/* Copyright (c) 2004-2011, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved. Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license. see: http://dojotoolkit.org/license for details */ if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._editor.plugins.Print"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code. dojo._hasResource["dijit._editor.plugins.Print"] = true; dojo.provide("dijit._editor.plugins.Print"); dojo.require("dijit._editor._Plugin"); dojo.require("dijit.form.Button"); dojo.require("dojo.i18n"); dojo.requireLocalization("dijit._editor", "commands", null, "ROOT,ar,ca,cs,da,de,el,es,fi,fr,he,hu,it,ja,kk,ko,nb,nl,pl,pt,pt-pt,ro,ru,sk,sl,sv,th,tr,zh,zh-tw"); dojo.declare("dijit._editor.plugins.Print",dijit._editor._Plugin,{ // summary: // This plugin provides Print cabability to the editor. When // clicked, the document in the editor frame will be printed. _initButton: function(){ // summary: // Over-ride for creation of the Print button. var strings = dojo.i18n.getLocalization("dijit._editor", "commands"), editor = this.editor; this.button = new dijit.form.Button({ label: strings["print"], dir: editor.dir, lang: editor.lang, showLabel: false, iconClass: this.iconClassPrefix + " " + this.iconClassPrefix + "Print", tabIndex: "-1", onClick: dojo.hitch(this, "_print") }); }, setEditor: function(/*dijit.Editor*/ editor){ // summary: // Tell the plugin which Editor it is associated with. // editor: Object // The editor object to attach the print capability to. this.editor = editor; this._initButton(); // Set up a check that we have a print function // and disable button if we do not. this.editor.onLoadDeferred.addCallback( dojo.hitch(this, function(){ if(!this.editor.iframe.contentWindow["print"]){ this.button.set("disabled", true); } }) ); }, updateState: function(){ // summary: // Over-ride for button state control for disabled to work. var disabled = this.get("disabled"); if(!this.editor.iframe.contentWindow["print"]){ disabled = true; } this.button.set("disabled", disabled); }, _print: function(){ // summary: // Function to trigger printing of the editor document // tags: // private var edFrame = this.editor.iframe; if(edFrame.contentWindow["print"]){ // IE requires the frame to be focused for // print to work, but since this is okay for all // no special casing. if(!dojo.isOpera && !dojo.isChrome){ dijit.focus(edFrame); edFrame.contentWindow.print(); }else{ // Neither Opera nor Chrome 3 et you print single frames. // So, open a new 'window', print it, and close it. // Also, can't use size 0x0, have to use 1x1 var edDoc = this.editor.document; var content = this.editor.get("value"); content = "" + content + ""; var win = window.open("javascript: ''", "", "status=0,menubar=0,location=0,toolbar=0," + "width=1,height=1,resizable=0,scrollbars=0"); win.document.open(); win.document.write(content); win.document.close(); var styles = []; var styleNodes = edDoc.getElementsByTagName("style"); if(styleNodes){ // Clone over any editor view styles, since we can't print the iframe // directly. var i; for(i = 0; i < styleNodes.length; i++){ var style = styleNodes[i].innerHTML; var sNode = win.document.createElement("style"); sNode.appendChild(win.document.createTextNode(style)); win.document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(sNode); } } win.print(); win.close(); } } } }); // Register this plugin. dojo.subscribe(dijit._scopeName + ".Editor.getPlugin",null,function(o){ if(o.plugin){ return; } var name = o.args.name.toLowerCase(); if(name === "print"){ o.plugin = new dijit._editor.plugins.Print({command: "print"}); } }); }