* @copyright 2017 Smiley * @license MIT */ namespace chillerlan\QRCode\Data; use function abs, call_user_func_array; /** * The sole purpose of this class is to receive a QRMatrix object and run the pattern tests on it. * * @link http://www.thonky.com/qr-code-tutorial/data-masking */ class MaskPatternTester{ /** * @var \chillerlan\QRCode\Data\QRMatrix */ protected $matrix; /** * @var int */ protected $moduleCount; /** * Receives the matrix an sets the module count * * @see \chillerlan\QRCode\QROptions::$maskPattern * @see \chillerlan\QRCode\Data\QRMatrix::$maskPattern * @see \chillerlan\QRCode\QRCode::getBestMaskPattern() * * @param \chillerlan\QRCode\Data\QRMatrix $matrix */ public function __construct(QRMatrix $matrix){ $this->matrix = $matrix; $this->moduleCount = $this->matrix->size(); } /** * Returns the penalty for the given mask pattern * * @see \chillerlan\QRCode\QROptions::$maskPattern * @see \chillerlan\QRCode\Data\QRMatrix::$maskPattern * @see \chillerlan\QRCode\QRCode::getBestMaskPattern() * * @return int */ public function testPattern():int{ $penalty = 0; for($level = 1; $level <= 4; $level++){ $penalty += call_user_func_array([$this, 'testLevel'.$level], [$this->matrix->matrix(true)]); } return (int)$penalty; } /** * Checks for each group of five or more same-colored modules in a row (or column) * * @return int */ protected function testLevel1(array $m):int{ $penalty = 0; foreach($m as $y => $row){ foreach($row as $x => $val){ $count = 0; for($ry = -1; $ry <= 1; $ry++){ if($y + $ry < 0 || $this->moduleCount <= $y + $ry){ continue; } for($rx = -1; $rx <= 1; $rx++){ if(($ry === 0 && $rx === 0) || (($x + $rx) < 0 || $this->moduleCount <= ($x + $rx))){ continue; } if($m[$y + $ry][$x + $rx] === $val){ $count++; } } } if($count > 5){ $penalty += (3 + $count - 5); } } } return $penalty; } /** * Checks for each 2x2 area of same-colored modules in the matrix * * @return int */ protected function testLevel2(array $m):int{ $penalty = 0; foreach($m as $y => $row){ if($y > ($this->moduleCount - 2)){ break; } foreach($row as $x => $val){ if($x > ($this->moduleCount - 2)){ break; } if( $val === $m[$y][$x + 1] && $val === $m[$y + 1][$x] && $val === $m[$y + 1][$x + 1] ){ $penalty++; } } } return 3 * $penalty; } /** * Checks if there are patterns that look similar to the finder patterns (1:1:3:1:1 ratio) * * @return int */ protected function testLevel3(array $m):int{ $penalties = 0; foreach($m as $y => $row){ foreach($row as $x => $val){ if( ($x + 6) < $this->moduleCount && $val && !$m[$y][$x + 1] && $m[$y][$x + 2] && $m[$y][$x + 3] && $m[$y][$x + 4] && !$m[$y][$x + 5] && $m[$y][$x + 6] ){ $penalties++; } if( ($y + 6) < $this->moduleCount && $val && !$m[$y + 1][$x] && $m[$y + 2][$x] && $m[$y + 3][$x] && $m[$y + 4][$x] && !$m[$y + 5][$x] && $m[$y + 6][$x] ){ $penalties++; } } } return $penalties * 40; } /** * Checks if more than half of the modules are dark or light, with a larger penalty for a larger difference * * @return float */ protected function testLevel4(array $m):float{ $count = 0; foreach($m as $y => $row){ foreach($row as $x => $val){ if($val){ $count++; } } } return (abs(100 * $count / $this->moduleCount / $this->moduleCount - 50) / 5) * 10; } }