# Logs API This `Logger` API is not designed to be used by application developers, but rather by library developers for the purpose of integrating existing logging libraries with OpenTelemetry. ## Logging from 3rd party loggers 3rd party loggers should log to OpenTelemetry in accordance with the [logs bridge API](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/specification/logs/bridge-api.md) specification. This means that a "log appender" in the 3rd party logging library (sometimes known as a "handler") should: - accept an `OpenTelemetry\API\Logs\LoggerProviderInterface`, or obtain a globally registered one from `OpenTelemetry\API\Instrumentation\Globals` - obtain a `Logger` from the logger provider (optionally adding any resources that should be associated with logs emitted) - convert logs from its own log format into OpenTelemetry's `LogRecord` format - send the logs to OpenTelemetry via `Logger::logRecord()` See [monolog-otel-integration](/examples/logs/features/monolog-otel-integration.php) for an example.