% FAQ ### → [Docker-related stuff has a separate FAQ page.](https://git.tt-rss.org/fox/ttrss-docker-compose.wiki.git/tree/Home.md) ------------------- ### I managed to lock myself out of tt-rss This assumes you can't simply reset your password via email (login form - forgot my password). If you have OTP (2FA) enabled and know your password but can't provide an OTP token, you can disable OTP via SQL: ``` UPDATE ttrss_users SET otp_enabled = false WHERE login = 'you' ``` If you don't remember your password run the following query: ``` UPDATE ttrss_users SET pwd_hash = 'SHA1:5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8', salt = '', otp_enabled = false WHERE login = 'you' ``` This sets your password back to default (``password``) and disables OTP. ### I have HTTP authentication enabled and get “Your access level is insufficient to run this script” error on login The problem is that if you have `auth_remote` enabled in [PLUGINS](GlobalConfig) tt-rss tries to automatically log you in as the user specified by the server using HTTP authentication, which may not have administrative privileges. The easiest way is simply updating database using CLI (`php ./update.php --update-schema`). Docker setup does this on startup. Alternatively, you can either temporarily disable `auth_remote` (replace it with `auth_internal`), temporarily disable HTTP authentication, or give yourself administrative permissions using SQL: ```sql update ttrss_users set access_level = 10 where login = 'you'; ``` ### UI is missing CSS or is otherwise visibly broken - Try opening tt-rss using safe mode, clean browser profile, or an incognito window (a different browser would also work) - Unless you're using SSL, try a different network connection in case your ISP is MITMing you - Some values of ``Content-Security-Policy`` header may break tt-rss, if you have this header set in your httpd config, try disabling it temporarily - Check for any files in ``(tt-rss)/themes`` not known to Git (especially ``default.php`` or ``default.css`` - formerly default CSS themes for tt-rss, now removed), try temporarily removing all third party themes from ``themes.local`` See also: - - - - - ### Third party theme or plugin broke after update making the UI unusable Log in to tt-rss in safe mode (use an incognito window if you can't get to login page). ### I want to limit height of images to something more manageable For combined mode: ``` body.ttrss_main .cdm .content img, body.ttrss_main .cdm .content video { max-height : 90vh; height : auto; } ``` `90vh` means "90% of viewport height". This works on Chromium and derivatives, you can use `90%` for Firefox. ### I want to migrate to a different database One common use case for this is moving from MySQL to PostgreSQL. If you don't want to migrate your stored articles, export and import your feeds via OPML, which would also migrate your tt-rss settings and filters. If you want to migrate your articles, use this plugin: ### Feeds stop updating for users who rarely login This is controlled by a global configuration setting. You can override (or disable) it through environment or `config.php` by setting `TTRSS_DAEMON_UPDATE_LOGIN_LIMIT` to `0`. Note that this also effectively disables purging of articles stored for inactive users. ### I have questions about article purging / I don't think purging works. Purging is performed on successful feed update, no updates = no purging. Starred articles are never purged, unread articles are purged if relevant preference is enabled. Purging is done based on import timestamp, internal to tt-rss. It may be different from article date specified by the feed (i.e. article says it was published on 1970/01/01 but it was imported today). You can see import timestamp if you hover over date in tt-rss web UI. Import date is bumped every time article is encountered in the feed, otherwise it will get purged and reimported again on every feed refresh, creating duplicates. When in doubt, use Feed debugger (`f D` on a feed) to see additional purging-related information: ``` [11:08:10/6783] purging feed... [11:08:10/6783] purge_feed: interval 60 days for feed XXX, owner: X, purge unread: 1 [11:08:10/6783] purge_feed: deleted 1 articles. [11:08:10/6783] update done. ``` See also: - - https://community.tt-rss.org/t/issues-with-feed-purging/4117 Related question: ### I archive or delete articles manually and I get duplicates. Why? Because the articles are still in the feed XML and get pulled in (again) on next feed update. See also: [ArchivedFeed](ArchivedFeed) ### I have used update daemon before, but switched away from it. However, the UI keeps nagging me about the daemon not running or not updating feeds or whatever. Find and delete daemon lock file in LOCK\_DIRECTORY. Usually, it’s lock/update\_daemon.lock. You can also remove update\_daemon.stamp. ### I need an URL I can call to subscribe to feed to integrate with some third party browser extension/application. ``` https://example.com/tt-rss/public.php?op=bookmarklets--subscribe&feed_url=%s ``` If feed URL is empty (or not given) tt-rss will display feed subscription dialog. ### I want to check how tt-rss renders my feed / the feed I'm trying to use is parsed incorrectly You can run any RSS/Atom feed through tt-rss parser [here](https://tt-rss.org/myfeedsucks/). See this thread for more information / feedback: ### I need to get the number of unread articles in the simplest way. ``` https://example.com/tt-rss/public.php?op=getUnread&login=you ``` No password required. In single user mode, use “admin” for login.