Tiny Tiny RSS is an open source web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) reader and aggregator, designed to allow you to read news from any location, while feeling as close to a real desktop application as possible. ### Sponsored by https://www.promocodewatch.com https://dealspotr.com https://www.activeinstafollowers.com (Sorry, no more sponsorship slots available right now.) Features ======== - Server-side AJAX-powered application, user only needs a web browser. - Free software, licensed under [GNU GPLv3](http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html) - Self-hosted: control your own data and protect your privacy instead of relying on [third party services](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=if+it%27s+free+you+are+the+product&t=h_&ia=web) - Supports - [feed aggregation / syndication](wiki/GeneratedFeeds), - [keyboard shortcuts](wiki/KeyboardShortcuts), - OPML import/export, - multiple ways to share stuff: via RSS feeds, using plugins to various social sites, sharing by URL, etc, - [sharing arbitrary content through tt-rss](wiki/ShareAnything), - internationalization, - [Plugins](wiki/Plugins) and [themes](wiki/Themes), - embedding full article content via readability and site-specific plugins, - detecting and filtering duplicate articles, - podcasts, - [flexible article filtering](wiki/ContentFilters), - [JSON-based API](wiki/ApiReference), - and much more… - Official [Android client](https://tt-rss.org/tt-rss-android) ## Get in touch **[Read the FAQ before asking questions](wiki/FAQ)** Join [community forums](https://discourse.tt-rss.org/) if you have any questions, comments or bug reports. **Please don't email me with tt-rss support questions, use the forums.** Previous (phpbb) forum archive is available here. If you're interested in contributing code, check [this page](https://git.tt-rss.org/git/tt-rss/src/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). ## Requirements You will need a modern web browser on the client side. ### Server-side You will need a dedicated web hosting account (i.e. a VDS) or access to a physical server running [LAMP](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LAMP_(software_bundle)) stack. Everything else, including, but not limited to, shared hosting accounts, windows and other alternative OSes, NAS boxes, PaaS services of any kind, is not supported. Not supported in this case meaning: it may work in your particular case but if you have problems you are on your own. Additionally, tt-rss requires: - PHP version **5.4** or newer ([detailed PHP requirements](wiki/PhpCompatibilityNotes)) - [PostgreSQL](http://www.postgresql.org) (**9.1** or newer) or [MySQL](http://www.mysql.com) - InnoDB is required. While you can use either database, PostgreSQL should run tt-rss faster and is, in general, a much more reliable choice. **Important:** only InnoDB database engine is supported on MySQL. While you technically can force tt-rss schema under MyISAM you will experience various glitches due to missing functionality (foreign keys, cascade deletes, etc.) that tt-rss actively uses. ## Download Tiny Tiny RSS uses a rolling release model based on git master branch which is considered stable. There’s no warranty. If it breaks you get to keep both parts. Please read the [installation guide](wiki/InstallationNotes) and [updating feeds](wiki/UpdatingFeeds) before installing.