# Cache S3 File cache backend using S3 protocol (e.g. Minio, AWS S3). ## Installation Plugin must be enabled systemwide via `TTRSS_PLUGINS`. ## Configuration The following options are required: ```ini TTRSS_CACHE_S3_ENDPOINT=http://example.com:9000 TTRSS_CACHE_S3_BUCKET=bucket-name TTRSS_CACHE_S3_REGION=us-east-1 ``` The following options are required if you're directly providing access keys (i.e. not using an IAM role or alternative approach). See [Credentials for the AWS SDK for PHP Version 3](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-php/v3/developer-guide/guide_credentials.html) for more information. ```ini TTRSS_CACHE_S3_ACCESS_KEY=xxx TTRSS_CACHE_S3_SECRET_KEY=yyy ```