path: root/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/TextUI/XmlConfiguration/Loader.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/TextUI/XmlConfiguration/Loader.php')
1 files changed, 1264 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/TextUI/XmlConfiguration/Loader.php b/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/TextUI/XmlConfiguration/Loader.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d705a6056
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/TextUI/XmlConfiguration/Loader.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1264 @@
+<?php declare(strict_types=1);
+ * This file is part of PHPUnit.
+ *
+ * (c) Sebastian Bergmann <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
+ * file that was distributed with this source code.
+ */
+namespace PHPUnit\TextUI\XmlConfiguration;
+use const PHP_VERSION;
+use function assert;
+use function defined;
+use function dirname;
+use function explode;
+use function is_file;
+use function is_numeric;
+use function preg_match;
+use function stream_resolve_include_path;
+use function strlen;
+use function strpos;
+use function strtolower;
+use function substr;
+use function trim;
+use DOMDocument;
+use DOMElement;
+use DOMNodeList;
+use DOMXPath;
+use PHPUnit\Runner\TestSuiteSorter;
+use PHPUnit\Runner\Version;
+use PHPUnit\TextUI\DefaultResultPrinter;
+use PHPUnit\TextUI\XmlConfiguration\CodeCoverage\CodeCoverage;
+use PHPUnit\TextUI\XmlConfiguration\CodeCoverage\Filter\Directory as FilterDirectory;
+use PHPUnit\TextUI\XmlConfiguration\CodeCoverage\Filter\DirectoryCollection as FilterDirectoryCollection;
+use PHPUnit\TextUI\XmlConfiguration\CodeCoverage\Report\Clover;
+use PHPUnit\TextUI\XmlConfiguration\CodeCoverage\Report\Cobertura;
+use PHPUnit\TextUI\XmlConfiguration\CodeCoverage\Report\Crap4j;
+use PHPUnit\TextUI\XmlConfiguration\CodeCoverage\Report\Html as CodeCoverageHtml;
+use PHPUnit\TextUI\XmlConfiguration\CodeCoverage\Report\Php as CodeCoveragePhp;
+use PHPUnit\TextUI\XmlConfiguration\CodeCoverage\Report\Text as CodeCoverageText;
+use PHPUnit\TextUI\XmlConfiguration\CodeCoverage\Report\Xml as CodeCoverageXml;
+use PHPUnit\TextUI\XmlConfiguration\Logging\Junit;
+use PHPUnit\TextUI\XmlConfiguration\Logging\Logging;
+use PHPUnit\TextUI\XmlConfiguration\Logging\TeamCity;
+use PHPUnit\TextUI\XmlConfiguration\Logging\TestDox\Html as TestDoxHtml;
+use PHPUnit\TextUI\XmlConfiguration\Logging\TestDox\Text as TestDoxText;
+use PHPUnit\TextUI\XmlConfiguration\Logging\TestDox\Xml as TestDoxXml;
+use PHPUnit\TextUI\XmlConfiguration\Logging\Text;
+use PHPUnit\TextUI\XmlConfiguration\TestSuite as TestSuiteConfiguration;
+use PHPUnit\Util\TestDox\CliTestDoxPrinter;
+use PHPUnit\Util\VersionComparisonOperator;
+use PHPUnit\Util\Xml;
+use PHPUnit\Util\Xml\Exception as XmlException;
+use PHPUnit\Util\Xml\Loader as XmlLoader;
+use PHPUnit\Util\Xml\SchemaFinder;
+use PHPUnit\Util\Xml\Validator;
+ * @internal This class is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
+ */
+final class Loader
+ /**
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ public function load(string $filename): Configuration
+ {
+ try {
+ $document = (new XmlLoader)->loadFile($filename, false, true, true);
+ } catch (XmlException $e) {
+ throw new Exception(
+ $e->getMessage(),
+ (int) $e->getCode(),
+ $e
+ );
+ }
+ $xpath = new DOMXPath($document);
+ try {
+ $xsdFilename = (new SchemaFinder)->find(Version::series());
+ } catch (XmlException $e) {
+ throw new Exception(
+ $e->getMessage(),
+ (int) $e->getCode(),
+ $e
+ );
+ }
+ return new Configuration(
+ $filename,
+ (new Validator)->validate($document, $xsdFilename),
+ $this->extensions($filename, $xpath),
+ $this->codeCoverage($filename, $xpath, $document),
+ $this->groups($xpath),
+ $this->testdoxGroups($xpath),
+ $this->listeners($filename, $xpath),
+ $this->logging($filename, $xpath),
+ $this->php($filename, $xpath),
+ $this->phpunit($filename, $document),
+ $this->testSuite($filename, $xpath)
+ );
+ }
+ public function logging(string $filename, DOMXPath $xpath): Logging
+ {
+ if ($xpath->query('logging/log')->length !== 0) {
+ return $this->legacyLogging($filename, $xpath);
+ }
+ $junit = null;
+ $element = $this->element($xpath, 'logging/junit');
+ if ($element) {
