diff options
authorAndrew Dolgov <[email protected]>2011-12-13 15:40:42 +0400
committerAndrew Dolgov <[email protected]>2011-12-13 15:40:42 +0400
commitde8260cb10da0ac4e49e4b3fc3a42c3578eff007 (patch)
parentd043c0069ed6e7e33e5ee019eca725fa4029ef1e (diff)
move API to classes/
4 files changed, 372 insertions, 365 deletions
diff --git a/api/index.php b/api/index.php
index 3099ae7e2..b8a6d4c4a 100644
--- a/api/index.php
+++ b/api/index.php
@@ -8,15 +8,17 @@
dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . PATH_SEPARATOR .
dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/include" );
+ function __autoload($class) {
+ $file = "classes/".strtolower(basename($class)).".php";
+ if (file_exists($file)) {
+ require $file;
+ }
+ }
require_once "db.php";
require_once "db-prefs.php";
require_once "functions.php";
- define('API_LEVEL', 1);
- define('API_STATUS_OK', 0);
- define('API_STATUS_ERR', 1);
@@ -36,9 +38,7 @@
if ($input) {
$input = json_decode($input, true);
- if ($input) {
- $_REQUEST = $input;
- }
+ if ($input) $_REQUEST = $input;
if ($_REQUEST["sid"]) {
@@ -47,356 +47,19 @@
- if (!$link) {
- if (DB_TYPE == "mysql") {
- print mysql_error();
- }
- // PG seems to display its own errors just fine by default.
- return;
- }
- init_connection($link);
- $op = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["op"]);
- $seq = (int) $_REQUEST["seq"];
- header("Content-Type: text/plain");
- function api_wrap_reply($status, $seq, $reply) {
- print json_encode(array("seq" => $seq,
- "status" => $status,
- "content" => $reply));
- }
- if (!$_SESSION["uid"] && $op != "login" && $op != "isLoggedIn") {
- print api_wrap_reply(API_STATUS_ERR, $seq, array("error" => 'NOT_LOGGED_IN'));
- return;
- }
- if ($_SESSION["uid"] && $op != "logout" && !get_pref($link, 'ENABLE_API_ACCESS')) {
- print api_wrap_reply(API_STATUS_ERR, $seq, array("error" => 'API_DISABLED'));
- return;
- }
- switch ($op) {
- case "getVersion":
- $rv = array("version" => VERSION);
- print api_wrap_reply(API_STATUS_OK, $seq, $rv);
- break;
- case "getApiLevel":
- $rv = array("level" => API_LEVEL);
- print api_wrap_reply(API_STATUS_OK, $seq, $rv);
- break;
- case "login":
- $login = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["user"]);
- $password = $_REQUEST["password"];
- $password_base64 = base64_decode($_REQUEST["password"]);
- if (SINGLE_USER_MODE) $login = "admin";
- $result = db_query($link, "SELECT id FROM ttrss_users WHERE login = '$login'");
- if (db_num_rows($result) != 0) {
- $uid = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "id");
- } else {
- $uid = 0;
- }
- if (!$uid) {
- print api_wrap_reply(API_STATUS_ERR, $seq,
- array("error" => "LOGIN_ERROR"));
- return;
- }
- if (get_pref($link, "ENABLE_API_ACCESS", $uid)) {
- if (authenticate_user($link, $login, $password)) { // try login with normal password
- print api_wrap_reply(API_STATUS_OK, $seq,
- array("session_id" => session_id()));
- } else if (authenticate_user($link, $login, $password_base64)) { // else try with base64_decoded password
- print api_wrap_reply(API_STATUS_OK, $seq,
- array("session_id" => session_id()));
- } else { // else we are not logged in
- print api_wrap_reply(API_STATUS_ERR, $seq,
- array("error" => "LOGIN_ERROR"));
- }
- } else {
- print api_wrap_reply(API_STATUS_ERR, $seq,
- array("error" => "API_DISABLED"));
- }
- break;
- case "logout":
- logout_user();
- print api_wrap_reply(API_STATUS_OK, $seq, array("status" => "OK"));
- break;
- case "isLoggedIn":
