indent = $indent; $this->indentString = $indentString; $this->isFirstLineIndented = $indentFirstLine; $this->lineLength = $lineLength; $this->tagFormatter = $tagFormatter ?: new PassthroughFormatter(); $this->lineEnding = $lineEnding; } /** * Generate a DocBlock comment. * * @param DocBlock $docblock The DocBlock to serialize. * * @return string The serialized doc block. */ public function getDocComment(DocBlock $docblock): string { $indent = str_repeat($this->indentString, $this->indent); $firstIndent = $this->isFirstLineIndented ? $indent : ''; // 3 === strlen(' * ') $wrapLength = $this->lineLength ? $this->lineLength - strlen($indent) - 3 : null; $text = $this->removeTrailingSpaces( $indent, $this->addAsterisksForEachLine( $indent, $this->getSummaryAndDescriptionTextBlock($docblock, $wrapLength) ) ); $comment = $firstIndent . "/**\n"; if ($text) { $comment .= $indent . ' * ' . $text . "\n"; $comment .= $indent . " *\n"; } $comment = $this->addTagBlock($docblock, $wrapLength, $indent, $comment); return str_replace("\n", $this->lineEnding, $comment . $indent . ' */'); } private function removeTrailingSpaces(string $indent, string $text): string { return str_replace( sprintf("\n%s * \n", $indent), sprintf("\n%s *\n", $indent), $text ); } private function addAsterisksForEachLine(string $indent, string $text): string { return str_replace( "\n", sprintf("\n%s * ", $indent), $text ); } private function getSummaryAndDescriptionTextBlock(DocBlock $docblock, ?int $wrapLength): string { $text = $docblock->getSummary() . ((string) $docblock->getDescription() ? "\n\n" . $docblock->getDescription() : ''); if ($wrapLength !== null) { $text = wordwrap($text, $wrapLength); return $text; } return $text; } private function addTagBlock(DocBlock $docblock, ?int $wrapLength, string $indent, string $comment): string { foreach ($docblock->getTags() as $tag) { $tagText = $this->tagFormatter->format($tag); if ($wrapLength !== null) { $tagText = wordwrap($tagText, $wrapLength); } $tagText = str_replace( "\n", sprintf("\n%s * ", $indent), $tagText ); $comment .= sprintf("%s * %s\n", $indent, $tagText); } return $comment; } }