+ $junit = new Junit(
+ new File(
+ $this->toAbsolutePath(
+ $filename,
+ (string) $this->getStringAttribute($element, 'outputFile')
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ $text = null;
+ $element = $this->element($xpath, 'logging/text');
+ if ($element) {
+ $text = new Text(
+ new File(
+ $this->toAbsolutePath(
+ $filename,
+ (string) $this->getStringAttribute($element, 'outputFile')
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ $teamCity = null;
+ $element = $this->element($xpath, 'logging/teamcity');
+ if ($element) {
+ $teamCity = new TeamCity(
+ new File(
+ $this->toAbsolutePath(
+ $filename,
+ (string) $this->getStringAttribute($element, 'outputFile')
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ $testDoxHtml = null;
+ $element = $this->element($xpath, 'logging/testdoxHtml');
+ if ($element) {
+ $testDoxHtml = new TestDoxHtml(
+ new File(
+ $this->toAbsolutePath(
+ $filename,
+ (string) $this->getStringAttribute($element, 'outputFile')
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ $testDoxText = null;
+ $element = $this->element($xpath, 'logging/testdoxText');
+ if ($element) {
+ $testDoxText = new TestDoxText(
+ new File(
+ $this->toAbsolutePath(
+ $filename,
+ (string) $this->getStringAttribute($element, 'outputFile')
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ $testDoxXml = null;
+ $element = $this->element($xpath, 'logging/testdoxXml');
+ if ($element) {
+ $testDoxXml = new TestDoxXml(
+ new File(
+ $this->toAbsolutePath(
+ $filename,
+ (string) $this->getStringAttribute($element, 'outputFile')
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return new Logging(
+ $junit,
+ $text,
+ $teamCity,
+ $testDoxHtml,
+ $testDoxText,
+ $testDoxXml
+ );
+ }
+ public function legacyLogging(string $filename, DOMXPath $xpath): Logging
+ {
+ $junit = null;
+ $teamCity = null;
+ $testDoxHtml = null;
+ $testDoxText = null;
+ $testDoxXml = null;
+ $text = null;
+ foreach ($xpath->query('logging/log') as $log) {
+ assert($log instanceof DOMElement);
+ $type = (string) $log->getAttribute('type');
+ $target = (string) $log->getAttribute('target');
+ if (!$target) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $target = $this->toAbsolutePath($filename, $target);
+ switch ($type) {
+ case 'plain':
+ $text = new Text(
+ new File($target)
+ );
+ break;
+ case 'junit':
+ $junit = new Junit(
+ new File($target)
+ );
+ break;
+ case 'teamcity':
+ $teamCity = new TeamCity(
+ new File($target)
+ );
+ break;
+ case 'testdox-html':
+ $testDoxHtml = new TestDoxHtml(
+ new File($target)
+ );
+ break;
+ case 'testdox-text':
+ $testDoxText = new TestDoxText(
+ new File($target)
+ );
+ break;
+ case 'testdox-xml':
+ $testDoxXml = new TestDoxXml(
+ new File($target)
+ );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return new Logging(
+ $junit,
+ $text,
+ $teamCity,
+ $testDoxHtml,
+ $testDoxText,
+ $testDoxXml
+ );
+ }
+ private function extensions(string $filename, DOMXPath $xpath): ExtensionCollection
+ {
+ $extensions = [];
+ foreach ($xpath->query('extensions/extension') as $extension) {
+ assert($extension instanceof DOMElement);
+ $extensions[] = $this->getElementConfigurationParameters($filename, $extension);
+ }
+ return ExtensionCollection::fromArray($extensions);
+ }
+ private function getElementConfigurationParameters(string $filename, DOMElement $element): Extension
+ {
+ /** @psalm-var class-string $class */
+ $class = (string) $element->getAttribute('class');
+ $file = '';
+ $arguments = $this->getConfigurationArguments($filename, $element->childNodes);
+ if ($element->getAttribute('file')) {
+ $file = $this->toAbsolutePath(
+ $filename,
+ (string) $element->getAttribute('file'),
+ true
+ );
+ }
+ return new Extension($class, $file, $arguments);
+ }
+ private function toAbsolutePath(string $filename, string $path, bool $useIncludePath = false): string
+ {
+ $path = trim($path);
+ if (strpos($path, '/') === 0) {
+ return $path;
+ }
+ // Matches the following on Windows:
+ // - \\NetworkComputer\Path
+ // - \\.\D:
+ // - \\.\c:
+ // - C:\Windows
+ // - C:\windows
+ // - C:/windows
+ // - c:/windows
+ if (defined('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_BUILD') &&
+ ($path[0] === '\\' || (strlen($path) >= 3 && preg_match('#^[A-Z]\:[/\\\]#i', substr($path, 0, 3))))) {
