path: root/src/com/github/junrar/unpack/ppm/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/com/github/junrar/unpack/ppm/')
1 files changed, 427 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/com/github/junrar/unpack/ppm/ b/src/com/github/junrar/unpack/ppm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8844736
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/com/github/junrar/unpack/ppm/
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2007 innoSysTec (R) GmbH, Germany. All rights reserved.
+ * Original author: Edmund Wagner
+ * Creation date: 31.05.2007
+ *
+ * Source: $HeadURL$
+ * Last changed: $LastChangedDate$
+ *
+ * the unrar licence applies to all junrar source and binary distributions
+ * you are not allowed to use this source to re-create the RAR compression algorithm
+ *
+ * Here some html entities which can be used for escaping javadoc tags:
+ * "&": "&" or "&"
+ * "<": "&#060;" or "&lt;"
+ * ">": "&#062;" or "&gt;"
+ * "@": "&#064;"
+ */
+package com.github.junrar.unpack.ppm;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+ *
+ * @author $LastChangedBy$
+ * @version $LastChangedRevision$
+ */
+public class SubAllocator {
+ public static final int N1 = 4, N2 = 4, N3 = 4, N4 = (128 + 3 - 1 * N1 - 2
+ * N2 - 3 * N3) / 4;
+ public static final int N_INDEXES = N1 + N2 + N3 + N4;
+ public static final int UNIT_SIZE = Math.max(PPMContext.size,
+ RarMemBlock.size);
+ public static final int FIXED_UNIT_SIZE = 12;
+ private int subAllocatorSize;
+ // byte Indx2Units[N_INDEXES], Units2Indx[128], GlueCount;
+ private int[] indx2Units = new int[N_INDEXES];
+ private int[] units2Indx = new int[128];
+ private int glueCount;
+ // byte *HeapStart,*LoUnit, *HiUnit;
+ private int heapStart, loUnit, hiUnit;
+ private final RarNode[] freeList = new RarNode[N_INDEXES];
+ // byte *pText, *UnitsStart,*HeapEnd,*FakeUnitsStart;
+ private int pText, unitsStart, heapEnd, fakeUnitsStart;
+ private byte[] heap;
+ private int freeListPos;
+ private int tempMemBlockPos;
+ // Temp fields
+ private RarNode tempRarNode = null;
+ private RarMemBlock tempRarMemBlock1 = null;
+ private RarMemBlock tempRarMemBlock2 = null;
+ private RarMemBlock tempRarMemBlock3 = null;
+ public SubAllocator() {
+ clean();
+ }
+ public void clean() {
+ subAllocatorSize = 0;
+ }
+ private void insertNode(int p/* rarnode ptr */, int indx) {
+ RarNode temp = tempRarNode;
+ temp.setAddress(p);
+ temp.setNext(freeList[indx].getNext());
+ freeList[indx].setNext(temp);
+ }
+ public void incPText() {
+ pText++;
+ }
+ private int removeNode(int indx) {
+ int retVal = freeList[indx].getNext();
+ RarNode temp = tempRarNode;
+ temp.setAddress(retVal);
+ freeList[indx].setNext(temp.getNext());
+ return retVal;
+ }
+ private int U2B(int NU) {
+ return /* 8*NU+4*NU */UNIT_SIZE * NU;
+ }
+ /* memblockptr */
+ private int MBPtr(int BasePtr, int Items) {
+ return (BasePtr + U2B(Items));
+ }
+ private void splitBlock(int pv/* ptr */, int oldIndx, int newIndx) {
+ int i, uDiff = indx2Units[oldIndx] - indx2Units[newIndx];
+ int p = pv + U2B(indx2Units[newIndx]);
+ if (indx2Units[i = units2Indx[uDiff - 1]] != uDiff) {
+ insertNode(p, --i);
+ p += U2B(i = indx2Units[i]);
+ uDiff -= i;
+ }
+ insertNode(p, units2Indx[uDiff - 1]);
+ }
+ public void stopSubAllocator() {
+ if (subAllocatorSize != 0) {
+ subAllocatorSize = 0;
+ heap = null;
+ heapStart = 1;
+ // rarfree(HeapStart);
+ // Free temp fields
+ tempRarNode = null;
+ tempRarMemBlock1 = null;
+ tempRarMemBlock2 = null;
+ tempRarMemBlock3 = null;
+ }
+ }
+ public int GetAllocatedMemory() {
+ return subAllocatorSize;
+ };
+ public boolean startSubAllocator(int SASize) {
+ int t = SASize << 20;
