#!/usr/bin/env php Config::get(Config::DAEMON_MAX_CHILD_RUNTIME)) { Debug::log("Child process with PID $pid seems to be stuck, aborting..."); posix_kill($pid, SIGKILL); } } } /** * @SuppressWarnings(unused) * @param mixed $siginfo */ function sigchld_handler(int $signo, $siginfo): void { $running_jobs = reap_children(); Debug::log("Received SIGCHLD, $running_jobs active tasks left."); pcntl_waitpid(-1, $status, WNOHANG); } function shutdown(int $caller_pid): void { if ($caller_pid == posix_getpid()) { if (file_exists(Config::get(Config::LOCK_DIRECTORY) . "/update_daemon.lock")) { Debug::log("Removing lockfile (master)..."); unlink(Config::get(Config::LOCK_DIRECTORY) . "/update_daemon.lock"); } } } function task_shutdown(): void { $pid = posix_getpid(); if (file_exists(Config::get(Config::LOCK_DIRECTORY) . "/update_daemon-$pid.lock")) { Debug::log("Removing task lockfile for PID $pid..."); unlink(Config::get(Config::LOCK_DIRECTORY) . "/update_daemon-$pid.lock"); } } function sigint_handler(): void { Debug::log("[MASTER] SIG_INT received, shutting down master process."); shutdown(posix_getpid()); die; } function task_sigint_handler(): void { Debug::log("[TASK] SIG_INT received, shutting down task."); task_shutdown(); die; } pcntl_signal(SIGCHLD, 'sigchld_handler'); $longopts = array("log:", "log-level:", "tasks:", "interval:", "quiet", "help"); $options = getopt("", $longopts); if ($options === false || isset($options["help"]) ) { print "Tiny Tiny RSS update daemon.\n\n"; print "Options:\n"; print " --log FILE - log messages to FILE\n"; print " --log-level N - log verbosity level\n"; print " --tasks N - amount of update tasks to spawn\n"; print " default: " . Config::get(Config::DAEMON_MAX_JOBS) . "\n"; print " --interval N - task spawn interval\n"; print " default: " . Config::get(Config::DAEMON_SLEEP_INTERVAL) . " seconds.\n"; print " --quiet - don't output messages to stdout\n"; return; } Debug::set_enabled(true); $log_level = Debug::map_loglevel(Config::get(Config::DAEMON_LOG_LEVEL)); if (isset($options["log-level"])) { $log_level = Debug::map_loglevel((int)$options["log-level"]); } Debug::set_loglevel((int) $log_level); if (isset($options["log"])) { Debug::set_quiet(isset($options['quiet'])); Debug::set_logfile($options["log"]); Debug::log("Logging to " . $options["log"]); } else { if (isset($options['quiet'])) { Debug::set_loglevel(Debug::LOG_DISABLED); } } if (isset($options["tasks"])) { Debug::log("Set to spawn " . $options["tasks"] . " children."); $max_jobs = (int) $options["tasks"]; } else { $max_jobs = Config::get(Config::DAEMON_MAX_JOBS); } if ($max_jobs < 1) { $max_jobs = 1; Debug::log("Enforced minimum task count of $max_jobs."); } if (isset($options["interval"])) { Debug::log("Spawn interval: " . $options["interval"] . " seconds."); $spawn_interval = (int) $options["interval"]; } else { $spawn_interval = Config::get(Config::DAEMON_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } // let's enforce a minimum spawn interval as to not forkbomb the host if ($spawn_interval < 60) { $spawn_interval = 60; Debug::log("Enforced minimum task spawn interval of $spawn_interval seconds."); } if (file_is_locked("update_daemon.lock")) { die("error: Can't create lockfile. ". "Maybe another daemon is already running.\n"); } // Try to lock a file in order to avoid concurrent update. $lock_handle = make_lockfile("update_daemon.lock"); if (!$lock_handle) { die("error: Can't create lockfile. ". "Maybe another daemon is already running.\n"); } if (Config::is_migration_needed()) { die("Schema version is wrong, please upgrade the database.\n"); } // Protip: children close shared database handle when terminating, it's a bad idea to // do database stuff on main process from now on. while (true) { // Since sleep is interupted by SIGCHLD, we need another way to // respect the spawn interval $next_spawn = $last_checkpoint + $spawn_interval - time(); if ($next_spawn % 60 == 0) { $running_jobs = count($children); Debug::log("$running_jobs active tasks, next spawn at $next_spawn sec."); } if ($last_checkpoint + $spawn_interval < time()) { check_ctimes(); reap_children(); for ($j = count($children); $j < $max_jobs; $j++) { $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($pid == -1) { die("fork failed!\n"); } else if ($pid) { if (!$master_handlers_installed) { Debug::log("Installing shutdown handlers"); pcntl_signal(SIGINT, 'sigint_handler'); pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, 'sigint_handler'); register_shutdown_function('shutdown', posix_getpid()); $master_handlers_installed = true; } Debug::log("Spawned child process with PID $pid for task $j."); array_push($children, $pid); $ctimes[$pid] = time(); } else { pcntl_signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); pcntl_signal(SIGINT, 'task_sigint_handler'); register_shutdown_function('task_shutdown'); $quiet = (isset($options["quiet"])) ? "--quiet" : ""; $log = function_exists("flock") && isset($options['log']) ? '--log '.$options['log'] : ''; $my_pid = posix_getpid(); passthru(Config::get(Config::PHP_EXECUTABLE) . " update.php --daemon-loop $quiet $log --log-level $log_level --task $j --pidlock $my_pid"); sleep(1); // We exit in order to avoid fork bombing. exit(0); } } $last_checkpoint = time(); } sleep(1); } ?>