+ return $path;
+ }
+ if (strpos($path, '://') !== false) {
+ return $path;
+ }
+ $file = dirname($filename) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path;
+ if ($useIncludePath && !is_file($file)) {
+ $includePathFile = stream_resolve_include_path($path);
+ if ($includePathFile) {
+ $file = $includePathFile;
+ }
+ }
+ return $file;
+ }
+ private function getConfigurationArguments(string $filename, DOMNodeList $nodes): array
+ {
+ $arguments = [];
+ if ($nodes->length === 0) {
+ return $arguments;
+ }
+ foreach ($nodes as $node) {
+ if (!$node instanceof DOMElement) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($node->tagName !== 'arguments') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ foreach ($node->childNodes as $argument) {
+ if (!$argument instanceof DOMElement) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($argument->tagName === 'file' || $argument->tagName === 'directory') {
+ $arguments[] = $this->toAbsolutePath($filename, (string) $argument->textContent);
+ } else {
+ $arguments[] = Xml::xmlToVariable($argument);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $arguments;
+ }
+ private function codeCoverage(string $filename, DOMXPath $xpath, DOMDocument $document): CodeCoverage
+ {
+ if ($xpath->query('filter/whitelist')->length !== 0) {
+ return $this->legacyCodeCoverage($filename, $xpath, $document);
+ }
+ $cacheDirectory = null;
+ $pathCoverage = false;
+ $includeUncoveredFiles = true;
+ $processUncoveredFiles = false;
+ $ignoreDeprecatedCodeUnits = false;
+ $disableCodeCoverageIgnore = false;
+ $element = $this->element($xpath, 'coverage');
+ if ($element) {
+ $cacheDirectory = $this->getStringAttribute($element, 'cacheDirectory');
+ if ($cacheDirectory !== null) {
+ $cacheDirectory = new Directory(
+ $this->toAbsolutePath($filename, $cacheDirectory)
+ );
+ }
+ $pathCoverage = $this->getBooleanAttribute(
+ $element,
+ 'pathCoverage',
+ false
+ );
+ $includeUncoveredFiles = $this->getBooleanAttribute(
+ $element,
+ 'includeUncoveredFiles',
+ true
+ );
+ $processUncoveredFiles = $this->getBooleanAttribute(
+ $element,
+ 'processUncoveredFiles',
+ false
+ );
+ $ignoreDeprecatedCodeUnits = $this->getBooleanAttribute(
+ $element,
+ 'ignoreDeprecatedCodeUnits',
+ false
+ );
+ $disableCodeCoverageIgnore = $this->getBooleanAttribute(
+ $element,
+ 'disableCodeCoverageIgnore',
+ false
+ );
+ }
+ $clover = null;
+ $element = $this->element($xpath, 'coverage/report/clover');
+ if ($element) {
+ $clover = new Clover(
+ new File(
+ $this->toAbsolutePath(
+ $filename,
+ (string) $this->getStringAttribute($element, 'outputFile')
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ $cobertura = null;
+ $element = $this->element($xpath, 'coverage/report/cobertura');
+ if ($element) {
+ $cobertura = new Cobertura(
+ new File(
+ $this->toAbsolutePath(
+ $filename,
+ (string) $this->getStringAttribute($element, 'outputFile')
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ $crap4j = null;
+ $element = $this->element($xpath, 'coverage/report/crap4j');
+ if ($element) {
+ $crap4j = new Crap4j(
+ new File(
+ $this->toAbsolutePath(
+ $filename,
+ (string) $this->getStringAttribute($element, 'outputFile')
+ )
+ ),
+ $this->getIntegerAttribute($element, 'threshold', 30)
+ );
+ }
+ $html = null;
+ $element = $this->element($xpath, 'coverage/report/html');
+ if ($element) {
+ $html = new CodeCoverageHtml(
+ new Directory(
+ $this->toAbsolutePath(
+ $filename,
+ (string) $this->getStringAttribute($element, 'outputDirectory')
+ )
+ ),
+ $this->getIntegerAttribute($element, 'lowUpperBound', 50),
+ $this->getIntegerAttribute($element, 'highLowerBound', 90)
+ );
+ }
+ $php = null;
+ $element = $this->element($xpath, 'coverage/report/php');
+ if ($element) {
+ $php = new CodeCoveragePhp(
+ new File(
+ $this->toAbsolutePath(
+ $filename,
+ (string) $this->getStringAttribute($element, 'outputFile')
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ $text = null;
+ $element = $this->element($xpath, 'coverage/report/text');
+ if ($element) {
+ $text = new CodeCoverageText(
+ new File(
+ $this->toAbsolutePath(
+ $filename,
+ (string) $this->getStringAttribute($element, 'outputFile')
+ )
