define("dijit/form/Form", [ "dojo/_base/declare", // declare "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.set "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated "dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie") "../_Widget", "../_TemplatedMixin", "./_FormMixin", "../layout/_ContentPaneResizeMixin" ], function(declare, domAttr, event, kernel, has, _Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _FormMixin, _ContentPaneResizeMixin){ /*===== var _Widget = dijit._Widget; var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin; var _FormMixin = dijit.form._FormMixin; var _ContentPaneResizeMixin = dijit.layout._ContentPaneResizeMixin; =====*/ // module: // dijit/form/Form // summary: // Widget corresponding to HTML form tag, for validation and serialization return declare("dijit.form.Form", [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _FormMixin, _ContentPaneResizeMixin], { // summary: // Widget corresponding to HTML form tag, for validation and serialization // // example: // |
// | Name: // |
// | myObj = {name: "John Doe"}; // | dijit.byId('myForm').set('value', myObj); // | // | myObj=dijit.byId('myForm').get('value'); // HTML
attributes // name: String? // Name of form for scripting. name: "", // action: String? // Server-side form handler. action: "", // method: String? // HTTP method used to submit the form, either "GET" or "POST". method: "", // encType: String? // Encoding type for the form, ex: application/x-www-form-urlencoded. encType: "", // accept-charset: String? // List of supported charsets. "accept-charset": "", // accept: String? // List of MIME types for file upload. accept: "", // target: String? // Target frame for the document to be opened in. target: "", templateString: "
", postMixInProperties: function(){ // Setup name=foo string to be referenced from the template (but only if a name has been specified) // Unfortunately we can't use _setNameAttr to set the name due to IE limitations, see #8660 this.nameAttrSetting = ? ("name='" + + "'") : ""; this.inherited(arguments); }, execute: function(/*Object*/ /*===== formContents =====*/){ // summary: // Deprecated: use submit() // tags: // deprecated }, onExecute: function(){ // summary: // Deprecated: use onSubmit() // tags: // deprecated }, _setEncTypeAttr: function(/*String*/ value){ this.encType = value; domAttr.set(this.domNode, "encType", value); if(has("ie")){ this.domNode.encoding = value; } }, reset: function(/*Event?*/ e){ // summary: // restores all widget values back to their init values, // calls onReset() which can cancel the reset by returning false // create fake event so we can know if preventDefault() is called var faux = { returnValue: true, // the IE way preventDefault: function(){ // not IE this.returnValue = false; }, stopPropagation: function(){}, currentTarget: e ? : this.domNode, target: e ? : this.domNode }; // if return value is not exactly false, and haven't called preventDefault(), then reset if(!(this.onReset(faux) === false) && faux.returnValue){ this.inherited(arguments, []); } }, onReset: function(/*Event?*/ /*===== e =====*/){ // summary: // Callback when user resets the form. This method is intended // to be over-ridden. When the `reset` method is called // programmatically, the return value from `onReset` is used // to compute whether or not resetting should proceed // tags: // callback return true; // Boolean }, _onReset: function(e){ this.reset(e); event.stop(e); return false; }, _onSubmit: function(e){ var fp = this.constructor.prototype; // TODO: remove this if statement beginning with 2.0 if(this.execute != fp.execute || this.onExecute != fp.onExecute){ kernel.deprecated("dijit.form.Form:execute()/onExecute() are deprecated. Use onSubmit() instead.", "", "2.0"); this.onExecute(); this.execute(this.getValues()); } if(this.onSubmit(e) === false){ // only exactly false stops submit event.stop(e); } }, onSubmit: function(/*Event?*/ /*===== e =====*/){ // summary: // Callback when user submits the form. // description: // This method is intended to be over-ridden, but by default it checks and // returns the validity of form elements. When the `submit` // method is called programmatically, the return value from // `onSubmit` is used to compute whether or not submission // should proceed // tags: // extension return this.isValid(); // Boolean }, submit: function(){ // summary: // programmatically submit form if and only if the `onSubmit` returns true if(!(this.onSubmit() === false)){ this.containerNode.submit(); } } }); });