'use strict' /* global dijit, __ */ let App; let Utils; let CommonDialogs; let Filters; let Users; let Prefs; require(["dojo/_base/kernel", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/ready", "dojo/parser", "fox/AppBase", "dojo/_base/loader", "dojo/_base/html", "dijit/ColorPalette", "dijit/Dialog", "dijit/form/Button", "dijit/form/CheckBox", "dijit/form/DropDownButton", "dijit/form/FilteringSelect", "dijit/form/MultiSelect", "dijit/form/Form", "dijit/form/RadioButton", "dijit/form/ComboButton", "dijit/form/Select", "dijit/form/SimpleTextarea", "dijit/form/TextBox", "dijit/form/ValidationTextBox", "dijit/InlineEditBox", "dijit/layout/AccordionContainer", "dijit/layout/AccordionPane", "dijit/layout/BorderContainer", "dijit/layout/ContentPane", "dijit/layout/TabContainer", "dijit/Menu", "dijit/ProgressBar", "dijit/Toolbar", "dijit/Tree", "dijit/tree/dndSource", "dojo/data/ItemFileWriteStore", "lib/CheckBoxStoreModel", "lib/CheckBoxTree", "fox/Utils", "fox/CommonDialogs", "fox/CommonFilters", "fox/PrefUsers", "fox/PrefHelpers", "fox/PrefFeedStore", "fox/PrefFilterStore", "fox/PrefFeedTree", "fox/PrefFilterTree", "fox/PrefLabelTree"], function (dojo, declare, ready, parser, AppBase) { ready(function () { try { const _App = declare("fox.App", AppBase, { constructor: function() { window.onerror = function (message, filename, lineno, colno, error) { report_error(message, filename, lineno, colno, error); }; Utils = fox.Utils(); CommonDialogs = fox.CommonDialogs(); Filters = fox.CommonFilters(); Users = fox.PrefUsers(); Prefs = fox.PrefHelpers(); parser.parse(); Utils.setLoadingProgress(50); const clientTzOffset = new Date().getTimezoneOffset() * 60; const params = {op: "rpc", method: "sanityCheck", clientTzOffset: clientTzOffset}; xhrPost("backend.php", params, (transport) => { try { Utils.backendSanityCallback(transport); } catch (e) { exception_error(e); } }); }, initSecondStage: function() { document.onkeydown = () => { App.hotkeyHandler(event) }; Utils.setLoadingProgress(50); Notify.close(); let tab = Utils.urlParam('tab'); if (tab) { tab = dijit.byId(tab + "Tab"); if (tab) { dijit.byId("pref-tabs").selectChild(tab); switch (Utils.urlParam('method')) { case "editfeed": window.setTimeout(function () { CommonDialogs.editFeed(Utils.urlParam('methodparam')) }, 100); break; default: console.warn("initSecondStage, unknown method:", Utils.urlParam("method")); } } } else { let tab = localStorage.getItem("ttrss:prefs-tab"); if (tab) { tab = dijit.byId(tab); if (tab) { dijit.byId("pref-tabs").selectChild(tab); } } } dojo.connect(dijit.byId("pref-tabs"), "selectChild", function (elem) { localStorage.setItem("ttrss:prefs-tab", elem.id); }); }, hotkeyHandler: function (event) { if (event.target.nodeName == "INPUT" || event.target.nodeName == "TEXTAREA") return; const action_name = Utils.keyeventToAction(event); if (action_name) { switch (action_name) { case "feed_subscribe": CommonDialogs.quickAddFeed(); return false; case "create_label": CommonDialogs.addLabel(); return false; case "create_filter": Filters.quickAddFilter(); return false; case "help_dialog": Utils.helpDialog("main"); return false; default: console.log("unhandled action: " + action_name + "; keycode: " + event.which); } } }, isPrefs: function() { return true; } }); App = new _App(); } catch (e) { exception_error(e); } }); }); function opmlImportComplete(iframe) { if (!iframe.contentDocument.body.innerHTML) return false; Element.show(iframe); Notify.close(); if (dijit.byId('opmlImportDlg')) dijit.byId('opmlImportDlg').destroyRecursive(); const content = iframe.contentDocument.body.innerHTML; const dialog = new dijit.Dialog({ id: "opmlImportDlg", title: __("OPML Import"), style: "width: 600px", onCancel: function () { window.location.reload(); }, execute: function () { window.location.reload(); }, content: content }); dialog.show(); } function opmlImport() { const opml_file = $("opml_file"); if (opml_file.value.length == 0) { alert(__("Please choose an OPML file first.")); return false; } else { Notify.progress("Importing, please wait...", true); Element.show("upload_iframe"); return true; } } function opmlRegenKey() { if (confirm(__("Replace current OPML publishing address with a new one?"))) { Notify.progress("Trying to change address...", true); xhrJson("backend.php", { op: "pref-feeds", method: "regenOPMLKey" }, (reply) => { if (reply) { const new_link = reply.link; const e = $('pub_opml_url'); if (new_link) { e.href = new_link; e.innerHTML = new_link; new Effect.Highlight(e); Notify.close(); } else { Notify.error("Could not change feed URL."); } } }); } return false; } function gotoExportOpml(filename, settings) { const tmp = settings ? 1 : 0; document.location.href = "backend.php?op=opml&method=export&filename=" + filename + "&settings=" + tmp; }