Fatal Error: You forgot to copy config.php-dist to config.php and edit it."; exit; } require_once "config.php"; if (CONFIG_VERSION != EXPECTED_CONFIG_VERSION) { print "Fatal Error: Your configuration file has wrong version. Please copy new options from config.php-dist and update CONFIG_VERSION directive."; exit; } if (RSS_BACKEND_TYPE == "magpie" && !file_exists("magpierss/rss_fetch.inc")) { print "Fatal Error: You forgot to place MagpieRSS distribution in magpierss/ subdirectory of TT-RSS tree."; exit; } if (RSS_BACKEND_TYPE == "simplepie" && !file_exists("simplepie/simplepie.inc")) { print "Fatal Error: You forgot to place SimplePie distribution in simplepie/ subdirectory of TT-RSS tree."; exit; } if (RSS_BACKEND_TYPE != "simplepie" && RSS_BACKEND_TYPE != "magpie") { print "Fatal Error: Invalid RSS_BACKEND_TYPE"; exit; } if (CONFIG_VERSION != EXPECTED_CONFIG_VERSION) { return "config: your config file version is incorrect. See config.php-dist."; } if (file_exists("xml-export.php") || file_exists("xml-import.php")) { print "Fatal Error: XML Import/Export tools (xml-export.php and xml-import.php) could be used maliciously. Please remove them from your TT-RSS instance."; exit; } if (RSS_BACKEND_TYPE != "magpie") { print "Fatal Error: RSS backends other than magpie are not supported now."; exit; } if (SINGLE_USER_MODE && DAEMON_UPDATE_LOGIN_LIMIT > 0) { print "Fatal Error: Please set DAEMON_UPDATE_LOGIN_LIMIT to 0 in single user mode."; exit; } ?>