Support for mobile devices ========================== There are several alternative UI perspectives for tt-rss which are better served for mobile devices. Mobile version using jQuery mobile by Matthieu Boinet ----------------------------------------------------- This is currently recommended to use instead of mobile/. See this URL for more information: Forum thread: Native Android client for tablets and smartphones ------------------------------------------------- G2TT: google reader-like mobile UI ---------------------------------- Forum thread: Source: Digest mode for slate devices ----------------------------- As of version:1.7.9 located in the [contrib repository]( ![](/redmine/attachments/161/digest_small.png) Digest is the suggested reading mode for tablet devices. It is accessible through tt-rss actions dropdown menu if enable digest plugin in Preferences -\> Plugins. Mobile version for Android and iOS devices (deprecated) ------------------------------------------------------- As of version:1.7.9 located in the [contrib repository]( Please note that mobile/ is no longer actively developed and is considered deprecated. It is available in version:1.7.6 as an unsupported plugin which could be enabled in config.php. Mobile version is an alternative web UI for tt-rss which is designed specifically for mobile devices. Two versions of mobile UI are bundled with tt-rss. Requires WebKit to function properly. Should work on other devices as long as you’re using a WebKit-derived browser. You can open it by opening mobile/ subfolder in your tt-rss instance. E.g. http://localhost/tt-rss/mobile/. It is based on iUI framework and looks like this: ![](/redmine/attachments/93/ScreenShot.png_small.png)