link = $host->get_link(); $this->host = $host; $host->add_hook($host::HOOK_ARTICLE_FILTER, $this); } function hook_article_filter($article) { $owner_uid = $article["owner_uid"]; if (strpos($article["guid"], "") !== FALSE && strpos($article["guid"], "gocomics,$owner_uid:") === FALSE) { $doc = new DOMDocument(); @$doc->loadHTML(fetch_file_contents($article["link"])); $basenode = false; if ($doc) { $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); $entries = $xpath->query('(//img[@src])'); // we might also check for img[@class='strip'] I guess... $matches = array(); foreach ($entries as $entry) { if (preg_match("/(http:\/\/\/.*)/i", $entry->getAttribute("src"), $matches)) { $entry->setAttribute("src", $matches[0]); $basenode = $entry; break; } } if ($basenode) { $article["content"] = $doc->saveXML($basenode, LIBXML_NOEMPTYTAG); // we need to update guid with owner_uid because our local article is different from the one // other users with this plugin disabled might get $article["guid"] = "gocomics,$owner_uid:" . $article["guid"]; } } } return $article; } } ?>