+ if (subAllocatorSize == t) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ stopSubAllocator();
+ int allocSize = t / FIXED_UNIT_SIZE * UNIT_SIZE + UNIT_SIZE;
+ // adding space for freelist (needed for poiters)
+ // 1+ for null pointer
+ int realAllocSize = 1 + allocSize + 4 * N_INDEXES;
+ // adding space for an additional memblock
+ tempMemBlockPos = realAllocSize;
+ realAllocSize += RarMemBlock.size;
+ heap = new byte[realAllocSize];
+ heapStart = 1;
+ heapEnd = heapStart + allocSize - UNIT_SIZE;
+ subAllocatorSize = t;
+ // Bug fixed
+ freeListPos = heapStart + allocSize;
+ assert (realAllocSize - tempMemBlockPos == RarMemBlock.size) : realAllocSize
+ + " " + tempMemBlockPos + " " + RarMemBlock.size;
+ // Init freeList
+ for (int i = 0, pos = freeListPos; i < freeList.length; i++, pos += RarNode.size) {
+ freeList[i] = new RarNode(heap);
+ freeList[i].setAddress(pos);
+ }
+ // Init temp fields
+ tempRarNode = new RarNode(heap);
+ tempRarMemBlock1 = new RarMemBlock(heap);
+ tempRarMemBlock2 = new RarMemBlock(heap);
+ tempRarMemBlock3 = new RarMemBlock(heap);
+ return true;
+ }
+ private void glueFreeBlocks() {
+ RarMemBlock s0 = tempRarMemBlock1;
+ s0.setAddress(tempMemBlockPos);
+ RarMemBlock p = tempRarMemBlock2;
+ RarMemBlock p1 = tempRarMemBlock3;
+ int i, k, sz;
+ if (loUnit != hiUnit) {
+ heap[loUnit] = 0;
+ }
+ for (i = 0, s0.setPrev(s0), s0.setNext(s0); i < N_INDEXES; i++) {
+ while (freeList[i].getNext() != 0) {
+ p.setAddress(removeNode(i));// =(RAR_MEM_BLK*)RemoveNode(i);
+ p.insertAt(s0);// p->insertAt(&s0);
+ p.setStamp(0xFFFF);// p->Stamp=0xFFFF;
+ p.setNU(indx2Units[i]);// p->NU=Indx2Units[i];
+ }
+ }
+ for (p.setAddress(s0.getNext()); p.getAddress() != s0.getAddress(); p
+ .setAddress(p.getNext())) {
+ // while ((p1=MBPtr(p,p->NU))->Stamp == 0xFFFF && int(p->NU)+p1->NU
+ // < 0x10000)
+ // Bug fixed
+ p1.setAddress(MBPtr(p.getAddress(), p.getNU()));
+ while (p1.getStamp() == 0xFFFF && p.getNU() + p1.getNU() < 0x10000) {
+ p1.remove();
+ p.setNU(p.getNU() + p1.getNU());// ->NU += p1->NU;
+ p1.setAddress(MBPtr(p.getAddress(), p.getNU()));
+ }
+ }
+ // while (( != &s0)
+ // Bug fixed
+ p.setAddress(s0.getNext());
+ while (p.getAddress() != s0.getAddress()) {
+ for (p.remove(), sz = p.getNU(); sz > 128; sz -= 128, p
+ .setAddress(MBPtr(p.getAddress(), 128))) {
+ insertNode(p.getAddress(), N_INDEXES - 1);
+ }
+ if (indx2Units[i = units2Indx[sz - 1]] != sz) {
+ k = sz - indx2Units[--i];
+ insertNode(MBPtr(p.getAddress(), sz - k), k - 1);
+ }
+ insertNode(p.getAddress(), i);
+ p.setAddress(s0.getNext());
+ }
+ }
+ private int allocUnitsRare(int indx) {
+ if (glueCount == 0) {
+ glueCount = 255;
+ glueFreeBlocks();
+ if (freeList[indx].getNext() != 0) {
+ return removeNode(indx);
+ }
+ }
+ int i = indx;
+ do {
+ if (++i == N_INDEXES) {
+ glueCount--;
+ i = U2B(indx2Units[indx]);
+ int j = FIXED_UNIT_SIZE * indx2Units[indx];
+ if (fakeUnitsStart - pText > j) {
+ fakeUnitsStart -= j;
+ unitsStart -= i;
+ return unitsStart;
+ }
+ return (0);
+ }
+ } while (freeList[i].getNext() == 0);
+ int retVal = removeNode(i);
+ splitBlock(retVal, i, indx);
+ return retVal;
+ }
+ public int allocUnits(int NU) {
+ int indx = units2Indx[NU - 1];
+ if (freeList[indx].getNext() != 0) {
+ return removeNode(indx);
+ }
+ int retVal = loUnit;
+ loUnit += U2B(indx2Units[indx]);
+ if (loUnit <= hiUnit) {
+ return retVal;
+ }
+ loUnit -= U2B(indx2Units[indx]);
+ return allocUnitsRare(indx);
+ }
+ public int allocContext() {
+ if (hiUnit != loUnit)
+ return (hiUnit -= UNIT_SIZE);
+ if (freeList[0].getNext() != 0) {
+ return removeNode(0);
+ }
+ return allocUnitsRare(0);
+ }
+ public int expandUnits(int oldPtr, int OldNU) {
+ int i0 = units2Indx[OldNU - 1];
