Warning: this plugin uses PHPMailer which is a library with regularly discovered vulnerabilities. Use at your own risk. Installation ============ 1. Git clone plugin to tt-rss/plugins.local/mailer_smtp 2. Enable in config.php directive PLUGINS (this is a system plugin, it can't be enabled per-user). 3. Add the following to config.php: ``` define('SMTP_SERVER', ''); // Hostname:port combination to send outgoing mail (i.e. localhost:25). // Blank - use system MTA. define('SMTP_LOGIN', ''); define('SMTP_PASSWORD', ''); // These two options enable SMTP authentication when sending // outgoing mail. Only used with SMTP_SERVER. define('SMTP_SECURE', ''); // Used to select a secure SMTP connection. Allowed values: ssl, tls, // or empty. define('SMTP_SKIP_CERT_CHECKS', false); // Accept all SSL certificates, use with caution. define('SMTP_CA_FILE', '/path/to/ca.crt'); // Use a custom CA certificate for SSL/TLS secure connections. // Only used if SMTP_SKIP_CERT_CHECKS is false. ``` At least SMTP_SERVER needs to set for plugin to work.