define("dijit/form/_ExpandingTextAreaMixin", [ "dojo/_base/declare", // declare "dojo/dom-construct", // domConstruct.create "dojo/has", "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch "dojo/on", "dojo/_base/window", // win.body "../Viewport" ], function(declare, domConstruct, has, lang, on, win, Viewport){ // module: // dijit/form/_ExpandingTextAreaMixin // feature detection, true for mozilla and webkit has.add("textarea-needs-help-shrinking", function(){ var body = win.body(), // note: if multiple documents exist, doesn't matter which one we use te = domConstruct.create('textarea', { rows:"5", cols:"20", value: ' ', style: {zoom:1, fontSize:"12px", height:"96px", overflow:'hidden', visibility:'hidden', position:'absolute', border:"5px solid white", margin:"0", padding:"0", boxSizing: 'border-box', MsBoxSizing: 'border-box', WebkitBoxSizing: 'border-box', MozBoxSizing: 'border-box' } }, body, "last"); var needsHelpShrinking = te.scrollHeight >= te.clientHeight; body.removeChild(te); return needsHelpShrinking; }); return declare("dijit.form._ExpandingTextAreaMixin", null, { // summary: // Mixin for textarea widgets to add auto-expanding capability _setValueAttr: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); this.resize(); }, postCreate: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); var textarea = this.textbox; = "hidden"; this.own(on(textarea, "focus, resize", lang.hitch(this, "_resizeLater"))); }, startup: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); this.own(Viewport.on("resize", lang.hitch(this, "_resizeLater"))); this._resizeLater(); }, _onInput: function(e){ this.inherited(arguments); this.resize(); }, _estimateHeight: function(){ // summary: // Approximate the height when the textarea is invisible with the number of lines in the text. // Fails when someone calls setValue with a long wrapping line, but the layout fixes itself when the user clicks inside so . . . // In IE, the resize event is supposed to fire when the textarea becomes visible again and that will correct the size automatically. // var textarea = this.textbox; // #rows = #newlines+1 textarea.rows = (textarea.value.match(/\n/g) || []).length + 1; }, _resizeLater: function(){ this.defer("resize"); }, resize: function(){ // summary: // Resizes the textarea vertically (should be called after a style/value change) var textarea = this.textbox; function textareaScrollHeight(){ var empty = false; if(textarea.value === ''){ textarea.value = ' '; empty = true; } var sh = textarea.scrollHeight; if(empty){ textarea.value = ''; } return sh; } if( == "hidden"){ textarea.scrollTop = 0; } if(this.busyResizing){ return; } this.busyResizing = true; if(textareaScrollHeight() || textarea.offsetHeight){ var newH = textareaScrollHeight() + Math.max(textarea.offsetHeight - textarea.clientHeight, 0); var newHpx = newH + "px"; if(newHpx !={ = newHpx; textarea.rows = 1; // rows can act like a minHeight if not cleared } if(has("textarea-needs-help-shrinking")){ var origScrollHeight = textareaScrollHeight(), newScrollHeight = origScrollHeight, origMinHeight =, decrement = 4, // not too fast, not too slow thisScrollHeight, origScrollTop = textarea.scrollTop; = newHpx; // maintain current height = "auto"; // allow scrollHeight to change while(newH > 0){ = Math.max(newH - decrement, 4) + "px"; thisScrollHeight = textareaScrollHeight(); var change = newScrollHeight - thisScrollHeight; newH -= change; if(change < decrement){ break; // scrollHeight didn't shrink } newScrollHeight = thisScrollHeight; decrement <<= 1; } = newH + "px"; = origMinHeight; textarea.scrollTop = origScrollTop; } = textareaScrollHeight() > textarea.clientHeight ? "auto" : "hidden"; if( == "hidden"){ textarea.scrollTop = 0; } }else{ // hidden content of unknown size this._estimateHeight(); } this.busyResizing = false; } }); });