Generated feeds and syndication =============================== (Almost) anything you see in the headlines buffer can also be accessed and syndicated further via a generated feed (in Atom format) by clicking the **little feed icon** at the right of the currently loaded feed title; in version:1.12 next to the feed list near the top. | older versions | 1.12 and newer | | ----- | ----- | | ![]( | ![]( | You can access labels, categories, tags, search results as RSS feeds. Since version:1.5.0 you can also limit the articles which go into generated feeds, e.g. you can have a generated feed which includes published articles from category X. Known issues --------------- Subscribing to your own feed of search results will cause duplicate articles on each and every feed update. See this forum thread for details: Data protection --------------- Generated feeds are protected using random unique keys. Key can be regenerated at any time. ![]( Anatomy of a generated feed URL ------------------------------- Consider an example: http://x.y.z/tt-rss/backend.php?op=rss&id=61&is_cat=1&view-mode=adaptive - id (integer) - requested feed ID - is\_cat (boolean) - whether the feed is a category - view-mode (string) - see below - key (string) - automatically generated access key (since version:1.5.0) Optional parameters: - login, pass - see above - format - since version:1.6.0 specifies output format, possible values: atom, json - limit - amount of articles to output, default: 30 - offset - start output while skipping this amount of articles, default: 0 (since version:1.6.0) - order - override default headlines order (since version:1.8) - ts - output articles newer than timestamp in [strtotime]( accepted format (since version:1.12) i.e. stuff like ts=1%20month%20ago Special feed IDs: - ~~1~~ Starred articles - ~~2~~ Published articles - ~~3~~ Fresh articles - ~~4~~ All articles - 0 - Archived articles Feed IDs \< ~~10 are considered Labels. \ Special category IDs (is\_cat=1): \ \* 0~~ Uncategorized\ \* ~~1~~ Special category (includes Starred, Published, etc.)\ \* ~~2~~ Labels category (includes your labels) View mode values: Note: It’s probably not a very good idea to use Adaptive view mode for generated feeds. - adaptive - shows unread articles only when they are unread articles, shows everything otherwise - marked (this means starred), has\_note, published, unread, unread\_first - should be self explanatory Actual output may differ between modes for several special feeds for usability reasons, e.g. recently read feed ignores unread specifier because unread articles are never part of the feed). Order values: - default - depends on the feed: either import batch date or (for published and starred feeds) last\_published and last\_marked - title - sort by title - date\_reverse - reverse sort by batch date - feed\_dates - sort by feed-provided article dates See also: [PublishArticles](wiki/PublishArticles)