% Tiny Tiny RSS #### Tiny Tiny RSS is a free and open source web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) reader and aggregator ## Features - Free software, licensed under [GNU GPLv3](http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html); - Self-hosted: control your own data and protect your privacy instead of relying on third party services; - Supports: - [feed aggregation / syndication](GeneratedFeeds), - keyboard shortcuts, - OPML import/export, - multiple ways to share stuff: export RSS feeds, plugins for various social sites, sharing by URL, etc, - [sharing arbitrary content through tt-rss](ShareAnything), - [Plugins](Plugins) and [themes](Themes), - embedding full article content via readability and site-specific plugins, - deduplication, including [perceptual hashing](https://git.tt-rss.org/fox/ttrss-perceptual-image-hash) for images, - podcasts, - [flexible article filtering](ContentFilters), - [JSON API](ApiReference), - and [much more](https://git.tt-rss.org/explore/repos?q=plugin&topic=1)… - Official [Android client (F-Droid)](https://srv.tt-rss.org/fdroid/#org.fox.ttrss) ([Apkmonk](https://www.apkmonk.com/app/org.fox.ttrss/), [Source](https://git.tt-rss.org/fox/tt-rss-android)); ## Sponsored by Bonusland BestBonus ## Demo See [here](https://srv.tt-rss.org/tt-rss/) (login as ``demo``, ``demo``) * Runs using [stock docker setup](https://git.tt-rss.org/fox/ttrss-docker-compose). * Database is automatically restored every two hours. ## Get in touch - **[Read the FAQ before asking questions.](FAQ)** - Questions? Try [community forums](https://community.tt-rss.org/) or [telegram channel](https://t.me/TinyTinyRSS). - If you absolutely need to contact me directly because of something important (like responsible disclosure of security issues and similar stuff), use [this](mailto:cthulhoo@gmail.com) email address. - [Click here if you're interested in contributing code or translations.](https://git.tt-rss.org/fox/tt-rss.git/tree/CONTRIBUTING.md) - [Old forums (archived)](https://tt-rss.org/oldforum/). ## Requirements * A modern web browser. This generally means recent Chrome or compatible. * A server (VDS or physical) running Docker. ## Download Tiny Tiny RSS uses continuous development model based on [git master branch](https://git.tt-rss.org/git/tt-rss/src/master) ([mirror](https://git-mirror.tt-rss.org/fox/tt-rss.git/)) which is considered stable. If possible, you should always be running latest master branch code. → [Installation guide](InstallationNotes). There’s no warranty. If it breaks you get to keep both parts.