/* global Plugins, __, require, PluginHost, App, dojo */ Plugins.Shorten_Expanded = { threshold: 1.5, // of window height shorten_if_needed: function(row) { const content = row.querySelector(".content"); const content_inner = row.querySelector(".content-inner"); console.log('shorten_expanded', row.id, content.offsetHeight, 'vs', this.threshold * window.innerHeight); if (content && content_inner && content.offsetHeight >= this.threshold * window.innerHeight) { const attachments = row.querySelector(".attachments-inline"); // optional content_inner.innerHTML = `
${content_inner.innerHTML} ${attachments ? attachments.innerHTML : ''}
`; if (attachments) attachments.innerHTML = ""; dojo.parser.parse(content_inner); return true; } return false; }, process_row: function(row) { if (this.shorten_if_needed(row)) return; const promises = []; [...row.querySelectorAll("img, video")].forEach((img) => { const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { img.onload = () => resolve(img); img.onloadeddata = () => resolve(img); img.error = () => reject(new Error("unable to load video")); img.onerror = () => reject(new Error("unable to load image")); }); const timeout = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const id = setTimeout(() => { clearTimeout(id); reject(new Error("timed out")); }, 2000) }) promises.push(Promise.race([promise, timeout])); }); Promise.allSettled(promises).then(() => { this.shorten_if_needed(row); }); }, expand: function(id) { const row = App.byId(id); if (row) { const content = row.querySelector(".content-shrink-wrap"); const link = row.querySelector(".expand-prompt"); if (content) content.removeClassName("content-shrink-wrap"); if (link) Element.hide(link); } return false; } } require(['dojo/_base/kernel', 'dojo/ready'], function (dojo, ready) { ready(function() { PluginHost.register(PluginHost.HOOK_ARTICLE_RENDERED_CDM, function(row) { Plugins.Shorten_Expanded.process_row(row); return true; }); }); });