* * @method $this alnum(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is alphanumeric. * @method $this base64(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a constant is defined. * @method $this between(mixed $lowerLimit, mixed $upperLimit, string $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a value is greater or equal than a lower limit, and less than or equal to an upper limit. * @method $this betweenExclusive(mixed $lowerLimit, mixed $upperLimit, string $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a value is greater than a lower limit, and less than an upper limit. * @method $this betweenLength(int $minLength, int $maxLength, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string length is between min and max lengths. * @method $this boolean(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is php boolean. * @method $this choice(array $choices, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is in array of choices. * @method $this choicesNotEmpty(array $choices, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines if the values array has every choice as key and that this choice has content. * @method $this classExists(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the class exists. * @method $this contains(string $needle, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string contains a sequence of chars. * @method $this count(int $count, string $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the count of countable is equal to count. * @method $this date(string $format, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that date is valid and corresponds to the given format. * @method $this defined(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a constant is defined. * @method $this digit(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Validates if an integer or integerish is a digit. * @method $this directory(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a directory exists. * @method $this e164(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the given string is a valid E164 Phone Number. * @method $this email(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an email address (using input_filter/FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL). * @method $this endsWith(string $needle, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string ends with a sequence of chars. * @method $this eq(mixed $value2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that two values are equal (using ==). * @method $this eqArraySubset(mixed $value2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the array contains the subset. * @method $this extensionLoaded(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that extension is loaded. * @method $this extensionVersion(string $operator, mixed $version, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that extension is loaded and a specific version is installed. * @method $this false(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is boolean False. * @method $this file(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a file exists. * @method $this float(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a php float. * @method $this greaterOrEqualThan(mixed $limit, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines if the value is greater or equal than given limit. * @method $this greaterThan(mixed $limit, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines if the value is greater than given limit. * @method $this implementsInterface(string $interfaceName, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the class implements the interface. * @method $this inArray(array $choices, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is in array of choices. This is an alias of Assertion::choice(). * @method $this integer(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a php integer. * @method $this integerish(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a php integer'ish. * @method $this interfaceExists(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the interface exists. * @method $this ip(int $flag = null, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an IPv4 or IPv6 address. * @method $this ipv4(int $flag = null, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an IPv4 address. * @method $this ipv6(int $flag = null, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an IPv6 address. * @method $this isArray(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an array. * @method $this isArrayAccessible(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an array or an array-accessible object. * @method $this isCallable(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines that the provided value is callable. * @method $this isCountable(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is countable. * @method $this isInstanceOf(string $className, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is instance of given class-name. * @method $this isJsonString(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the given string is a valid json string. * @method $this isObject(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines that the provided value is an object. * @method $this isResource(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a resource. * @method $this isTraversable(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an array or a traversable object. * @method $this keyExists(string|int $key, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that key exists in an array. * @method $this keyIsset(string|int $key, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that key exists in an array/array-accessible object using isset(). * @method $this keyNotExists(string|int $key, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that key does not exist in an array. * @method $this length(int $length, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string has a given length. * @method $this lessOrEqualThan(mixed $limit, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines if the value is less or equal than given limit. * @method $this lessThan(mixed $limit, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines if the value is less than given limit. * @method $this max(mixed $maxValue, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a number is smaller as a given limit. * @method $this maxCount(int $count, string $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the countable have at most $count elements. * @method $this maxLength(int $maxLength, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string value is not longer than $maxLength chars. * @method $this methodExists(mixed $object, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines that the named method is defined in the provided object. * @method $this min(mixed $minValue, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a value is at least as big as a given limit. * @method $this minCount(int $count, string $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the countable have at least $count elements. * @method $this minLength(int $minLength, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that a string is at least $minLength chars long. * @method $this noContent(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is empty. * @method $this notBlank(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is not blank. * @method $this notContains(string $needle, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string does not contains a sequence of chars. * @method $this notEmpty(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is not empty. * @method $this notEmptyKey(string|int $key, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that key exists in an array/array-accessible object and its value is not empty. * @method $this notEq(mixed $value2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that two values are not equal (using == ). * @method $this notInArray(array $choices, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is not in array of choices. * @method $this notIsInstanceOf(string $className, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is not instance of given class-name. * @method $this notNull(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is not null. * @method $this notRegex(string $pattern, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value does not match a regex. * @method $this notSame(mixed $value2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that two values are not the same (using === ). * @method $this null(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is null. * @method $this numeric(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is numeric. * @method $this objectOrClass(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is an object, or a class that exists. * @method $this phpVersion(mixed $version, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert on PHP version. * @method $this propertiesExist(array $properties, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is an object or class, and that the properties all exist. * @method $this propertyExists(string $property, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is an object or class, and that the property exists. * @method $this range(mixed $minValue, mixed $maxValue, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is in range of numbers. * @method $this readable(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is something readable. * @method $this regex(string $pattern, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value matches a regex. * @method $this same(mixed $value2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that two values are the same (using ===). * @method $this satisfy(callable $callback, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the provided value is valid according to a callback. * @method $this scalar(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a PHP scalar. * @method $this startsWith(string $needle, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string starts with a sequence of chars. * @method $this string(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a string. * @method $this subclassOf(string $className, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is subclass of given class-name. * @method $this true(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is boolean True. * @method $this url(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an URL. * @method $this uuid(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the given string is a valid UUID. * @method $this version(string $operator, string $version2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert comparison of two versions. * @method $this writeable(string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is something writeable. * @method $this all() Switch chain into validation mode for an array of values. * @method $this nullOr() Switch chain into mode allowing nulls, ignoring further assertions. */ class LazyAssertion { private $currentChainFailed = false; private $alwaysTryAll = false; private $thisChainTryAll = false; private $currentChain; private $errors = []; /** @var string The class to use as AssertionChain factory */ private $assertClass = Assert::class; /** @var string|LazyAssertionException The class to use for exceptions */ private $exceptionClass = LazyAssertionException::class; /** * @return $this */ public function that($value, $propertyPath, $defaultMessage = null) { $this->currentChainFailed = false; $this->thisChainTryAll = false; $assertClass = $this->assertClass; $this->currentChain = $assertClass::that($value, $defaultMessage, $propertyPath); return $this; } /** * @return $this */ public function tryAll() { if (!$this->currentChain) { $this->alwaysTryAll = true; } $this->thisChainTryAll = true; return $this; } public function __call($method, $args) { if (false === $this->alwaysTryAll && false === $this->thisChainTryAll && true === $this->currentChainFailed ) { return $this; } try { \call_user_func_array([$this->currentChain, $method], $args); } catch (AssertionFailedException $e) { $this->errors[] = $e; $this->currentChainFailed = true; } return $this; } /** * @throws LazyAssertionException * * @return bool */ public function verifyNow() { if ($this->errors) { throw \call_user_func([$this->exceptionClass, 'fromErrors'], $this->errors); } return true; } /** * @param string $className * * @return $this */ public function setAssertClass(string $className) { if (Assert::class !== $className && !\is_subclass_of($className, Assert::class)) { throw new LogicException($className.' is not (a subclass of) '. Assert::class); } $this->assertClass = $className; return $this; } /** * @param string $className * * @return $this */ public function setExceptionClass(string $className) { if (LazyAssertionException::class !== $className && !\is_subclass_of($className, LazyAssertionException::class)) { throw new LogicException($className.' is not (a subclass of) '.LazyAssertionException::class); } $this->exceptionClass = $className; return $this; } }