define("dojo/dnd/TimedMoveable", ["../_base/declare", "./Moveable" /*=====, "./Mover" =====*/], function(declare, Moveable /*=====, Mover =====*/){ // module: // dojo/dnd/TimedMoveable /*===== var __TimedMoveableArgs = declare([Moveable.__MoveableArgs], { // timeout: Number // delay move by this number of ms, // accumulating position changes during the timeout timeout: 0 }); =====*/ // precalculate long expressions var oldOnMove = Moveable.prototype.onMove; return declare("dojo.dnd.TimedMoveable", Moveable, { // summary: // A specialized version of Moveable to support an FPS throttling. // This class puts an upper restriction on FPS, which may reduce // the CPU load. The additional parameter "timeout" regulates // the delay before actually moving the moveable object. // object attributes (for markup) timeout: 40, // in ms, 40ms corresponds to 25 fps constructor: function(node, params){ // summary: // an object that makes a node moveable with a timer // node: Node||String // a node (or node's id) to be moved // params: __TimedMoveableArgs // object with additional parameters. // sanitize parameters if(!params){ params = {}; } if(params.timeout && typeof params.timeout == "number" && params.timeout >= 0){ this.timeout = params.timeout; } }, onMoveStop: function(/*Mover*/ mover){ if(mover._timer){ // stop timer clearTimeout(mover._timer); // reflect the last received position, mover, mover._leftTop); } Moveable.prototype.onMoveStop.apply(this, arguments); }, onMove: function(/*Mover*/ mover, /*Object*/ leftTop){ mover._leftTop = leftTop; if(!mover._timer){ var _t = this; // to avoid using dojo.hitch() mover._timer = setTimeout(function(){ // we don't have any pending requests mover._timer = null; // reflect the last received position, mover, mover._leftTop); }, this.timeout); } } }); });