key] = ["off"]; }); Notify.progress("Saving data...", true); xhrPost("backend.php", query, () => { dialog.hide(); const tree = dijit.byId("feedTree"); if (tree) tree.reload(); }); } }, content: transport.responseText }); dialog.show(); } catch (e) { App.Error.report(e); } }); }, editCategory: function(id, item) { // uncategorized if (String(item.id) == "CAT:0") return; const new_name = prompt(__('Rename category to:'), item.name); if (new_name && new_name != item.name) { Notify.progress("Loading, please wait..."); xhrPost("backend.php", { op: 'pref-feeds', method: 'renamecat', id: id, title: new_name }, () => { this.reload(); }); } }, createCategory: function() { const title = prompt(__("Category title:")); if (title) { Notify.progress("Creating category..."); xhrPost("backend.php", {op: "pref-feeds", method: "addCat", cat: title}, () => { Notify.close(); this.reload(); }); } }, batchSubscribe: function() { xhrJson("backend.php", {op: 'pref-feeds', method: 'batchSubscribe'}, (reply) => { const dialog = new fox.SingleUseDialog({ id: "batchSubDlg", title: __("Batch subscribe"), execute: function () { if (this.validate()) { Notify.progress(__("Subscribing to feeds..."), true); xhrPost("backend.php", this.attr('value'), () => { Notify.close(); const tree = dijit.byId("feedTree"); if (tree) tree.reload(); dialog.hide(); }); } }, content: `
${App.FormFields.hidden("op", "pref-feeds")} ${App.FormFields.hidden("method", "batchaddfeeds")}
${__("One valid feed per line (no detection is done)")}
${reply.enable_cats ? `
` : '' }
` }); dialog.show(); }); }, showInactiveFeeds: function() { xhrJson("backend.php", {op: 'pref-feeds', method: 'inactivefeeds'}, function (reply) { const dialog = new fox.SingleUseDialog({ id: "inactiveFeedsDlg", title: __("Feeds without recent updates"), getSelectedFeeds: function () { return Tables.getSelected("inactive-feeds-list"); }, removeSelected: function () { const sel_rows = this.getSelectedFeeds(); if (sel_rows.length > 0) { if (confirm(__("Remove selected feeds?"))) { Notify.progress("Removing selected feeds...", true); const query = { op: "pref-feeds", method: "remove", ids: sel_rows.toString() }; xhrPost("backend.php", query, () => { Notify.close(); const tree = dijit.byId("feedTree"); if (tree) tree.reload(); dialog.hide(); }); } } else { alert(__("No feeds selected.")); } }, content: `
${reply.map((row) => ` `).join("")}
${App.escapeHtml(row.title)} ${row.last_article}
` }); dialog.show(); }); } }); });