define("dijit/_editor/plugins/TabIndent", [ "dojo/_base/declare", // declare "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.experimental "../_Plugin", "../../form/ToggleButton" ], function(declare, kernel, _Plugin, ToggleButton){ // module: // dijit/_editor/plugins/TabIndent kernel.experimental("dijit._editor.plugins.TabIndent"); var TabIndent = declare("dijit._editor.plugins.TabIndent", _Plugin, { // summary: // This plugin is used to allow the use of the tab and shift-tab keys // to indent/outdent list items. This overrides the default behavior // of moving focus from/to the toolbar // Override _Plugin.useDefaultCommand... processing is handled by this plugin, not by dijit/Editor. useDefaultCommand: false, // Override _Plugin.buttonClass to use a ToggleButton for this plugin rather than a vanilla Button buttonClass: ToggleButton, command: "tabIndent", _initButton: function(){ // Override _Plugin._initButton() to setup listener on button click this.inherited(arguments); var e = this.editor; this.connect(this.button, "onChange", function(val){ e.set("isTabIndent", val); }); // Set initial checked state of button based on Editor.isTabIndent this.updateState(); }, updateState: function(){ // Overrides _Plugin.updateState(). // Ctrl-m in the editor will switch tabIndent mode on/off, so we need to react to that. var disabled = this.get("disabled"); this.button.set("disabled", disabled); if(disabled){ return; } this.button.set('checked', this.editor.isTabIndent, false); } }); // Register this plugin. _Plugin.registry["tabIndent"] = function(){ return new TabIndent({command: "tabIndent"}); }; return TabIndent; });