internalString = $str; } /** * Defense in depth: * * PHP 7.2 includes the Sodium cryptography library, which (among other things) * exposes a function called sodium_memzero() that we can use to zero-fill strings * to minimize the risk of sensitive cryptographic materials persisting in memory. * * If this function is not available, we XOR the string in-place with itself as a * best-effort attempt. */ public function __destruct() { if (extension_loaded('sodium') && function_exists('sodium_memzero')) { try { \sodium_memzero($this->internalString); } catch (\SodiumException $ex) { // This is a best effort, but does not provide the same guarantees as sodium_memzero(): $this->internalString ^= $this->internalString; } } } /** * @return string */ public function get() { return $this->internalString; } /** * @return int */ public function length() { if (\is_callable('\\mb_strlen')) { return (int) \mb_strlen($this->internalString, '8bit'); } return (int) \strlen($this->internalString); } }