path: root/src/HTML5/Serializer
diff options
authorMatt Farina <[email protected]>2013-04-16 21:23:20 -0400
committerMatt Farina <[email protected]>2013-04-16 21:23:20 -0400
commitcae0a06475803bb682b0edfba4d45d3d104ac3e7 (patch)
treee67d876ab34e9d119feeeacaa47f2fefd2cabdaa /src/HTML5/Serializer
parentc08ec3d0966be8ee66716b88e6d3c6d3c6ce20d6 (diff)
Moved Serializer and Traverser into the Serializer directory.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/HTML5/Serializer')
2 files changed, 401 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/HTML5/Serializer/Serializer.php b/src/HTML5/Serializer/Serializer.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f16bbe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/HTML5/Serializer/Serializer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ * A simple serializer that walks the DOM tree and outputs HTML5.
+ */
+namespace HTML5\Serializer;
+ * Transform a DOM into an HTML5 document.
+ *
+ * This provides a serializer that roughly follows the save and load API
+ * in the native PHP DOM implementation.
+ *
+ * For reference, see DOMDocument::save, DOMDocument::saveXML,
+ * DOMDocument::saveHTML and DOMDocument::saveHTMLFile.
+ */
+class Serializer {
+ protected $dom;
+ protected $pretty = TRUE;
+ /**
+ * Create a serializer.
+ *
+ * This takes a DOM-like data structure. It SHOULD treat the
+ * DOMNode as an interface, but this does not do type checking.
+ *
+ * @param DOMNode $dom
+ * A DOMNode-like object. Typically, a DOMDocument should be passed.
+ * @param boolean $format
+ * If true, this will format the output (e.g. add indentation). If FALSE, then
+ * little or no formatting will be done.
+ */
+ public function __construct($dom, $format = TRUE) {
+ $this->dom = $dom;
+ $this->pretty = $format;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Save to a file.
+ *
+ * @param mixed $filename
+ * A file handle resource or the
+ * full name to the file. This will overwrite the contents of
+ * any file that it finds.
+ */
+ public function save($filename) {
+ $close = TRUE;
+ if (is_resource($filename)) {
+ $file = $filename;
+ $close = FALSE;
+ }
+ else {
+ $file = fopen($filename, 'w');
+ }
+ $trav = new Traverser($this->dom, $file);
+ $trav->formatOutput($this->pretty);
+ $trav->walk();
+ if ($close) {
+ fclose($file);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the DOM as an HTML5 string.
+ */
+ public function saveHTML() {
+ // We buffer into a temp-file backed memory map. This may or may not be
+ // faster than writing directly to a string, but it makes the interface
+ // consistant and will keep memory consumption lower (2MB max for the file
+ // buffer).
+ $stream = fopen('php://temp', 'w');
+ $this->save($stream);
+ return stream_get_contents($stream, -1, 0);
+ }
diff --git a/src/HTML5/Serializer/Traverser.php b/src/HTML5/Serializer/Traverser.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9acc617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/HTML5/Serializer/Traverser.php
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+namespace HTML5\Serializer;
+ * Traverser for walking a DOM tree.
+ *
+ * This is a concrete traverser designed to convert a DOM tree into an
+ * HTML5 document. It is not intended to be a generic DOMTreeWalker
+ * implementation.
+ *
+ * @see
+ */
+class Traverser {
+ // TODO: Refactor this into an element mask.
+ static $block_elements = array(
+ 'html' => 1,
+ 'body' => 1,
+ 'head' => 1,
+ 'p' => 1,
+ 'div' => 1,
+ 'h1' => 1,
+ 'h2' => 1,
+ 'h3' => 1,
+ 'h4' => 1,
+ 'h5' => 1,
+ 'h6' => 1,
+ 'title' => 1,
+ 'script' => 1,
+ 'link' => 1,
+ 'meta' => 1,
+ 'section' => 1,
+ 'article' => 1,
+ 'table' => 1,
+ 'tbody' => 1,
+ 'tr' => 1,
+ 'th' => 1,
+ 'td' => 1,
+ //'form' => 1,
+ );
+ // TODO: Refactor this into an element mask.
+ static $literal_elements = array(
+ 'style' => 1,
+ 'script' => 1,
+ 'xmp' => 1,
+ 'iframe' => 1,
+ 'noembed' => 1,
+ 'noframes' => 1,
+ 'plaintext' => 1,
+ );
+ /**
+ * Unary elements.
+ * HTML5 section 8.3:
+ * If current node is an
+ * area, base, basefont, bgsound, br, col, command, embed, frame, hr, img,
+ * input, keygen, link, meta, param, source, track or wbr element, then
+ * continue on to the next child node at this point.
+ */
+ static $unary_elements = array(
+ 'area' => 1,
+ 'base' => 1,
+ 'basefont' => 1,
+ 'bgsound' => 1,
+ 'br' => 1,
+ 'col' => 1,
+ 'command' => 1,
+ 'embed' => 1,
+ 'frame' => 1,
+ 'hr' => 1,
+ 'img' => 1,
+ );
+ /** Namespaces that should be treated as "local" to HTML5. */
+ static $local_ns = array(
+ '' => 'html',
+ '' => 'mathml',
+ '' => 'svg',
+ );
+ protected $dom;
+ protected $out;
+ protected $pretty = TRUE;
+ const DOCTYPE = '<!DOCTYPE html>';
+ /**
+ * Create a traverser.
+ *
+ * @param DOMNode|DOMNodeList $dom
+ * The document or node to traverse.
+ * @param resource $out
+ * A stream that allows writing. The traverser will output into this
+ * stream.
+ */
+ public function __construct($dom, $out) {
+ $this->dom = $dom;
+ $this->out = $out;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determine whether output should be formatted.
