host = $host; $migrations = new Db_Migrations(); $migrations->initialize_for_plugin($this); if ($migrations->migrate()) { $host->add_hook(PluginHost::HOOK_FEED_FETCHED, $this); $host->add_hook(PluginHost::HOOK_PREFS_TAB, $this); $host->add_hook(PluginHost::HOOK_PREFS_EDIT_FEED, $this); $host->add_hook(PluginHost::HOOK_PREFS_SAVE_FEED, $this); } } /** * @param int $feed_id * @param string $link * @return ORM|false */ private function cache_exists(int $feed_id, string $link) { $entry = ORM::for_table('ttrss_plugin_post_delay_cache') ->where('feed_id', $feed_id) ->where('link', $link) ->find_one(); return $entry; } private function cache_push(int $feed_id, FeedItem $item, DOMNode $node) : bool { $entry = ORM::for_table('ttrss_plugin_post_delay_cache')->create(); $entry->set([ 'feed_id' => $feed_id, 'link' => $item->get_link(), 'comments' => $item->get_comments_url(), 'item' => $node->ownerDocument->saveXML($node), 'orig_ts' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $item->get_date()) ]); return $entry->save(); } /** force-remove all leftover data from cache */ private function cache_cleanup() : void { $max_days = (int) Config::get(Config::CACHE_MAX_DAYS); if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") { $interval_query = "orig_ts < NOW() - INTERVAL '$max_days days'"; } else /*if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "mysql") */ { $interval_query = "orig_ts < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL $max_days DAY)"; } $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("DELETE FROM ttrss_plugin_post_delay_cache WHERE $interval_query"); $sth->execute([]); } /** * @param int $feed_id * @param int $delay * @param DOMDocument $doc * @param DOMXPath $xpath * @return array * @throws PDOException */ private function cache_pull_older(int $feed_id, int $delay, DOMDocument $doc, DOMXPath $xpath) : array { $skip_removed = $this->host->get($this, "skip_removed"); if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") { $interval_query = "(orig_ts < NOW() - INTERVAL '$delay hours')"; } else /*if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "mysql") */ { $interval_query = "(orig_ts < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL $delay HOUR))"; } $entries = ORM::for_table('ttrss_plugin_post_delay_cache') ->where('feed_id', $feed_id) ->where_raw($interval_query) ->find_many(); $target = $xpath->query("//atom:feed|//channel")->item(0); $num_pulled = 0; $num_deleted = 0; $num_skipped = 0; foreach ($entries as $entry) { $skip_post = false; $delete_post = false; Debug::log(sprintf("[delay] pulling from cache: %s [c:%s] [%s]", $entry->link, $entry->comments, $entry->orig_ts), Debug::LOG_EXTENDED); if ($skip_removed) { UrlHelper::fetch(["url" => $entry->item]); if (UrlHelper::$fetch_last_error_code >= 400) { $skip_post = "[link:4xx-or-5xx]"; $delete_post = true; } if (strlen($entry->comments) > 0) { UrlHelper::fetch(["url" => $entry->comments]); if (UrlHelper::$fetch_last_error_code >= 400) { $skip_post = "[comments:4xx-or-5xx]"; $delete_post = true; } } } if (!$skip_post) { $tmpdoc = new DOMDocument(); if ($tmpdoc->loadXML($entry->item)) { $tmpxpath = new DOMXPath($tmpdoc); $imported_entry = $doc->importNode($tmpxpath->query("//entry|//item")->item(0), true); $target->appendChild($imported_entry); $entry->delete(); ++$num_pulled; } } else { if ($delete_post) { Debug::log(sprintf("[delay] deleting %s: %s [%s]", $skip_post, $entry->link, $entry->orig_ts), Debug::LOG_EXTENDED); $entry->delete(); ++$num_deleted; } else { Debug::log(sprintf("[delay] skipping %s: %s [%s]", $skip_post, $entry->link, $entry->orig_ts), Debug::LOG_EXTENDED); ++$num_skipped; } } } return [$num_pulled, $num_deleted, $num_skipped]; } function hook_feed_fetched($feed_data, $fetch_url, $owner_uid, $feed_id) { $delay = (int) $this->host->get($this, "delay"); $enabled_feeds = $this->host->get_array($this, "enabled_feeds"); if (in_array($feed_id, $enabled_feeds) && $delay > 0) { $doc = new DOMDocument(); if ($doc->loadXML($feed_data)) { $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); // refs. FeedParser->init() // some of those like dc: are needed for timestamps $xpath->registerNamespace('atom', ''); $xpath->registerNamespace('atom03', ''); $xpath->registerNamespace('media', ''); $xpath->registerNamespace('rdf', ''); $xpath->registerNamespace('slash', ''); $xpath->registerNamespace('dc', ''); $xpath->registerNamespace('content', ''); $xpath->registerNamespace('thread', ''); $entries = $xpath->query("//atom:entry|//channel/item"); $num_delayed = 0; foreach ($entries as $entry) { if ($entry->tagName == "item") $item = new FeedItem_RSS($entry, $doc, $xpath); else $item = new FeedItem_Atom($entry, $doc, $xpath); $cutoff_timestamp = time() - ($delay * 60 * 60); // get_date() may not return anything for broken feeds $item_timestamp = (int)$item->get_date(); if (!$item_timestamp) $item_timestamp = time(); if ($item_timestamp > $cutoff_timestamp) { Debug::log(sprintf("[delay] %s [c: %s] [%s vs %s]", $item->get_link(), $item->get_comments_url(), date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $item->get_date()), date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $cutoff_timestamp)), Debug::LOG_EXTENDED); if ($this->cache_exists($feed_id, $item->get_link())) { Debug::log("[delay] already stored.", Debug::LOG_EXTENDED); } else { Debug::log("[delay] storing in the backlog.", Debug::LOG_EXTENDED); $this->cache_push($feed_id, $item, $entry); } $entry->parentNode->removeChild($entry); ++$num_delayed; } } list ($num_pulled, $num_deleted, $num_skipped) = $this->cache_pull_older($feed_id, $delay, $doc, $xpath); Debug::log("[delay] {$num_delayed} delayed, {$num_pulled} pulled, {$num_deleted} deleted, {$num_skipped} skipped.", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE); $this->cache_cleanup(); return $doc->saveXML(); } } return $feed_data; } function hook_prefs_tab($args) { if ($args != "prefFeeds") return; $delay = (int) $this->host->get($this, "delay"); $skip_removed = $this->host->get($this, "skip_removed"); ?>

pdo->prepare("SELECT COUNT( AS count FROM ttrss_plugin_post_delay_cache c, ttrss_feeds f WHERE = c.feed_id AND f.owner_uid = ?"); $sth->execute([$_SESSION["uid"]]); $row = $sth->fetch(); $total_delayed = $row["count"]; ?>

pdo->prepare("SELECT COUNT( AS count, f.title, AS feed_id FROM ttrss_plugin_post_delay_cache c, ttrss_feeds f WHERE = c.feed_id AND f.owner_uid = ? GROUP BY f.title, ORDER BY count DESC, f.title"); $sth->execute([$_SESSION["uid"]]); ?> filter_unknown_feeds($this->host->get_array($this, "enabled_feeds")); $this->host->set($this, "enabled_feeds", $enabled_feeds); if (count($enabled_feeds) > 0) { ?>

host->set($this, "delay", $delay); $this->host->set($this, "skip_removed", $skip_removed); echo __("Configuration saved"); } function hook_prefs_edit_feed($feed_id) { $enabled_feeds = $this->host->get_array($this, "enabled_feeds"); ?>
__("Delay posts") ?>
host->get_array($this, "enabled_feeds"); $enable = checkbox_to_sql_bool($_POST["delay_posts_enabled"] ?? ""); $key = array_search($feed_id, $enabled_feeds); if ($enable) { if ($key === false) { array_push($enabled_feeds, $feed_id); } } else { if ($key !== false) { unset($enabled_feeds[$key]); } } $this->host->set($this, "enabled_feeds", $enabled_feeds); } /** * @param array $enabled_feeds * @return array * @throws PDOException */ private function filter_unknown_feeds(array $enabled_feeds) : array { $tmp = []; foreach ($enabled_feeds as $feed_id) { if (ORM::for_table('ttrss_feeds')->find_one($feed_id)) { array_push($tmp, $feed_id); } } return $tmp; } function api_version() { return 2; } }