credentialProvider = Aws\constantly($promise); } else { $this->credentialProvider = $creds; } } /** * Create the token for database login * * @param string $endpoint The database hostname with port number specified * (e.g., host:port) * @param string $region The region where the database is located * @param string $username The username to login as * @param int $lifetime The lifetime of the token in minutes * * @return string Token generated */ public function createToken($endpoint, $region, $username, $lifetime = 15) { if (!is_numeric($lifetime) || $lifetime > 15 || $lifetime <= 0) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( "Lifetime must be a positive number less than or equal to 15, was {$lifetime}", null ); } $uri = new Uri($endpoint); $uri = $uri->withPath('/'); $uri = $uri->withQuery('Action=connect&DBUser=' . $username); $request = new Request('GET', $uri); $signer = new SignatureV4('rds-db', $region); $provider = $this->credentialProvider; $url = (string) $signer->presign( $request, $provider()->wait(), '+' . $lifetime . ' minutes' )->getUri(); // Remove 2 extra slash from the presigned url result return substr($url, 2); } }