path: root/test/test-pages/yahoo-3
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diff --git a/test/test-pages/yahoo-3/expected.html b/test/test-pages/yahoo-3/expected.html
index ad3f023..f3113b6 100644
--- a/test/test-pages/yahoo-3/expected.html
+++ b/test/test-pages/yahoo-3/expected.html
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<meta content="2015-03-11T19:46:14Z" itemprop="datePublished"></meta><meta content="Veteran Wraps Baby in American Flag, Photo Sparks Controversy" itemprop="headline"></meta><meta content="" itemprop="alternativeHeadline"></meta><meta content="" itemprop="image"></meta><meta content="A photographer and Navy veteran is fighting back after a photo she posted to Facebook started an online backlash. Vanessa Hicks said she had no idea her photo would be considered controversial. The photo, from a military family’s newborn photo shoot, showed a newborn infant wrapped in an American flag held by his father, who was in his military uniform. Hicks, a Navy veteran herself and the wife of an active-duty Navy member, said her intention was to honor the flag as well as her clients, who wanted to incorporate their military service in the photo shoot." itemprop="description"></meta><p>A photographer and Navy veteran is fighting back after a photo she posted to <a data-rapid_p="13" href="" id="ramplink_Facebook_" target="_blank">Facebook</a> started an online backlash.</p>
<p>Vanessa Hicks said she had no idea her photo would be considered controversial. The photo, from a military family’s newborn photo shoot, showed a newborn infant wrapped in an American flag held by his father, who was in his military uniform.</p>
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
<p>“This is what he was fighting for, his son wrapped in an American flag,” Hicks told ABC News. However, when she posted the image on her page, she started to get comments accusing her of desecrating the flag.</p>
<p>On one Facebook page an unidentified poster put up her picture writing and wrote they found it was “disrespectful, rude, tacky, disgusting, and against the U.S. Flag Code.”</p>
- <div class="yom-fig-frame"><span id="schemaorg"><div class="yom-figure yom-fig-middle"><figure class="cover get-lbdata-from-dom go-to-slideshow-lightbox" data-orig-index="2"><a class="cover-anchor" data-rapid_p="17" id="cover-c9b69c1a26e19ae9fe744763dc31e9ac" name="cover-c9b69c1a26e19ae9fe744763dc31e9ac"></a><div class="cta-overlay"><span class="clearfix title cta-text medium"></span>
- <p class="cta-text large">View photo</p><span class="icon-slideshow icon-white-slideshow">.</span></div><img alt="Vanessa Hicks" class="editorial lzbg" data-preembed="image" src="" title="Vanessa Hicks" width="630"></img></figure><p class="legend">Vanessa Hicks</p>
+ <div><span id="schemaorg"><div><figure data-orig-index="2"><a data-rapid_p="17" id="cover-c9b69c1a26e19ae9fe744763dc31e9ac" name="cover-c9b69c1a26e19ae9fe744763dc31e9ac"></a><div><span></span>
+ <p>View photo</p><span>.</span></div><img alt="Vanessa Hicks" data-preembed="image" src="" title="Vanessa Hicks" width="630"></img></figure><p>Vanessa Hicks</p>
</div><p>The Federal Flag Code has guidelines for the proper treatment of the U.S. Flag but there are no rules for punishment related to violations. In the past, the </p><a data-rapid_p="18" href="" target="_blank">Supreme Court</a><p> has found that people are protected from punishment under the First Amendment for manipulating or even burning the flag.