/* Copyright (c) 2004-2011, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved. Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license. see: http://dojotoolkit.org/license for details */ if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo.robot"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code. dojo._hasResource["dojo.robot"] = true; dojo.provide("dojo.robot"); dojo.require("doh.robot"); dojo.require("dojo.window"); dojo.experimental("dojo.robot"); (function(){ // users who use doh+dojo get the added convenience of dojo.mouseMoveAt, // instead of computing the absolute coordinates of their elements themselves dojo.mixin(doh.robot,{ _resolveNode: function(/*String||DOMNode||Function*/ n){ if(typeof n == "function"){ // if the user passed a function returning a node, evaluate it n = n(); } return n? dojo.byId(n) : null; }, _scrollIntoView: function(/*Node*/ n){ // scrolls the passed node into view, scrolling all ancester frames/windows as well. // Assumes parent iframes can be made fully visible given the current browser window size var d = dojo, dr = doh.robot, p = null; d.forEach(dr._getWindowChain(n), function(w){ d.withGlobal(w, function(){ // get the position of the node wrt its parent window // if it is a parent frame, its padding and border extents will get added in var p2 = d.position(n, false), b = d._getPadBorderExtents(n), oldp = null; // if p2 is the position of the original passed node, store the position away as p // otherwise, node is actually an iframe. in this case, add the iframe's position wrt its parent window and also the iframe's padding and border extents if(!p){ p = p2; }else{ oldp = p; p = {x: p.x+p2.x+b.l, y: p.y+p2.y+b.t, w: p.w, h: p.h}; } // scroll the parent window so that the node translated into the parent window's coordinate space is in view dojo.window.scrollIntoView(n,p); // adjust position for the new scroll offsets p2 = d.position(n, false); if(!oldp){ p = p2; }else{ p = {x: oldp.x+p2.x+b.l, y: oldp.y+p2.y+b.t, w: p.w, h: p.h}; } // get the parent iframe so it can be scrolled too n = w.frameElement; }); }); }, _position: function(/*Node*/ n){ // Returns the dojo.position of the passed node wrt the passed window's viewport, // following any parent iframes containing the node and clipping the node to each iframe. // precondition: _scrollIntoView already called var d = dojo, p = null, M = Math.max, m = Math.min; // p: the returned position of the node d.forEach(doh.robot._getWindowChain(n), function(w){ d.withGlobal(w, function(){ // get the position of the node wrt its parent window // if it is a parent frame, its padding and border extents will get added in var p2 = d.position(n, false), b = d._getPadBorderExtents(n); // if p2 is the position of the original passed node, store the position away as p // otherwise, node is actually an iframe. in this case, add the iframe's position wrt its parent window and also the iframe's padding and border extents if(!p){ p = p2; }else{ var view; d.withGlobal(n.contentWindow,function(){ view=dojo.window.getBox(); }); p2.r = p2.x+view.w; p2.b = p2.y+view.h; p = {x: M(p.x+p2.x,p2.x)+b.l, // clip left edge of node wrt the iframe y: M(p.y+p2.y,p2.y)+b.t, // top edge r: m(p.x+p2.x+p.w,p2.r)+b.l, // right edge (to compute width) b: m(p.y+p2.y+p.h,p2.b)+b.t}; // bottom edge (to compute height) // save a few bytes by computing width and height from r and b p.w = p.r-p.x; p.h = p.b-p.y; } // the new node is now the old node's parent iframe n=w.frameElement; }); }); return p; }, _getWindowChain : function(/*Node*/ n){ // Returns an array of windows starting from the passed node's parent window and ending at dojo's window var cW = dojo.window.get(n.ownerDocument); var arr=[cW]; var f = cW.frameElement; return (cW == dojo.global || f == null)? arr : arr.concat(doh.robot._getWindowChain(f)); }, scrollIntoView : function(/*String||DOMNode||Function*/ node, /*Number, optional*/ delay){ // summary: // Scroll the passed node into view, if it is not. // // node: // The id of the node, or the node itself, to move the mouse to. // If you pass an id or a function that returns a node, the node will not be evaluated until the movement executes. // This is useful if you need to move the mouse to an node that is not yet present. // // delay: // Delay, in milliseconds, to wait before firing. // The delay is a delta with respect to the previous automation call. // doh.robot.sequence(function(){ doh.robot._scrollIntoView(doh.robot._resolveNode(node)); }, delay); }, mouseMoveAt : function(/*String||DOMNode||Function*/ node, /*Integer, optional*/ delay, /*Integer, optional*/ duration, /*Number, optional*/ offsetX, /*Number, optional*/ offsetY){ // summary: // Moves the mouse over the specified node at the specified relative x,y offset. // // description: // Moves the mouse over the specified node at the specified relative x,y offset. // If you do not specify an offset, mouseMove will default to move to the middle of the node. // Example: to move the mouse over a ComboBox's down arrow node, call doh.mouseMoveAt(dijit.byId('setvaluetest').downArrowNode); // // node: // The id of the node, or the node itself, to move the mouse to. // If you pass an id or a function that returns a node, the node will not be evaluated until the movement executes. // This is useful if you need to move the mouse to an node that is not yet present. // // delay: // Delay, in milliseconds, to wait before firing. // The delay is a delta with respect to the previous automation call. // For example, the following code ends after 600ms: // doh.robot.mouseClick({left:true}, 100) // first call; wait 100ms // doh.robot.typeKeys("dij", 500) // 500ms AFTER previous call; 600ms in all // // duration: // Approximate time Robot will spend moving the mouse // The default is 100ms. // // offsetX: // x offset relative to the node, in pixels, to move the mouse. The default is half the node's width. // // offsetY: // y offset relative to the node, in pixels, to move the mouse. The default is half the node's height. // doh.robot._assertRobot(); duration = duration||100; this.sequence(function(){ node=doh.robot._resolveNode(node); doh.robot._scrollIntoView(node); var pos = doh.robot._position(node); if(offsetY === undefined){ offsetX=pos.w/2; offsetY=pos.h/2; } var x = pos.x+offsetX; var y = pos.y+offsetY; doh.robot._mouseMove(x, y, false, duration); }, delay, duration); } }); })(); }