define("dijit/form/_ListBase", [ "dojo/_base/declare", // declare "dojo/window" // winUtils.scrollIntoView ], function(declare, winUtils){ // module: // dijit/form/_ListBase // summary: // Focus-less menu to handle UI events consistently return declare( "dijit.form._ListBase", null, { // summary: // Focus-less menu to handle UI events consistently // Abstract methods that must be defined externally: // onSelect: item is active (mousedown but not yet mouseup, or keyboard arrow selected but no Enter) // onDeselect: cancels onSelect // tags: // private // selected: DOMnode // currently selected node selected: null, _getTarget: function(/*Event*/ evt){ var tgt =; var container = this.containerNode; if(tgt == container || tgt == this.domNode){ return null; } while(tgt && tgt.parentNode != container){ // recurse to the top tgt = tgt.parentNode; } return tgt; }, selectFirstNode: function(){ // summary: // Select the first displayed item in the list. var first = this.containerNode.firstChild; while(first && == "none"){ first = first.nextSibling; } this._setSelectedAttr(first); }, selectLastNode: function(){ // summary: // Select the last displayed item in the list var last = this.containerNode.lastChild; while(last && == "none"){ last = last.previousSibling; } this._setSelectedAttr(last); }, selectNextNode: function(){ // summary: // Select the item just below the current selection. // If nothing selected, select first node. var selectedNode = this._getSelectedAttr(); if(!selectedNode){ this.selectFirstNode(); }else{ var next = selectedNode.nextSibling; while(next && == "none"){ next = next.nextSibling; } if(!next){ this.selectFirstNode(); }else{ this._setSelectedAttr(next); } } }, selectPreviousNode: function(){ // summary: // Select the item just above the current selection. // If nothing selected, select last node (if // you select Previous and try to keep scrolling up the list). var selectedNode = this._getSelectedAttr(); if(!selectedNode){ this.selectLastNode(); }else{ var prev = selectedNode.previousSibling; while(prev && == "none"){ prev = prev.previousSibling; } if(!prev){ this.selectLastNode(); }else{ this._setSelectedAttr(prev); } } }, _setSelectedAttr: function(/*DomNode*/ node){ // summary: // Does the actual select. if(this.selected != node){ var selectedNode = this._getSelectedAttr(); if(selectedNode){ this.onDeselect(selectedNode); this.selected = null; } if(node && node.parentNode == this.containerNode){ this.selected = node; winUtils.scrollIntoView(node); this.onSelect(node); } }else if(node){ this.onSelect(node); } }, _getSelectedAttr: function(){ // summary: // Returns the selected node. var v = this.selected; return (v && v.parentNode == this.containerNode) ? v : (this.selected = null); } }); });