{ "Author": "Arun Sai Krishnan", "Direction": null, "Excerpt": "I joined Dropbox not long after graduating with a Master\u2019s degree in computer science. Aside from an internship, this was my first big-league engineering job. My team had already begun designing a critical internal service that most of our software would use: It would handle asynchronous computing requests behind the scenes, powering everything from dragging a file into a Dropbox folder to scheduling a marketing campaign.", "Image": "https:\/\/aem.dropbox.com\/cms\/content\/dam\/dropbox\/tech-blog\/en-us\/2020\/11\/atf\/diagrams\/Techblog-ATF-Social.png", "Title": "How we designed Dropbox\u2019s ATF - an async task framework", "SiteName": null }