client = $client; $this->maxBufferLength = $maxBufferLength; $this->logger = $logger ?? new NullLogger(); } /** * @param JaegerSpan $span */ public function append(JaegerSpan $span) { $this->spans[] = $span; } /** * @return int the number of flushed spans */ public function flush(): int { $count = count($this->spans); if ($count === 0) { return 0; } $zipkinSpans = $this->makeZipkinBatch($this->spans); try { $this->send($zipkinSpans); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->logger->warning($e->getMessage()); } $this->spans = []; return $count; } public function close() { } /** * Emits the thrift-objects. * * @param array|ThriftSpan[]|TBase[] $thrifts */ private function send(array $thrifts) { foreach ($this->chunkSplit($thrifts) as $chunk) { /* @var $chunk ThriftSpan[] */ $this->client->emitZipkinBatch($chunk); } } /** * @param JaegerSpan[] $spans * @return ThriftSpan[] */ private function makeZipkinBatch(array $spans): array { /** @var ThriftSpan[] */ $zipkinSpans = []; foreach ($spans as $span) { /** @var JaegerSpan $span */ $endpoint = $this->makeEndpoint( $span->getTracer()->getIpAddress(), 0, // span.port, $span->getTracer()->getServiceName() ); $timestamp = $span->getStartTime(); $duration = $span->getEndTime() - $span->getStartTime(); $this->addZipkinAnnotations($span, $endpoint); $zipkinSpan = new ThriftSpan([ 'name' => $span->getOperationName(), 'id' => $span->getContext()->getSpanId(), 'parent_id' => $span->getContext()->getParentId() ?? null, 'trace_id' => $span->getContext()->getTraceId(), 'annotations' => $this->createAnnotations($span, $endpoint), 'binary_annotations' => $span->getTags(), 'debug' => $span->isDebug(), 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'duration' => $duration, ]); $zipkinSpans[] = $zipkinSpan; } return $zipkinSpans; } private function addZipkinAnnotations(JaegerSpan $span, Endpoint $endpoint) { if ($span->isRpc() && $span->peer) { $isClient = $span->isRpcClient(); $host = $this->makeEndpoint( $span->peer['ipv4'] ?? 0, $span->peer['port'] ?? 0, $span->peer['service_name'] ?? '' ); $key = ($isClient) ? self::SERVER_ADDR : self::CLIENT_ADDR; $peer = $this->makePeerAddressTag($key, $host); $span->tags[$key] = $peer; } else { $tag = $this->makeLocalComponentTag( $span->getComponent() ?? $span->getTracer()->getServiceName(), $endpoint ); $span->tags[COMPONENT] = $tag; } } private function makeLocalComponentTag(string $componentName, Endpoint $endpoint): BinaryAnnotation { return new BinaryAnnotation([ 'key' => "lc", 'value' => $componentName, 'annotation_type' => AnnotationType::STRING, 'host' => $endpoint, ]); } private function makeEndpoint(string $ipv4, int $port, string $serviceName): Endpoint { $ipv4 = $this->ipv4ToInt($ipv4); return new Endpoint([ 'ipv4' => $ipv4, 'port' => $port, 'service_name' => $serviceName, ]); } private function ipv4ToInt(string $ipv4): int { if ($ipv4 == 'localhost') { $ipv4 = ''; } elseif ($ipv4 == '::1') { $ipv4 = ''; } $long = ip2long($ipv4); if (PHP_INT_SIZE === 8) { return $long >> 31 ? $long - (1 << 32) : $long; } return $long; } // Used for Zipkin binary annotations like CA/SA (client/server address). // They are modeled as Boolean type with '0x01' as the value. private function makePeerAddressTag(string $key, Endpoint $host): BinaryAnnotation { return new BinaryAnnotation([ "key" => $key, "value" => '0x01', "annotation_type" => AnnotationType::BOOL, "host" => $host, ]); } /** * Splits an array of thrift-objects into several chunks when the buffer limit has been reached. * * @param array|ThriftSpan[]|TBase[] $thrifts * * @return array */ private function chunkSplit(array $thrifts): array { $actualBufferSize = $this->zipkinBatchOverheadLength; $chunkId = 0; $chunks = []; foreach ($thrifts as $thrift) { $spanBufferLength = $this->getBufferLength($thrift); if (!empty($chunks[$chunkId]) && ($actualBufferSize + $spanBufferLength) > $this->maxBufferLength) { // point to next chunk ++$chunkId; // reset buffer size $actualBufferSize = $this->zipkinBatchOverheadLength; } if (!isset($chunks[$chunkId])) { $chunks[$chunkId] = []; } $chunks[$chunkId][] = $thrift; $actualBufferSize += $spanBufferLength; } return $chunks; } /** * Returns the length of a thrift-object. * * @param ThriftSpan|TBase $thrift * * @return int */ private function getBufferLength($thrift): int { $memoryBuffer = new TMemoryBuffer(); $thrift->write(new TCompactProtocol($memoryBuffer)); return $memoryBuffer->available(); } /* * @param JaegerSpan $span * @param Endpoint $endpoint * * @return array|Annotation[] */ private function createAnnotations(JaegerSpan $span, Endpoint $endpoint): array { $annotations = []; foreach ($span->getLogs() as $values) { $annotations[] = new Annotation([ 'timestamp' => $values['timestamp'], 'value' => json_encode($values['fields']), 'host' => $endpoint, ]); } return $annotations; } }