% PHP requirements This document is considered deprecated. Docker compose setup has all required dependencies included. The following list may be incomplete and/or contain incorrect information. ------- You will need PHP **5.6** (or newer, PHP 7 is fine) compiled with the following modules (those are actually very common and should be available in any reasonable Linux distro): - PDO with support for PostgreSQL or MySQL depending on the database server used - some distributions need both PDO and database-specific packages, i.e. ```php-pdo``` and ```php-pgsql``` - JSON - XML (DOMDocument, DOMXpath) - Internationalization (intl) - mbstring - fileinfo You will also need PHP command line binary (needed to run update daemon and other CLI tools). ### Also recommended - CURL (highly recommended, just install it) **OR** support for remote fopen() - POSIX functions (for the multiprocess update daemon, otherwise not needed) - GD (needed for OTP and some plugins) - Some kind of opcode cache/accelerator (depends on PHP version: php5-apc, php7-opcache, etc) ### Notes * If your PHP install is missing any of the required modules tt-rss should notify you on startup. * Plugins may have additional dependencies i.e. several bundled plugins require CURL. * **PHP safe mode is not supported.** ### Debian 9 example ``` $ sudo apt install php7.0-cli php7.0-curl php7.0-mbstring \ php7.0-json php7.0-intl php7.0-gd php7.0-pgsql php7.0-xml php7.0-opcache ``` If you're starting from scratch you will also likely need several other packages, including httpd (e.g. nginx) and FPM. Note: Don't forget to enable opcache in php.ini if it's not enabled by default.