These are "less" files that compile into the CSS of claro. --------- Installing and running on Windows: 1. Install node: a) Go to, press download button, and select "download zip" b) unzip the file into C:\ 2. Install less: a) Go to, press download button, and select "download zip" b) unzip the file into C:\ 2. Add node and lessc environment variables: a) open Control Panel --> click System icon --> select Advanced tab --> click Environment variables button b) press "edit" on path c) depending on what directory you unzipped to and the exact filenames, you will add something like ;C:\ajaxorg-node-builds-0fcee7d\win32;C:\cloudhead-less.js-7fb09f\bin d) add new environment variable NODE_PATH with value like this (depending on exact download name): C:\cloudhead-less.js-7fb09f\lib 4. To compile all the files: C:\> cd C:\myworkspace\dijit\themes\claro C:\> node compile.js -------- To install/run less version 2 on mac: 1. Install Node.js Download a built copy from Alternately, o to (./configure, make, make install). 2. Download less from 3. Edit .bash_profile etc. to add node to your path, and lessc to NODE_PATH: export PATH=$PATH:/opt/less/bin export NODE_PATH=$NODE_PATH:/opt/less/lib To compile all the files: $ cd dijit/themes/claro $ node compile.js ------- Alternately, you can install less version 1, but I'd rather not use it for checked in files since it breaks a part a lot of rules into multiple rules, causing spurious diffs. To install on a mac: $ sudo gem install less On Windows or Linux, make sure you have ruby and ruby-gems installed first. If you need help installing ruby please check out for more details. ----- See and for more information.