toArray(); $size = $size->count(); } elseif (!\is_int($size)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Argument must be an integer, string, or array of integers.' ); } parent::__construct($size); if (!empty($arr)) { // Populate this object with values from constructor argument foreach ($arr as $i => $v) { $this->offsetSet($i, $v); } } else { // Initialize to zero. for ($i = 0; $i < $size; ++$i) { $this->offsetSet($i, 0); } } } /** * Encode an integer into a byte array. 32-bit (unsigned), big endian byte order. * * @param int $num * @return self */ public static function enc32be($num) { return new ByteArray(\pack('N', $num)); } /** * @param ByteArray $other * @return bool */ public function equals(ByteArray $other) { if ($this->count() !== $other->count()) { return false; } $d = 0; for ($i = $this->count() - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) { $d |= $this[$i] ^ $other[$i]; } return $d === 0; } /** * @param ByteArray $array * @return ByteArray */ public function exclusiveOr(ByteArray $array) { self::needs( $this->count() === $array->count(), 'Both ByteArrays must be equal size for exclusiveOr()' ); $out = clone $this; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->count(); ++$i) { $out[$i] = $array[$i] ^ $out[$i]; } return $out; } /** * Returns a new ByteArray incremented by 1 (big endian byte order). * * @param int $increase * @return self */ public function getIncremented($increase = 1) { $clone = clone $this; $index = $clone->count(); while ($index > 0) { --$index; $tmp = ($clone[$index] + $increase) & PHP_INT_MAX; $clone[$index] = $tmp & 0xff; $increase = $tmp >> 8; } return $clone; } /** * Sets a value. See SplFixedArray for more. * * @param int $index * @param int $newval * @return void */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function offsetSet($index, $newval) { parent::offsetSet($index, $newval & 0xff); } /** * Return a copy of this ByteArray, bitshifted to the right by 1. * Used in Gmac. * * @return self */ public function rshift() { $out = clone $this; for ($j = $this->count() - 1; $j > 0; --$j) { $out[$j] = (($out[$j - 1] & 1) << 7) | ($out[$j] >> 1); } $out[0] >>= 1; return $out; } /** * Constant-time conditional select. This is meant to read like a ternary operator. * * $z = ByteArray::select(1, $x, $y); // $z is equal to $x * $z = ByteArray::select(0, $x, $y); // $z is equal to $y * * @param int $select * @param ByteArray $left * @param ByteArray $right * @return ByteArray */ public static function select($select, ByteArray $left, ByteArray $right) { self::needs( $left->count() === $right->count(), 'Both ByteArrays must be equal size for select()' ); $rightLength = $right->count(); $out = clone $right; $mask = (-($select & 1)) & 0xff; for ($i = 0; $i < $rightLength; $i++) { $out[$i] = $out[$i] ^ (($left[$i] ^ $right[$i]) & $mask); } return $out; } /** * Overwrite values of this ByteArray based on a separate ByteArray, with * a given starting offset and length. * * See JavaScript's Uint8Array.set() for more information. * * @param ByteArray $input * @param int $offset * @param int|null $length * @return self */ public function set(ByteArray $input, $offset = 0, $length = null) { self::needs( is_int($offset) && $offset >= 0, 'Offset must be a positive integer or zero' ); if (is_null($length)) { $length = $input->count(); } $i = 0; $j = $offset; while ($i < $length && $j < $this->count()) { $this[$j] = $input[$i]; ++$i; ++$j; } return $this; } /** * Returns a slice of this ByteArray. * * @param int $start * @param null $length * @return self */ public function slice($start = 0, $length = null) { return new ByteArray(\array_slice($this->toArray(), $start, $length)); } /** * Mutates the current state and sets all values to zero. * * @return void */ public function zeroize() { for ($i = $this->count() - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) { $this->offsetSet($i, 0); } } /** * Converts the ByteArray to a raw binary string. * * @return string */ public function toString() { $count = $this->count(); if ($count === 0) { return ''; } $args = $this->toArray(); \array_unshift($args, \str_repeat('C', $count)); // constant-time, PHP <5.6 equivalent to pack('C*', ...$args); return \call_user_func_array('\\pack', $args); } }