+ int i1 = units2Indx[OldNU - 1 + 1];
+ if (i0 == i1) {
+ return oldPtr;
+ }
+ int ptr = allocUnits(OldNU + 1);
+ if (ptr != 0) {
+ // memcpy(ptr,OldPtr,U2B(OldNU));
+ System.arraycopy(heap, oldPtr, heap, ptr, U2B(OldNU));
+ insertNode(oldPtr, i0);
+ }
+ return ptr;
+ }
+ public int shrinkUnits(int oldPtr, int oldNU, int newNU) {
+ // System.out.println("SubAllocator.shrinkUnits(" + OldPtr + ", " +
+ // OldNU + ", " + NewNU + ")");
+ int i0 = units2Indx[oldNU - 1];
+ int i1 = units2Indx[newNU - 1];
+ if (i0 == i1) {
+ return oldPtr;
+ }
+ if (freeList[i1].getNext() != 0) {
+ int ptr = removeNode(i1);
+ // memcpy(ptr,OldPtr,U2B(NewNU));
+ // for (int i = 0; i < U2B(NewNU); i++) {
+ // heap[ptr + i] = heap[OldPtr + i];
+ // }
+ System.arraycopy(heap, oldPtr, heap, ptr, U2B(newNU));
+ insertNode(oldPtr, i0);
+ return ptr;
+ } else {
+ splitBlock(oldPtr, i0, i1);
+ return oldPtr;
+ }
+ }
+ public void freeUnits(int ptr, int OldNU) {
+ insertNode(ptr, units2Indx[OldNU - 1]);
+ }
+ public int getFakeUnitsStart() {
+ return fakeUnitsStart;
+ }
+ public void setFakeUnitsStart(int fakeUnitsStart) {
+ this.fakeUnitsStart = fakeUnitsStart;
+ }
+ public int getHeapEnd() {
+ return heapEnd;
+ }
+ public int getPText() {
+ return pText;
+ }
+ public void setPText(int text) {
+ pText = text;
+ }
+ public void decPText(int dPText) {
+ setPText(getPText() - dPText);
+ }
+ public int getUnitsStart() {
+ return unitsStart;
+ }
+ public void setUnitsStart(int unitsStart) {
+ this.unitsStart = unitsStart;
+ }
+ public void initSubAllocator() {
+ int i, k;
+ Arrays
+ .fill(heap, freeListPos, freeListPos + sizeOfFreeList(),
+ (byte) 0);
+ pText = heapStart;
+ int size2 = FIXED_UNIT_SIZE
+ * (subAllocatorSize / 8 / FIXED_UNIT_SIZE * 7);
+ int realSize2 = size2 / FIXED_UNIT_SIZE * UNIT_SIZE;
+ int size1 = subAllocatorSize - size2;
+ int realSize1 = size1 / FIXED_UNIT_SIZE * UNIT_SIZE + size1
+ hiUnit = heapStart + subAllocatorSize;
+ loUnit = unitsStart = heapStart + realSize1;
+ fakeUnitsStart = heapStart + size1;
+ hiUnit = loUnit + realSize2;
+ for (i = 0, k = 1; i < N1; i++, k += 1) {
+ indx2Units[i] = k & 0xff;
+ }
+ for (k++; i < N1 + N2; i++, k += 2) {
+ indx2Units[i] = k & 0xff;
+ }
+ for (k++; i < N1 + N2 + N3; i++, k += 3) {
+ indx2Units[i] = k & 0xff;
+ }
+ for (k++; i < (N1 + N2 + N3 + N4); i++, k += 4) {
+ indx2Units[i] = k & 0xff;
+ }
+ for (glueCount = 0, k = 0, i = 0; k < 128; k++) {
+ i += ((indx2Units[i] < (k + 1)) ? 1 : 0);
+ units2Indx[k] = i & 0xff;
+ }
+ }
+ private int sizeOfFreeList() {
+ return freeList.length * RarNode.size;
+ }
+ public byte[] getHeap() {
+ return heap;
+ }
+ // Debug
+ // public void dumpHeap() {
+ // File file = new File("P:\\test\\heapdumpj");
+ // OutputStream out = null;
+ // try {
+ // out = new FileOutputStream(file);
+ // out.write(heap, heapStart, heapEnd - heapStart);
+ // out.flush();
+ // System.out.println("Heap dumped to " + file.getAbsolutePath());
+ // }
+ // catch (IOException e) {
+ // e.printStackTrace();
+ // }
+ // finally {
+ // FileUtil.close(out);
+ // }
+ // }
+ // Debug
+ public String toString() {
+ StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
+ buffer.append("SubAllocator[");
+ buffer.append("\n subAllocatorSize=");
+ buffer.append(subAllocatorSize);
+ buffer.append("\n glueCount=");
+ buffer.append(glueCount);
+ buffer.append("\n heapStart=");
+ buffer.append(heapStart);
+ buffer.append("\n loUnit=");
+ buffer.append(loUnit);
+ buffer.append("\n hiUnit=");
+ buffer.append(hiUnit);
+ buffer.append("\n pText=");
+ buffer.append(pText);
+ buffer.append("\n unitsStart=");
+ buffer.append(unitsStart);
+ buffer.append("\n]");
+ return buffer.toString();
+ }