/* Copyright (c) 2004-2010, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved. Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license. see: http://dojotoolkit.org/license for details */ if(dojo.config["baseUrl"]){ dojo.baseUrl=dojo.config["baseUrl"]; }else{ dojo.baseUrl="./"; } dojo._name="spidermonkey"; dojo.isSpidermonkey=true; dojo.exit=function(_1){ quit(_1); }; if(typeof print=="function"){ console.debug=print; } if(typeof line2pc=="undefined"){ throw new Error("attempt to use SpiderMonkey host environment when no 'line2pc' global"); } dojo._spidermonkeyCurrentFile=function(_2){ var s=""; try{ throw Error("whatever"); } catch(e){ s=e.stack; } var _3=s.match(/[^@]*\.js/gi); if(!_3){ throw Error("could not parse stack string: '"+s+"'"); } var _4=(typeof _2!="undefined"&&_2)?_3[_2+1]:_3[_3.length-1]; if(!_4){ throw Error("could not find file name in stack string '"+s+"'"); } return _4; }; dojo._loadUri=function(_5){ var ok=load(_5); return 1; }; if(dojo.config["modulePaths"]){ for(var param in dojo.config["modulePaths"]){ dojo.registerModulePath(param,dojo.config["modulePaths"][param]); } }