Search Syntax ============= Note: this page requires you run at least 1.5.3 with SPHINX_SEARCH option in config.php disabled. Search query consists of several keywords. If keyword starts with "-", it is considered a negative match. Several special keywords are available: * @{date} - match by date. For example, @yesterday or @2011-11-03. Please note that due to incomplete implementation, special date keywords like yesterday might not match all articles if user timezone is different from tt-rss internal timezone (UTC). * pub:{true,false} - match only published or unpublished articles * star:{true, false} - same, starred articles * unread:{true, false} - self explanatory (requires trunk as of 05.03.2015) * note:{true, false, sometext} - same, for articles having an attached note or matching the specified text * title:, author: - self explanatory Pointless as it may be, you can combine the negative prefix with the special keywords: -star:true would essentially mean star:false.