'decodeUint32', self::LENGTH_HEADERS => 'decodeUint32', self::CRC_PRELUDE => 'decodeUint32', ]; private static $lengthFormatMap = [ 1 => 'decodeUint8', 2 => 'decodeUint16', 4 => 'decodeUint32', 8 => 'decodeUint64', ]; private static $headerTypeMap = [ 0 => 'decodeBooleanTrue', 1 => 'decodeBooleanFalse', 2 => 'decodeInt8', 3 => 'decodeInt16', 4 => 'decodeInt32', 5 => 'decodeInt64', 6 => 'decodeBytes', 7 => 'decodeString', 8 => 'decodeTimestamp', 9 => 'decodeUuid', ]; /** @var StreamInterface Stream of eventstream shape to parse. */ private $stream; /** @var array Currently parsed event. */ private $currentEvent; /** @var int Current in-order event key. */ private $key; /** @var resource|\HashContext CRC32 hash context for event validation */ private $hashContext; /** @var int $currentPosition */ private $currentPosition; /** * DecodingEventStreamIterator constructor. * * @param StreamInterface $stream */ public function __construct(StreamInterface $stream) { $this->stream = $stream; $this->rewind(); } private function parseHeaders($headerBytes) { $headers = []; $bytesRead = 0; while ($bytesRead < $headerBytes) { list($key, $numBytes) = $this->decodeString(1); $bytesRead += $numBytes; list($type, $numBytes) = $this->decodeUint8(); $bytesRead += $numBytes; $f = self::$headerTypeMap[$type]; list($value, $numBytes) = $this->{$f}(); $bytesRead += $numBytes; if (isset($headers[$key])) { throw new ParserException('Duplicate key in event headers.'); } $headers[$key] = $value; } return [$headers, $bytesRead]; } private function parsePrelude() { $prelude = []; $bytesRead = 0; $calculatedCrc = null; foreach (self::$preludeFormat as $key => $decodeFunction) { if ($key === self::CRC_PRELUDE) { $hashCopy = hash_copy($this->hashContext); $calculatedCrc = hash_final($this->hashContext, true); $this->hashContext = $hashCopy; } list($value, $numBytes) = $this->{$decodeFunction}(); $bytesRead += $numBytes; $prelude[$key] = $value; } if (unpack('N', $calculatedCrc)[1] !== $prelude[self::CRC_PRELUDE]) { throw new ParserException('Prelude checksum mismatch.'); } return [$prelude, $bytesRead]; } private function parseEvent() { $event = []; if ($this->stream->tell() < $this->stream->getSize()) { $this->hashContext = hash_init('crc32b'); $bytesLeft = $this->stream->getSize() - $this->stream->tell(); list($prelude, $numBytes) = $this->parsePrelude(); if ($prelude[self::LENGTH_TOTAL] > $bytesLeft) { throw new ParserException('Message length too long.'); } $bytesLeft -= $numBytes; if ($prelude[self::LENGTH_HEADERS] > $bytesLeft) { throw new ParserException('Headers length too long.'); } list( $event[self::HEADERS], $numBytes ) = $this->parseHeaders($prelude[self::LENGTH_HEADERS]); $event[self::PAYLOAD] = Psr7\Utils::streamFor( $this->readAndHashBytes( $prelude[self::LENGTH_TOTAL] - self::BYTES_PRELUDE - $numBytes - self::BYTES_TRAILING ) ); $calculatedCrc = hash_final($this->hashContext, true); $messageCrc = $this->stream->read(4); if ($calculatedCrc !== $messageCrc) { throw new ParserException('Message checksum mismatch.'); } } return $event; } // Iterator Functionality /** * @return array */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function current() { return $this->currentEvent; } /** * @return int */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function key() { return $this->key; } #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function next() { $this->currentPosition = $this->stream->tell(); if ($this->valid()) { $this->key++; $this->currentEvent = $this->parseEvent(); } } #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function rewind() { $this->stream->rewind(); $this->key = 0; $this->currentPosition = 0; $this->currentEvent = $this->parseEvent(); } /** * @return bool */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function valid() { return $this->currentPosition < $this->stream->getSize(); } // Decoding Utilities private function readAndHashBytes($num) { $bytes = $this->stream->read($num); hash_update($this->hashContext, $bytes); return $bytes; } private function decodeBooleanTrue() { return [true, 0]; } private function decodeBooleanFalse() { return [false, 0]; } private function uintToInt($val, $size) { $signedCap = pow(2, $size - 1); if ($val > $signedCap) { $val -= (2 * $signedCap); } return $val; } private function decodeInt8() { $val = (int)unpack('C', $this->readAndHashBytes(1))[1]; return [$this->uintToInt($val, 8), 1]; } private function decodeUint8() { return [unpack('C', $this->readAndHashBytes(1))[1], 1]; } private function decodeInt16() { $val = (int)unpack('n', $this->readAndHashBytes(2))[1]; return [$this->uintToInt($val, 16), 2]; } private function decodeUint16() { return [unpack('n', $this->readAndHashBytes(2))[1], 2]; } private function decodeInt32() { $val = (int)unpack('N', $this->readAndHashBytes(4))[1]; return [$this->uintToInt($val, 32), 4]; } private function decodeUint32() { return [unpack('N', $this->readAndHashBytes(4))[1], 4]; } private function decodeInt64() { $val = $this->unpackInt64($this->readAndHashBytes(8))[1]; return [$this->uintToInt($val, 64), 8]; } private function decodeUint64() { return [$this->unpackInt64($this->readAndHashBytes(8))[1], 8]; } private function unpackInt64($bytes) { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.6.3', '<')) { $d = unpack('N2', $bytes); return [1 => $d[1] << 32 | $d[2]]; } return unpack('J', $bytes); } private function decodeBytes($lengthBytes=2) { if (!isset(self::$lengthFormatMap[$lengthBytes])) { throw new ParserException('Undefined variable length format.'); } $f = self::$lengthFormatMap[$lengthBytes]; list($len, $bytes) = $this->{$f}(); return [$this->readAndHashBytes($len), $len + $bytes]; } private function decodeString($lengthBytes=2) { if (!isset(self::$lengthFormatMap[$lengthBytes])) { throw new ParserException('Undefined variable length format.'); } $f = self::$lengthFormatMap[$lengthBytes]; list($len, $bytes) = $this->{$f}(); return [$this->readAndHashBytes($len), $len + $bytes]; } private function decodeTimestamp() { list($val, $bytes) = $this->decodeInt64(); return [ DateTimeResult::createFromFormat('U.u', $val / 1000), $bytes ]; } private function decodeUuid() { $val = unpack('H32', $this->readAndHashBytes(16))[1]; return [ substr($val, 0, 8) . '-' . substr($val, 8, 4) . '-' . substr($val, 12, 4) . '-' . substr($val, 16, 4) . '-' . substr($val, 20, 12), 16 ]; } }