+ ),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($element, 'showUncoveredFiles', false),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($element, 'showOnlySummary', false)
+ );
+ }
+ $xml = null;
+ $element = $this->element($xpath, 'coverage/report/xml');
+ if ($element) {
+ $xml = new CodeCoverageXml(
+ new Directory(
+ $this->toAbsolutePath(
+ $filename,
+ (string) $this->getStringAttribute($element, 'outputDirectory')
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return new CodeCoverage(
+ $cacheDirectory,
+ $this->readFilterDirectories($filename, $xpath, 'coverage/include/directory'),
+ $this->readFilterFiles($filename, $xpath, 'coverage/include/file'),
+ $this->readFilterDirectories($filename, $xpath, 'coverage/exclude/directory'),
+ $this->readFilterFiles($filename, $xpath, 'coverage/exclude/file'),
+ $pathCoverage,
+ $includeUncoveredFiles,
+ $processUncoveredFiles,
+ $ignoreDeprecatedCodeUnits,
+ $disableCodeCoverageIgnore,
+ $clover,
+ $cobertura,
+ $crap4j,
+ $html,
+ $php,
+ $text,
+ $xml
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated
+ */
+ private function legacyCodeCoverage(string $filename, DOMXPath $xpath, DOMDocument $document): CodeCoverage
+ {
+ $ignoreDeprecatedCodeUnits = $this->getBooleanAttribute(
+ $document->documentElement,
+ 'ignoreDeprecatedCodeUnitsFromCodeCoverage',
+ false
+ );
+ $disableCodeCoverageIgnore = $this->getBooleanAttribute(
+ $document->documentElement,
+ 'disableCodeCoverageIgnore',
+ false
+ );
+ $includeUncoveredFiles = true;
+ $processUncoveredFiles = false;
+ $element = $this->element($xpath, 'filter/whitelist');
+ if ($element) {
+ if ($element->hasAttribute('addUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist')) {
+ $includeUncoveredFiles = (bool) $this->getBoolean(
+ (string) $element->getAttribute('addUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist'),
+ true
+ );
+ }
+ if ($element->hasAttribute('processUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist')) {
+ $processUncoveredFiles = (bool) $this->getBoolean(
+ (string) $element->getAttribute('processUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist'),
+ false
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ $clover = null;
+ $cobertura = null;
+ $crap4j = null;
+ $html = null;
+ $php = null;
+ $text = null;
+ $xml = null;
+ foreach ($xpath->query('logging/log') as $log) {
+ assert($log instanceof DOMElement);
+ $type = (string) $log->getAttribute('type');
+ $target = (string) $log->getAttribute('target');
+ if (!$target) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $target = $this->toAbsolutePath($filename, $target);
+ switch ($type) {
+ case 'coverage-clover':
+ $clover = new Clover(
+ new File($target)
+ );
+ break;
+ case 'coverage-cobertura':
+ $cobertura = new Cobertura(
+ new File($target)
+ );
+ break;
+ case 'coverage-crap4j':
+ $crap4j = new Crap4j(
+ new File($target),
+ $this->getIntegerAttribute($log, 'threshold', 30)
+ );
+ break;
+ case 'coverage-html':
+ $html = new CodeCoverageHtml(
+ new Directory($target),
+ $this->getIntegerAttribute($log, 'lowUpperBound', 50),
+ $this->getIntegerAttribute($log, 'highLowerBound', 90)
+ );
+ break;
+ case 'coverage-php':
+ $php = new CodeCoveragePhp(
+ new File($target)
+ );
+ break;
+ case 'coverage-text':
+ $text = new CodeCoverageText(
+ new File($target),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($log, 'showUncoveredFiles', false),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($log, 'showOnlySummary', false)
+ );
+ break;
+ case 'coverage-xml':
+ $xml = new CodeCoverageXml(
+ new Directory($target)
+ );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return new CodeCoverage(
+ null,
+ $this->readFilterDirectories($filename, $xpath, 'filter/whitelist/directory'),
+ $this->readFilterFiles($filename, $xpath, 'filter/whitelist/file'),
+ $this->readFilterDirectories($filename, $xpath, 'filter/whitelist/exclude/directory'),
+ $this->readFilterFiles($filename, $xpath, 'filter/whitelist/exclude/file'),
+ false,
+ $includeUncoveredFiles,
+ $processUncoveredFiles,
+ $ignoreDeprecatedCodeUnits,
+ $disableCodeCoverageIgnore,
+ $clover,
+ $cobertura,
+ $crap4j,
+ $html,
+ $php,
+ $text,
+ $xml
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * If $value is 'false' or 'true', this returns the value that $value represents.
