define("dijit/form/_ComboBoxMenuMixin", [ "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach "dojo/_base/declare", // declare "dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.set "dojo/i18n", // i18n.getLocalization "dojo/_base/window", // win.doc.createTextNode "dojo/i18n!./nls/ComboBox" ], function(array, declare, domAttr, i18n, win){ // module: // dijit/form/_ComboBoxMenuMixin // summary: // Focus-less menu for internal use in `dijit.form.ComboBox` return declare( "dijit.form._ComboBoxMenuMixin", null, { // summary: // Focus-less menu for internal use in `dijit.form.ComboBox` // tags: // private // _messages: Object // Holds "next" and "previous" text for paging buttons on drop down _messages: null, postMixInProperties: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); this._messages = i18n.getLocalization("dijit.form", "ComboBox", this.lang); }, buildRendering: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); // fill in template with i18n messages this.previousButton.innerHTML = this._messages["previousMessage"]; this.nextButton.innerHTML = this._messages["nextMessage"]; }, _setValueAttr: function(/*Object*/ value){ this.value = value; this.onChange(value); }, onClick: function(/*DomNode*/ node){ if(node == this.previousButton){ this._setSelectedAttr(null); this.onPage(-1); }else if(node == this.nextButton){ this._setSelectedAttr(null); this.onPage(1); }else{ this.onChange(node); } }, // stubs onChange: function(/*Number*/ /*===== direction =====*/){ // summary: // Notifies ComboBox/FilteringSelect that user selected an option. // tags: // callback }, onPage: function(/*Number*/ /*===== direction =====*/){ // summary: // Notifies ComboBox/FilteringSelect that user clicked to advance to next/previous page. // tags: // callback }, onClose: function(){ // summary: // Callback from dijit.popup code to this widget, notifying it that it closed // tags: // private this._setSelectedAttr(null); }, _createOption: function(/*Object*/ item, labelFunc){ // summary: // Creates an option to appear on the popup menu subclassed by // `dijit.form.FilteringSelect`. var menuitem = this._createMenuItem(); var labelObject = labelFunc(item); if(labelObject.html){ menuitem.innerHTML = labelObject.label; }else{ menuitem.appendChild( win.doc.createTextNode(labelObject.label) ); } // #3250: in blank options, assign a normal height if(menuitem.innerHTML == ""){ menuitem.innerHTML = " "; //   } // update menuitem.dir if BidiSupport was required this.applyTextDir(menuitem, (menuitem.innerText || menuitem.textContent || "")); menuitem.item=item; return menuitem; }, createOptions: function(results, options, labelFunc){ // summary: // Fills in the items in the drop down list // results: // Array of items // options: // The options to the query function of the store // // labelFunc: // Function to produce a label in the drop down list from a item // display "Previous . . ." button = (options.start == 0) ? "none" : ""; domAttr.set(this.previousButton, "id", + "_prev"); // create options using _createOption function defined by parent // ComboBox (or FilteringSelect) class // #2309: // iterate over cache nondestructively array.forEach(results, function(item, i){ var menuitem = this._createOption(item, labelFunc); domAttr.set(menuitem, "id", + i); this.nextButton.parentNode.insertBefore(menuitem, this.nextButton); }, this); // display "Next . . ." button var displayMore = false; // Try to determine if we should show 'more'... if( && ! && != -1){ if((options.start + options.count) <{ displayMore = true; }else if((options.start + options.count) > && options.count == results.length){ // Weird return from a data store, where a start + count > maxOptions // implies maxOptions isn't really valid and we have to go into faking it. // And more or less assume more if count == results.length displayMore = true; } }else if(options.count == results.length){ //Don't know the size, so we do the best we can based off count alone. //So, if we have an exact match to count, assume more. displayMore = true; } = displayMore ? "" : "none"; domAttr.set(this.nextButton,"id", + "_next"); return this.containerNode.childNodes; }, clearResultList: function(){ // summary: // Clears the entries in the drop down list, but of course keeps the previous and next buttons. var container = this.containerNode; while(container.childNodes.length > 2){ container.removeChild(container.childNodes[container.childNodes.length-2]); } this._setSelectedAttr(null); }, highlightFirstOption: function(){ // summary: // Highlight the first real item in the list (not Previous Choices). this.selectFirstNode(); }, highlightLastOption: function(){ // summary: // Highlight the last real item in the list (not More Choices). this.selectLastNode(); }, selectFirstNode: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); if(this.getHighlightedOption() == this.previousButton){ this.selectNextNode(); } }, selectLastNode: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); if(this.getHighlightedOption() == this.nextButton){ this.selectPreviousNode(); } }, getHighlightedOption: function(){ return this._getSelectedAttr(); } }); });