/* TODO: this should probably be something like night_mode.js since it does nothing specific to utility scripts */2 Event.observe(window, "load", function() { const UtilityJS = { apply_night_mode: function (is_night, link) { console.log("night mode changed to", is_night); if (link) { const css_override = is_night ? "themes/night.css" : "css/default.css"; link.setAttribute("href", css_override + "?" + Date.now()); } }, setup_night_mode: function() { const mql = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)'); const link = new Element("link", { rel: "stylesheet", id: "theme_auto_css" }); link.onload = function() { document.querySelector("body").removeClassName("css_loading"); if (typeof UtilityApp != "undefined") UtilityApp.init(); }; try { mql.addEventListener("change", () => { UtilityJS.apply_night_mode(mql.matches, link); }); } catch (e) { console.warn("exception while trying to set MQL event listener"); } document.querySelector("head").appendChild(link); UtilityJS.apply_night_mode(mql.matches, link); } }; UtilityJS.setup_night_mode(); });