+ * Otherwise, returns $default, which may be a string in rare cases.
+ *
+ * @see \PHPUnit\TextUI\XmlConfigurationTest::testPHPConfigurationIsReadCorrectly
+ *
+ * @param bool|string $default
+ *
+ * @return bool|string
+ */
+ private function getBoolean(string $value, $default)
+ {
+ if (strtolower($value) === 'false') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (strtolower($value) === 'true') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return $default;
+ }
+ private function readFilterDirectories(string $filename, DOMXPath $xpath, string $query): FilterDirectoryCollection
+ {
+ $directories = [];
+ foreach ($xpath->query($query) as $directoryNode) {
+ assert($directoryNode instanceof DOMElement);
+ $directoryPath = (string) $directoryNode->textContent;
+ if (!$directoryPath) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $directories[] = new FilterDirectory(
+ $this->toAbsolutePath($filename, $directoryPath),
+ $directoryNode->hasAttribute('prefix') ? (string) $directoryNode->getAttribute('prefix') : '',
+ $directoryNode->hasAttribute('suffix') ? (string) $directoryNode->getAttribute('suffix') : '.php',
+ $directoryNode->hasAttribute('group') ? (string) $directoryNode->getAttribute('group') : 'DEFAULT'
+ );
+ }
+ return FilterDirectoryCollection::fromArray($directories);
+ }
+ private function readFilterFiles(string $filename, DOMXPath $xpath, string $query): FileCollection
+ {
+ $files = [];
+ foreach ($xpath->query($query) as $file) {
+ $filePath = (string) $file->textContent;
+ if ($filePath) {
+ $files[] = new File($this->toAbsolutePath($filename, $filePath));
+ }
+ }
+ return FileCollection::fromArray($files);
+ }
+ private function groups(DOMXPath $xpath): Groups
+ {
+ return $this->parseGroupConfiguration($xpath, 'groups');
+ }
+ private function testdoxGroups(DOMXPath $xpath): Groups
+ {
+ return $this->parseGroupConfiguration($xpath, 'testdoxGroups');
+ }
+ private function parseGroupConfiguration(DOMXPath $xpath, string $root): Groups
+ {
+ $include = [];
+ $exclude = [];
+ foreach ($xpath->query($root . '/include/group') as $group) {
+ $include[] = new Group((string) $group->textContent);
+ }
+ foreach ($xpath->query($root . '/exclude/group') as $group) {
+ $exclude[] = new Group((string) $group->textContent);
+ }
+ return new Groups(
+ GroupCollection::fromArray($include),
+ GroupCollection::fromArray($exclude)
+ );
+ }
+ private function listeners(string $filename, DOMXPath $xpath): ExtensionCollection
+ {
+ $listeners = [];
+ foreach ($xpath->query('listeners/listener') as $listener) {
+ assert($listener instanceof DOMElement);
+ $listeners[] = $this->getElementConfigurationParameters($filename, $listener);
+ }
+ return ExtensionCollection::fromArray($listeners);
+ }
+ private function getBooleanAttribute(DOMElement $element, string $attribute, bool $default): bool
+ {
+ if (!$element->hasAttribute($attribute)) {
+ return $default;
+ }
+ return (bool) $this->getBoolean(
+ (string) $element->getAttribute($attribute),
+ false
+ );
+ }
+ private function getIntegerAttribute(DOMElement $element, string $attribute, int $default): int
+ {
+ if (!$element->hasAttribute($attribute)) {
+ return $default;
+ }
+ return $this->getInteger(
+ (string) $element->getAttribute($attribute),
+ $default
+ );
+ }
+ private function getStringAttribute(DOMElement $element, string $attribute): ?string
+ {
+ if (!$element->hasAttribute($attribute)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return (string) $element->getAttribute($attribute);
+ }
+ private function getInteger(string $value, int $default): int
+ {
+ if (is_numeric($value)) {
+ return (int) $value;
+ }
+ return $default;
+ }
+ private function php(string $filename, DOMXPath $xpath): Php
+ {
+ $includePaths = [];
+ foreach ($xpath->query('php/includePath') as $includePath) {
+ $path = (string) $includePath->textContent;
+ if ($path) {
+ $includePaths[] = new Directory($this->toAbsolutePath($filename, $path));
+ }
+ }
+ $iniSettings = [];
+ foreach ($xpath->query('php/ini') as $ini) {
+ assert($ini instanceof DOMElement);
