% Scoring Scoring is supported in a way similar to some newsreaders. Score is calculated on article import using special filters with a "Modify score" action. Resulting score is a sum of all score modifiers from all matching filters. For example, if the article matches two filters A (score +100) and B (score -50), the resulting score will be 50. Article score affects the position of the article in the headline buffer (which is sorted by score) and alters the way article is displayed: | Score | Display / Action | |-------|------------------| | <-500 | Score indicator is dark, article is automatically marked as read | <-100 | Score indicator points down | <0 | Score indicator points down, version:1.5.0: article is excluded from Fresh feed and (as of version:1.5.10 also excluded from email digest) | | 0 | Display normally | | >0 | Score indicator points up | | >500 | Score indicator points up | | >1000 | Same as above, article is also marked as starred | Calculated score for an individual article may be adjusted by clicking on score indicator in the headlines list. ![](http://tt-rss.org/images/score_indicator2.png)