+ *
+ * IMPORTANT: Neither option will GUARANTEE that the spacing of the output
+ * will exactly match the spacing of an origin document. The HTML5 specification
+ * does not require any such behavior.
+ *
+ * Semantically (according to the HTML5 spec's definition), either flag
+ * will produce an identical document. (Insignificant
+ * whitespace does not impact semantics).
+ *
+ * @param boolean $useFormatting
+ * If TRUE (default) output will be formatted. If FALSE,
+ * the little or no formatting is done.
+ */
+ public function formatOutput($useFormatting = TRUE) {
+ $this->pretty = $useFormatting;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tell the traverser to walk the DOM.
+ *
+ * @return resource $out
+ * Returns the output stream.
+ */
+ public function walk() {
+ // If DOMDocument, start with the DOCTYPE and travers.
+ if ($this->dom instanceof \DOMDocument) {
+ $this->doctype();
+ $this->document($this->dom);
+ }
+ // If NodeList, loop
+ elseif ($this->dom instanceof \DOMNodeList) {
+ // Loop through the list
+ }
+ // Else assume this is a DOMNode-like datastructure.
+ else {
+ $this->node($this->dom);
+ }
+ return $this->out;
+ }
+ protected function doctype() {
+ $this->wr(self::DOCTYPE);
+ $this->nl();
+ }
+ protected function document($node) {
+ $this->node($node->documentElement);
+ $this->nl();
+ }
+ protected function node($node) {
+ switch ($node->nodeType) {
+ $this->element($node);
+ break;
+ $this->text($node);
+ break;
+ $this->cdata($node);
+ break;
+ // FIXME: It appears that the parser doesn't do PI's.
+ case XML_PI_NODE:
+ $this->processorInstruction($ele);
+ break;
+ $this->comment($node);
+ break;
+ // Currently we don't support embedding DTDs.
+ default:
+ print '<!-- Skipped -->';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ protected function element($ele) {
+ $name = $ele->tagName;
+ $block = $this->pretty && $this->isBlock($name);
+ // Per spec:
+ // If the element has a declared namespace in the HTML, MathML or
+ // SVG namespaces, we use the lname instead of the tagName.
+ if ($this->isLocalElement($ele)) {
+ $name = $ele->localName;
+ }
+ // TODO: Really need to fix the spacing.
+ // Add a newline for a block element.
+ if ($block) $this->nl();
+ $this->openTag($ele);
+ // Handle children.
+ if ($ele->hasChildNodes()) {
+ $this->children($ele->childNodes);
+ }
+ // If not unary, add a closing tag.
+ if (!$this->isUnary($name)) {
+ $this->closeTag($ele);
+ if ($block) $this->nl();
+ }
+ }
+ protected function text($ele) {
+ if ($this->isLiteral($ele)) {
+ $this->wr($ele->wholeText);
+ return;
+ }
+ // FIXME: This probably needs some flags set.
+ $this->wr($this->enc($ele->wholeText));
+ }
+ protected function cdata($ele) {
+ $this->wr('<![CDATA[')->wr($ele->wholeText)->wr(']]>');
+ }
+ protected function comment($ele) {
+ $this->wr('<!--')->wr($ele->data)->wr('-->');
+ }
+ protected function processorInstruction($ele) {
+ $this->wr('<?')->wr($ele->target)->wr(' ')->wr($ele->data)->wr(' ?>');
+ }
+ protected function children($nl) {
+ foreach ($nl as $node) {
+ $this->node($node);
+ }
+ }
+ protected function openTag($ele) {
+ // FIXME: Needs support for SVG, MathML, and namespaced XML.
+ $this->wr('<')->wr($ele->tagName);
+ $this->attrs($ele);
+ $this->wr('>');
+ }
+ protected function attrs($ele) {
+ // FIXME: Needs support for xml, xmlns, xlink, and namespaced elements.
+ if (!$ele->hasAttributes()) {
+ return $this;
+ }
+ // TODO: Currently, this always writes name="value", and does not do
+ // value-less attributes.
+ $map = $ele->attributes;
+ $len = $map->length;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) {
+ $node = $map->item($i);
+ $val = $this->enc($node->value);
+ // XXX: The spec says that we need to ensure that anything in
+ // the XML, XMLNS, or XLink NS's should use the canonical
+ // prefix. It seems that DOM does this for us already, but there
+ // may be exceptions.
+ $this->wr(' ')->wr($node->name)->wr('="')->wr($val)->wr('"');
+ }
+ }
+ protected function closeTag($ele) {
+ // FIXME: Needs support for SVG, MathML, and namespaced XML.
+ $this->wr('</')->wr($ele->tagName)->wr('>');
+ }
+ protected function wr($text) {
+ fwrite($this->out, $text);
+ return $this;
+ }
+ protected function nl() {
+ fwrite($this->out, PHP_EOL);
+ return $this;
+ }
+ protected function enc($text) {
+ $flags = ENT_QUOTES;
+ // TODO: Verify on PHP 5.4 that this works as desired.
+ if (defined('ENT_HTML5')) {
+ }
+ $ret = htmlentities($text, $flags, 'UTF-8');
+ //if ($ret != $text) printf("Replaced [%s] with [%s]", $text, $ret);
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Is an unary tag.
+ */
+ protected function isUnary($name) {
+ return isset(self::$unary_elements[$name]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Is block element.
+ */
+ protected function isBlock($name) {
+ return isset(self::$block_elements[$name]);
+ }
+ protected function isLiteral($element) {
+ if (!$element->parentNode) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return isset(self::$literal_elements[$element->parentNode->tagName]);
+ }
+ protected function isLocalElement($ele) {
+ $uri = $ele->namespaceURI;
+ if (empty($uri)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return isset(self::$local_ns[$uri]);
+ }