+ $iniSettings[] = new IniSetting(
+ (string) $ini->getAttribute('name'),
+ (string) $ini->getAttribute('value')
+ );
+ }
+ $constants = [];
+ foreach ($xpath->query('php/const') as $const) {
+ assert($const instanceof DOMElement);
+ $value = (string) $const->getAttribute('value');
+ $constants[] = new Constant(
+ (string) $const->getAttribute('name'),
+ $this->getBoolean($value, $value)
+ );
+ }
+ $variables = [
+ 'var' => [],
+ 'env' => [],
+ 'post' => [],
+ 'get' => [],
+ 'cookie' => [],
+ 'server' => [],
+ 'files' => [],
+ 'request' => [],
+ ];
+ foreach (['var', 'env', 'post', 'get', 'cookie', 'server', 'files', 'request'] as $array) {
+ foreach ($xpath->query('php/' . $array) as $var) {
+ assert($var instanceof DOMElement);
+ $name = (string) $var->getAttribute('name');
+ $value = (string) $var->getAttribute('value');
+ $force = false;
+ $verbatim = false;
+ if ($var->hasAttribute('force')) {
+ $force = (bool) $this->getBoolean($var->getAttribute('force'), false);
+ }
+ if ($var->hasAttribute('verbatim')) {
+ $verbatim = $this->getBoolean($var->getAttribute('verbatim'), false);
+ }
+ if (!$verbatim) {
+ $value = $this->getBoolean($value, $value);
+ }
+ $variables[$array][] = new Variable($name, $value, $force);
+ }
+ }
+ return new Php(
+ DirectoryCollection::fromArray($includePaths),
+ IniSettingCollection::fromArray($iniSettings),
+ ConstantCollection::fromArray($constants),
+ VariableCollection::fromArray($variables['var']),
+ VariableCollection::fromArray($variables['env']),
+ VariableCollection::fromArray($variables['post']),
+ VariableCollection::fromArray($variables['get']),
+ VariableCollection::fromArray($variables['cookie']),
+ VariableCollection::fromArray($variables['server']),
+ VariableCollection::fromArray($variables['files']),
+ VariableCollection::fromArray($variables['request']),
+ );
+ }
+ private function phpunit(string $filename, DOMDocument $document): PHPUnit
+ {
+ $executionOrder = TestSuiteSorter::ORDER_DEFAULT;
+ $defectsFirst = false;
+ $resolveDependencies = $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'resolveDependencies', true);
+ if ($document->documentElement->hasAttribute('executionOrder')) {
+ foreach (explode(',', $document->documentElement->getAttribute('executionOrder')) as $order) {
+ switch ($order) {
+ case 'default':
+ $executionOrder = TestSuiteSorter::ORDER_DEFAULT;
+ $defectsFirst = false;
+ $resolveDependencies = true;
+ break;
+ case 'depends':
+ $resolveDependencies = true;
+ break;
+ case 'no-depends':
+ $resolveDependencies = false;
+ break;
+ case 'defects':
+ $defectsFirst = true;
+ break;
+ case 'duration':
+ $executionOrder = TestSuiteSorter::ORDER_DURATION;
+ break;
+ case 'random':
+ $executionOrder = TestSuiteSorter::ORDER_RANDOMIZED;
+ break;
+ case 'reverse':
+ $executionOrder = TestSuiteSorter::ORDER_REVERSED;
+ break;
+ case 'size':
+ $executionOrder = TestSuiteSorter::ORDER_SIZE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $printerClass = $this->getStringAttribute($document->documentElement, 'printerClass');
+ $testdox = $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'testdox', false);
+ $conflictBetweenPrinterClassAndTestdox = false;
+ if ($testdox) {
+ if ($printerClass !== null) {
+ $conflictBetweenPrinterClassAndTestdox = true;
+ }
+ $printerClass = CliTestDoxPrinter::class;
+ }
+ $cacheResultFile = $this->getStringAttribute($document->documentElement, 'cacheResultFile');
+ if ($cacheResultFile !== null) {
+ $cacheResultFile = $this->toAbsolutePath($filename, $cacheResultFile);
+ }
+ $bootstrap = $this->getStringAttribute($document->documentElement, 'bootstrap');
+ if ($bootstrap !== null) {
+ $bootstrap = $this->toAbsolutePath($filename, $bootstrap);
+ }
+ $extensionsDirectory = $this->getStringAttribute($document->documentElement, 'extensionsDirectory');
+ if ($extensionsDirectory !== null) {
+ $extensionsDirectory = $this->toAbsolutePath($filename, $extensionsDirectory);
+ }
+ $testSuiteLoaderFile = $this->getStringAttribute($document->documentElement, 'testSuiteLoaderFile');
+ if ($testSuiteLoaderFile !== null) {
