* @copyright 2018 smiley * @license MIT */ namespace chillerlan\SettingsExamples; use chillerlan\Settings\SettingsContainerAbstract; require_once __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php'; // from library #1 trait SomeOptions{ protected $foo; // this method will be called in SettingsContainerAbstract::__construct() after the properties have been set protected function SomeOptions(){ // just some constructor stuff... $this->foo = strtoupper($this->foo); } } // from library #2 trait MoreOptions{ protected $bar = 'whatever'; // provide default values } $commonOptions = [ // SomeOptions 'foo' => 'whatever', // MoreOptions 'bar' => 'nothing', ]; // now plug the several library options together to a single object /** @var \chillerlan\Settings\SettingsContainerInterface $container */ $container = new class ($commonOptions) extends SettingsContainerAbstract{ use SomeOptions, MoreOptions; // ... }; var_dump($container->foo); // -> WHATEVER (constructor ran strtoupper on the value) var_dump($container->bar); // -> nothing