'use strict'; /* global __, dijit, dojo, Tables, xhrPost, Notify, xhrJson */ const Helpers = { AppPasswords: { getSelected: function() { return Tables.getSelected("app-password-list"); }, updateContent: function(data) { $("app_passwords_holder").innerHTML = data; dojo.parser.parse("app_passwords_holder"); }, removeSelected: function() { const rows = this.getSelected(); if (rows.length == 0) { alert("No passwords selected."); } else if (confirm(__("Remove selected app passwords?"))) { xhrPost("backend.php", {op: "pref-prefs", method: "deleteAppPassword", ids: rows.toString()}, (transport) => { this.updateContent(transport.responseText); Notify.close(); }); Notify.progress("Loading, please wait..."); } }, generate: function() { const title = prompt("Password description:") if (title) { xhrPost("backend.php", {op: "pref-prefs", method: "generateAppPassword", title: title}, (transport) => { this.updateContent(transport.responseText); Notify.close(); }); Notify.progress("Loading, please wait..."); } }, }, clearFeedAccessKeys: function() { if (confirm(__("This will invalidate all previously generated feed URLs. Continue?"))) { Notify.progress("Clearing URLs..."); xhrPost("backend.php", {op: "pref-feeds", method: "clearKeys"}, () => { Notify.info("Generated URLs cleared."); }); } return false; }, updateEventLog: function() { xhrPost("backend.php", { op: "pref-system", severity: dijit.byId("severity").attr('value') }, (transport) => { dijit.byId('systemConfigTab').attr('content', transport.responseText); Notify.close(); }); }, clearEventLog: function() { if (confirm(__("Clear event log?"))) { Notify.progress("Loading, please wait..."); xhrPost("backend.php", {op: "pref-system", method: "clearLog"}, () => { this.updateEventLog(); }); } }, editProfiles: function() { if (dijit.byId("profileEditDlg")) dijit.byId("profileEditDlg").destroyRecursive(); const query = "backend.php?op=pref-prefs&method=editPrefProfiles"; // noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols const dialog = new dijit.Dialog({ id: "profileEditDlg", title: __("Settings Profiles"), style: "width: 600px", getSelectedProfiles: function () { return Tables.getSelected("pref-profiles-list"); }, removeSelected: function () { const sel_rows = this.getSelectedProfiles(); if (sel_rows.length > 0) { if (confirm(__("Remove selected profiles? Active and default profiles will not be removed."))) { Notify.progress("Removing selected profiles...", true); const query = { op: "rpc", method: "remprofiles", ids: sel_rows.toString() }; xhrPost("backend.php", query, () => { Notify.close(); Helpers.editProfiles(); }); } } else { alert(__("No profiles selected.")); } }, activateProfile: function () { const sel_rows = this.getSelectedProfiles(); if (sel_rows.length == 1) { if (confirm(__("Activate selected profile?"))) { Notify.progress("Loading, please wait..."); xhrPost("backend.php", {op: "rpc", method: "setprofile", id: sel_rows.toString()}, () => { window.location.reload(); }); } } else { alert(__("Please choose a profile to activate.")); } }, addProfile: function () { if (this.validate()) { Notify.progress("Creating profile...", true); const query = {op: "rpc", method: "addprofile", title: dialog.attr('value').newprofile}; xhrPost("backend.php", query, () => { Notify.close(); Helpers.editProfiles(); }); } }, execute: function () { if (this.validate()) { // } }, href: query }); dialog.show(); }, customizeCSS: function() { const query = "backend.php?op=pref-prefs&method=customizeCSS"; if (dijit.byId("cssEditDlg")) dijit.byId("cssEditDlg").destroyRecursive(); const dialog = new dijit.Dialog({ id: "cssEditDlg", title: __("Customize stylesheet"), style: "width: 600px", apply: function() { xhrPost("backend.php", this.attr('value'), () => { new Effect.Appear("css_edit_apply_msg"); $("user_css_style").innerText = this.attr('value'); }); }, execute: function () { Notify.progress('Saving data...', true); xhrPost("backend.php", this.attr('value'), () => { window.location.reload(); }); }, href: query }); dialog.show(); }, confirmReset: function() { if (confirm(__("Reset to defaults?"))) { xhrPost("backend.php", {op: "pref-prefs", method: "resetconfig"}, (transport) => { Helpers.refresh(); Notify.info(transport.responseText); }); } }, clearPluginData: function(name) { if (confirm(__("Clear stored data for this plugin?"))) { Notify.progress("Loading, please wait..."); xhrPost("backend.php", {op: "pref-prefs", method: "clearplugindata", name: name}, () => { Helpers.refresh(); }); } }, refresh: function() { xhrPost("backend.php", { op: "pref-prefs" }, (transport) => { dijit.byId('genConfigTab').attr('content', transport.responseText); Notify.close(); }); }, OPML: { import: function() { const opml_file = $("opml_file"); if (opml_file.value.length == 0) { alert(__("Please choose an OPML file first.")); return false; } else { Notify.progress("Importing, please wait...", true); Element.show("upload_iframe"); return true; } }, onImportComplete: function(iframe) { if (!iframe.contentDocument.body.innerHTML) return false; Element.show(iframe); Notify.close(); if (dijit.byId('opmlImportDlg')) dijit.byId('opmlImportDlg').destroyRecursive(); const content = iframe.contentDocument.body.innerHTML; const dialog = new dijit.Dialog({ id: "opmlImportDlg", title: __("OPML Import"), style: "width: 600px", onCancel: function () { window.location.reload(); }, execute: function () { window.location.reload(); }, content: content }); dojo.connect(dialog, "onShow", function () { Element.hide(iframe); }); dialog.show(); }, export: function() { console.log("export"); window.open("backend.php?op=opml&method=export&" + dojo.formToQuery("opmlExportForm")); }, changeKey: function() { if (confirm(__("Replace current OPML publishing address with a new one?"))) { Notify.progress("Trying to change address...", true); xhrJson("backend.php", {op: "pref-feeds", method: "regenOPMLKey"}, (reply) => { if (reply) { const new_link = reply.link; const e = $('pub_opml_url'); if (new_link) { e.href = new_link; e.innerHTML = new_link; new Effect.Highlight(e); Notify.close(); } else { Notify.error("Could not change feed URL."); } } }); } return false; }, } };