+ $testSuiteLoaderFile = $this->toAbsolutePath($filename, $testSuiteLoaderFile);
+ }
+ $printerFile = $this->getStringAttribute($document->documentElement, 'printerFile');
+ if ($printerFile !== null) {
+ $printerFile = $this->toAbsolutePath($filename, $printerFile);
+ }
+ return new PHPUnit(
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'cacheResult', true),
+ $cacheResultFile,
+ $this->getColumns($document),
+ $this->getColors($document),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'stderr', false),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'noInteraction', false),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'verbose', false),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'reverseDefectList', false),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'convertDeprecationsToExceptions', false),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'convertErrorsToExceptions', true),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'convertNoticesToExceptions', true),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'convertWarningsToExceptions', true),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'forceCoversAnnotation', false),
+ $bootstrap,
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'processIsolation', false),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'failOnEmptyTestSuite', false),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'failOnIncomplete', false),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'failOnRisky', false),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'failOnSkipped', false),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'failOnWarning', false),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'stopOnDefect', false),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'stopOnError', false),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'stopOnFailure', false),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'stopOnWarning', false),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'stopOnIncomplete', false),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'stopOnRisky', false),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'stopOnSkipped', false),
+ $extensionsDirectory,
+ $this->getStringAttribute($document->documentElement, 'testSuiteLoaderClass'),
+ $testSuiteLoaderFile,
+ $printerClass,
+ $printerFile,
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'beStrictAboutChangesToGlobalState', false),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'beStrictAboutOutputDuringTests', false),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'beStrictAboutResourceUsageDuringSmallTests', false),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'beStrictAboutTestsThatDoNotTestAnything', true),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'beStrictAboutTodoAnnotatedTests', false),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'beStrictAboutCoversAnnotation', false),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'enforceTimeLimit', false),
+ $this->getIntegerAttribute($document->documentElement, 'defaultTimeLimit', 1),
+ $this->getIntegerAttribute($document->documentElement, 'timeoutForSmallTests', 1),
+ $this->getIntegerAttribute($document->documentElement, 'timeoutForMediumTests', 10),
+ $this->getIntegerAttribute($document->documentElement, 'timeoutForLargeTests', 60),
+ $this->getStringAttribute($document->documentElement, 'defaultTestSuite'),
+ $executionOrder,
+ $resolveDependencies,
+ $defectsFirst,
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'backupGlobals', false),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'backupStaticAttributes', false),
+ $this->getBooleanAttribute($document->documentElement, 'registerMockObjectsFromTestArgumentsRecursively', false),
+ $conflictBetweenPrinterClassAndTestdox
+ );
+ }
+ private function getColors(DOMDocument $document): string
+ {
+ $colors = DefaultResultPrinter::COLOR_DEFAULT;
+ if ($document->documentElement->hasAttribute('colors')) {
+ /* only allow boolean for compatibility with previous versions
