/* Copyright (c) 2004-2011, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved. Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license. see: http://dojotoolkit.org/license for details */ if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit.form.Textarea"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code. dojo._hasResource["dijit.form.Textarea"] = true; dojo.provide("dijit.form.Textarea"); dojo.require("dijit.form.SimpleTextarea"); dojo.declare( "dijit.form.Textarea", dijit.form.SimpleTextarea, { // summary: // A textarea widget that adjusts it's height according to the amount of data. // // description: // A textarea that dynamically expands/contracts (changing it's height) as // the user types, to display all the text without requiring a scroll bar. // // Takes nearly all the parameters (name, value, etc.) that a vanilla textarea takes. // Rows is not supported since this widget adjusts the height. // // example: // | // TODO: for 2.0, rename this to ExpandingTextArea, and rename SimpleTextarea to Textarea baseClass: "dijitTextBox dijitTextArea dijitExpandingTextArea", // Override SimpleTextArea.cols to default to width:100%, for backward compatibility cols: "", _previousNewlines: 0, _strictMode: (dojo.doc.compatMode != 'BackCompat'), // not the same as !dojo.isQuirks _getHeight: function(textarea){ var newH = textarea.scrollHeight; if(dojo.isIE){ newH += textarea.offsetHeight - textarea.clientHeight - ((dojo.isIE < 8 && this._strictMode) ? dojo._getPadBorderExtents(textarea).h : 0); }else if(dojo.isMoz){ newH += textarea.offsetHeight - textarea.clientHeight; // creates room for horizontal scrollbar }else if(dojo.isWebKit){ newH += dojo._getBorderExtents(textarea).h; }else{ // Opera 9.6 (TODO: test if this is still needed) newH += dojo._getPadBorderExtents(textarea).h; } return newH; }, _estimateHeight: function(textarea){ // summary: // Approximate the height when the textarea is invisible with the number of lines in the text. // Fails when someone calls setValue with a long wrapping line, but the layout fixes itself when the user clicks inside so . . . // In IE, the resize event is supposed to fire when the textarea becomes visible again and that will correct the size automatically. // textarea.style.maxHeight = ""; textarea.style.height = "auto"; // #rows = #newlines+1 // Note: on Moz, the following #rows appears to be 1 too many. // Actually, Moz is reserving room for the scrollbar. // If you increase the font size, this behavior becomes readily apparent as the last line gets cut off without the +1. textarea.rows = (textarea.value.match(/\n/g) || []).length + 1; }, _needsHelpShrinking: dojo.isMoz || dojo.isWebKit, _onInput: function(){ // Override SimpleTextArea._onInput() to deal with height adjustment this.inherited(arguments); if(this._busyResizing){ return; } this._busyResizing = true; var textarea = this.textbox; if(textarea.scrollHeight && textarea.offsetHeight && textarea.clientHeight){ var newH = this._getHeight(textarea) + "px"; if(textarea.style.height != newH){ textarea.style.maxHeight = textarea.style.height = newH; } if(this._needsHelpShrinking){ if(this._setTimeoutHandle){ clearTimeout(this._setTimeoutHandle); } this._setTimeoutHandle = setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, "_shrink"), 0); // try to collapse multiple shrinks into 1 } }else{ // hidden content of unknown size this._estimateHeight(textarea); } this._busyResizing = false; }, _busyResizing: false, _shrink: function(){ // grow paddingBottom to see if scrollHeight shrinks (when it is unneccesarily big) this._setTimeoutHandle = null; if(this._needsHelpShrinking && !this._busyResizing){ this._busyResizing = true; var textarea = this.textbox; var empty = false; if(textarea.value == ''){ textarea.value = ' '; // prevent collapse all the way back to 0 empty = true; } var scrollHeight = textarea.scrollHeight; if(!scrollHeight){ this._estimateHeight(textarea); }else{ var oldPadding = textarea.style.paddingBottom; var newPadding = dojo._getPadExtents(textarea); newPadding = newPadding.h - newPadding.t; textarea.style.paddingBottom = newPadding + 1 + "px"; // tweak padding to see if height can be reduced var newH = this._getHeight(textarea) - 1 + "px"; // see if the height changed by the 1px added if(textarea.style.maxHeight != newH){ // if can be reduced, so now try a big chunk textarea.style.paddingBottom = newPadding + scrollHeight + "px"; textarea.scrollTop = 0; textarea.style.maxHeight = this._getHeight(textarea) - scrollHeight + "px"; // scrollHeight is the added padding } textarea.style.paddingBottom = oldPadding; } if(empty){ textarea.value = ''; } this._busyResizing = false; } }, resize: function(){ // summary: // Resizes the textarea vertically (should be called after a style/value change) this._onInput(); }, _setValueAttr: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); this.resize(); }, buildRendering: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); // tweak textarea style to reduce browser differences dojo.style(this.textbox, { overflowY: 'hidden', overflowX: 'auto', boxSizing: 'border-box', MsBoxSizing: 'border-box', WebkitBoxSizing: 'border-box', MozBoxSizing: 'border-box' }); }, postCreate: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); this.connect(this.textbox, "onscroll", "_onInput"); this.connect(this.textbox, "onresize", "_onInput"); this.connect(this.textbox, "onfocus", "_onInput"); // useful when a previous estimate was off a bit this._setTimeoutHandle = setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, "resize"), 0); }, uninitialize: function(){ if(this._setTimeoutHandle){ clearTimeout(this._setTimeoutHandle); } this.inherited(arguments); } }); }