define("dijit/form/HorizontalRule", [ "dojo/_base/declare", // declare "../_Widget", "../_TemplatedMixin" ], function(declare, _Widget, _TemplatedMixin){ // module: // dijit/form/HorizontalRule return declare("dijit.form.HorizontalRule", [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin], { // summary: // Hash marks for `dijit/form/HorizontalSlider` templateString: '
', // count: Integer // Number of hash marks to generate count: 3, // container: String // For HorizontalSlider, this is either "topDecoration" or "bottomDecoration", // and indicates whether this rule goes above or below the slider. container: "containerNode", // ruleStyle: String // CSS style to apply to individual hash marks ruleStyle: "", _positionPrefix: '
', _genHTML: function(pos){ return this._positionPrefix + pos + this._positionSuffix + this.ruleStyle + this._suffix; }, // _isHorizontal: [protected extension] Boolean // VerticalRule will override this... _isHorizontal: true, buildRendering: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); var innerHTML; if(this.count == 1){ innerHTML = this._genHTML(50, 0); }else{ var i; var interval = 100 / (this.count-1); if(!this._isHorizontal || this.isLeftToRight()){ innerHTML = this._genHTML(0, 0); for(i=1; i < this.count-1; i++){ innerHTML += this._genHTML(interval*i, i); } innerHTML += this._genHTML(100, this.count-1); }else{ innerHTML = this._genHTML(100, 0); for(i=1; i < this.count-1; i++){ innerHTML += this._genHTML(100-interval*i, i); } innerHTML += this._genHTML(0, this.count-1); } } this.domNode.innerHTML = innerHTML; } }); });