+ 'always' only allowed from command line */
+ if ($this->getBoolean($document->documentElement->getAttribute('colors'), false)) {
+ $colors = DefaultResultPrinter::COLOR_AUTO;
+ } else {
+ $colors = DefaultResultPrinter::COLOR_NEVER;
+ }
+ }
+ return $colors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return int|string
+ */
+ private function getColumns(DOMDocument $document)
+ {
+ $columns = 80;
+ if ($document->documentElement->hasAttribute('columns')) {
+ $columns = (string) $document->documentElement->getAttribute('columns');
+ if ($columns !== 'max') {
+ $columns = $this->getInteger($columns, 80);
+ }
+ }
+ return $columns;
+ }
+ private function testSuite(string $filename, DOMXPath $xpath): TestSuiteCollection
+ {
+ $testSuites = [];
+ foreach ($this->getTestSuiteElements($xpath) as $element) {
+ $exclude = [];
+ foreach ($element->getElementsByTagName('exclude') as $excludeNode) {
+ $excludeFile = (string) $excludeNode->textContent;
+ if ($excludeFile) {
+ $exclude[] = new File($this->toAbsolutePath($filename, $excludeFile));
+ }
+ }
+ $directories = [];
+ foreach ($element->getElementsByTagName('directory') as $directoryNode) {
+ assert($directoryNode instanceof DOMElement);
+ $directory = (string) $directoryNode->textContent;
+ if (empty($directory)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $prefix = '';
+ if ($directoryNode->hasAttribute('prefix')) {
+ $prefix = (string) $directoryNode->getAttribute('prefix');
+ }
+ $suffix = 'Test.php';
+ if ($directoryNode->hasAttribute('suffix')) {
+ $suffix = (string) $directoryNode->getAttribute('suffix');
+ }
+ $phpVersion = PHP_VERSION;
+ if ($directoryNode->hasAttribute('phpVersion')) {
+ $phpVersion = (string) $directoryNode->getAttribute('phpVersion');
+ }
+ $phpVersionOperator = new VersionComparisonOperator('>=');
+ if ($directoryNode->hasAttribute('phpVersionOperator')) {
+ $phpVersionOperator = new VersionComparisonOperator((string) $directoryNode->getAttribute('phpVersionOperator'));
+ }
+ $directories[] = new TestDirectory(
+ $this->toAbsolutePath($filename, $directory),
+ $prefix,
+ $suffix,
+ $phpVersion,
+ $phpVersionOperator
+ );
+ }
+ $files = [];
+ foreach ($element->getElementsByTagName('file') as $fileNode) {
+ assert($fileNode instanceof DOMElement);
+ $file = (string) $fileNode->textContent;
+ if (empty($file)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $phpVersion = PHP_VERSION;
+ if ($fileNode->hasAttribute('phpVersion')) {
+ $phpVersion = (string) $fileNode->getAttribute('phpVersion');
+ }
+ $phpVersionOperator = new VersionComparisonOperator('>=');
+ if ($fileNode->hasAttribute('phpVersionOperator')) {
+ $phpVersionOperator = new VersionComparisonOperator((string) $fileNode->getAttribute('phpVersionOperator'));
+ }
+ $files[] = new TestFile(
+ $this->toAbsolutePath($filename, $file),
+ $phpVersion,
+ $phpVersionOperator
+ );
+ }
+ $testSuites[] = new TestSuiteConfiguration(
+ (string) $element->getAttribute('name'),
+ TestDirectoryCollection::fromArray($directories),
+ TestFileCollection::fromArray($files),
+ FileCollection::fromArray($exclude)
+ );
+ }
+ return TestSuiteCollection::fromArray($testSuites);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return DOMElement[]
+ */
+ private function getTestSuiteElements(DOMXPath $xpath): array
+ {
+ /** @var DOMElement[] $elements */
+ $elements = [];
+ $testSuiteNodes = $xpath->query('testsuites/testsuite');
+ if ($testSuiteNodes->length === 0) {
+ $testSuiteNodes = $xpath->query('testsuite');
+ }
+ if ($testSuiteNodes->length === 1) {
+ $element = $testSuiteNodes->item(0);
+ assert($element instanceof DOMElement);
+ $elements[] = $element;
+ } else {
+ foreach ($testSuiteNodes as $testSuiteNode) {
+ assert($testSuiteNode instanceof DOMElement);
+ $elements[] = $testSuiteNode;
+ }
+ }
+ return $elements;
+ }
+ private function element(DOMXPath $xpath, string $element): ?DOMElement
+ {
+ $nodes = $xpath->query($element);
+ if ($nodes->length === 1) {
+ $node = $nodes->item(0);
+ assert($node instanceof DOMElement);
+ return $node;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }