path: root/src/HTML5
diff options
authorMatt Farina <[email protected]>2013-04-24 06:04:07 -0400
committerMatt Farina <[email protected]>2013-04-24 06:04:07 -0400
commit608bb4ba191cf3b40c29b28347c2a75e7c043246 (patch)
tree5d18c53221eb692110c60d8bd99639fb86383be6 /src/HTML5
parent4815ad81c8317961c6ec607910b08b401b3e52c4 (diff)
Added SVG to the element setup.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/HTML5')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/HTML5/Elements.php b/src/HTML5/Elements.php
index ad58363..fe55d42 100644
--- a/src/HTML5/Elements.php
+++ b/src/HTML5/Elements.php
@@ -183,6 +183,101 @@ class Elements {
+ * The svg elements.
+ *
+ * The Mozilla documentation has a good list at
+ * The w3c list appears to be lacking in some areas like filter effect elements.
+ * That list can be found at
+ *
+ * Note, FireFox appears to do a better job rendering filter effects than chrome.
+ * While they are in the spec I'm not sure how widely implemented they are.
+ *
+ * @var array
+ */
+ public static $svg = array(
+ "a" => 1,
+ "altGlyph" => 1,
+ "altGlyphDef" => 1,
+ "altGlyphItem" => 1,
+ "animate" => 1,
+ "animateColor" => 1,
+ "animateMotion" => 1,
+ "animateTransform" => 1,
+ "circle" => 1,
+ "clipPath" => 1,
+ "color-profile" => 1,
+ "cursor" => 1,
+ "defs" => 1,
+ "desc" => 1,
+ "ellipse" => 1,
+ "feBlend" => 1,
+ "feColorMatrix" => 1,
+ "feComponentTransfer" => 1,
+ "feComposite" => 1,
+ "feConvolveMatrix" => 1,
+ "feDiffuseLighting" => 1,
+ "feDisplacementMap" => 1,
+ "feDistantLight" => 1,
+ "feFlood" => 1,
+ "feFuncA" => 1,
+ "feFuncB" => 1,
+ "feFuncG" => 1,
+ "feFuncR" => 1,
+ "feGaussianBlur" => 1,
+ "feImage" => 1,
+ "feMerge" => 1,
+ "feMergeNode" => 1,
+ "feMorphology" => 1,
+ "feOffset" => 1,
+ "fePointLight" => 1,
+ "feSpecularLighting" => 1,
+ "feSpotLight" => 1,
+ "feTile" => 1,
+ "feTurbulence" => 1,
+ "filter" => 1,
+ "font" => 1,
+ "font-face" => 1,
+ "font-face-format" => 1,
+ "font-face-name" => 1,
+ "font-face-src" => 1,
+ "font-face-uri" => 1,
+ "foreignObject" => 1,
+ "g" => 1,
+ "glyph" => 1,
+ "glyphRef" => 1,
+ "hkern" => 1,
+ "image" => 1,
+ "line" => 1,
+ "linearGradient" => 1,
+ "marker" => 1,
+ "mask" => 1,
+ "metadata" => 1,
+ "missing-glyph" => 1,
+ "mpath" => 1,
+ "path" => 1,
+ "pattern" => 1,
+ "polygon" => 1,
+ "polyline" => 1,
+ "radialGradient" => 1,
+ "rect" => 1,
+ "script" => 1,
+ "set" => 1,
+ "stop" => 1,
+ "style" => 1,
+ "svg" => 1,
+ "switch" => 1,
+ "symbol" => 1,
+ "text" => 1,
+ "textPath" => 1,
+ "title" => 1,
+ "tref" => 1,
+ "tspan" => 1,
+ "use" => 1,
+ "view" => 1,
+ "vkern" => 1,
+ );
+ /**
* Test if an element is a valid html5 element.
* @param string $name
@@ -214,6 +309,21 @@ class Elements {
+ * Test if an element is a valid SVG element.
+ *
+ * @param string $name
+ * The name of the element.
+ *
+ * @return boolean
+ * True if a SVG element and false otherise.
+ */
+ public static function isSvgElement($name) {
+ // SVG is case-sensetitive unlike html5 elements.
+ return isset(self::$svg[$name]);
+ }
+ /**
* Is an element name valid in an html5 document.
* This includes html5 elements along with other allowed embedded content
@@ -226,6 +336,6 @@ class Elements {
* True if valid and false otherwise.
public function isElement($name) {
- return self::isHtml5Element($name) || self::isMathMLElement($name);
+ return self::isHtml5Element($name) || self::isMathMLElement($name) || self::isSvgElement($name);