- print api_wrap_reply(API_STATUS_OK, $seq,
- array("status" => $_SESSION["uid"] != ''));
- break;
- case "getUnread":
- $feed_id = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["feed_id"]);
- $is_cat = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["is_cat"]);
- if ($feed_id) {
- print api_wrap_reply(API_STATUS_OK, $seq,
- array("unread" => getFeedUnread($link, $feed_id, $is_cat)));
- } else {
- print api_wrap_reply(API_STATUS_OK, $seq,
- array("unread" => getGlobalUnread($link)));
- }
- break;
- /* Method added for ttrss-reader for Android */
- case "getCounters":
- /* flct (flc is the default) FIXME: document */
- $output_mode = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["output_mode"]);
- print api_wrap_reply(API_STATUS_OK, $seq,
- getAllCounters($link, $output_mode));
- break;
- case "getFeeds":
- $cat_id = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["cat_id"]);
- $unread_only = (bool)db_escape_string($_REQUEST["unread_only"]);
- $limit = (int) db_escape_string($_REQUEST["limit"]);
- $offset = (int) db_escape_string($_REQUEST["offset"]);
- $feeds = api_get_feeds($link, $cat_id, $unread_only, $limit, $offset);
- print api_wrap_reply(API_STATUS_OK, $seq, $feeds);
- break;
- case "getCategories":
- $unread_only = (bool)db_escape_string($_REQUEST["unread_only"]);
- // TODO do not return empty categories, return Uncategorized and standard virtual cats
- $result = db_query($link, "SELECT
- id, title FROM ttrss_feed_categories
- WHERE owner_uid = " .
- $_SESSION["uid"]);
- $cats = array();
- while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
- $unread = getFeedUnread($link, $line["id"], true);
- if ($unread || !$unread_only) {
- array_push($cats, array("id" => $line["id"],
- "title" => $line["title"],
- "unread" => $unread));
- }
- }
- foreach (array(-2,-1,0) as $cat_id) {
- $unread = getFeedUnread($link, $cat_id, true);
- if ($unread || !$unread_only) {
- array_push($cats, array("id" => $cat_id,
- "title" => getCategoryTitle($link, $cat_id),
- "unread" => $unread));
- }
- }
- print api_wrap_reply(API_STATUS_OK, $seq, $cats);
- break;
- case "getHeadlines":
- $feed_id = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["feed_id"]);
- $limit = (int)db_escape_string($_REQUEST["limit"]);
- $offset = (int)db_escape_string($_REQUEST["skip"]);
- $filter = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["filter"]);
- $is_cat = (bool)db_escape_string($_REQUEST["is_cat"]);
- $show_excerpt = (bool)db_escape_string($_REQUEST["show_excerpt"]);
- $show_content = (bool)db_escape_string($_REQUEST["show_content"]);
- /* all_articles, unread, adaptive, marked, updated */
- $view_mode = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["view_mode"]);
- $include_attachments = (bool)db_escape_string($_REQUEST["include_attachments"]);
- $since_id = (int)db_escape_string($_REQUEST["since_id"]);
+ if (!init_connection($link)) return;
- $headlines = api_get_headlines($link, $feed_id, $limit, $offset,
- $filter, $is_cat, $show_excerpt, $show_content, $view_mode, false,
- $include_attachments, $since_id);
+ $method = strtolower($_REQUEST["op"]);
- print api_wrap_reply(API_STATUS_OK, $seq, $headlines);
- break;
- case "updateArticle":
- $article_ids = array_filter(explode(",", db_escape_string($_REQUEST["article_ids"])), is_numeric);
- $mode = (int) db_escape_string($_REQUEST["mode"]);
- $data = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["data"]);
- $field_raw = (int)db_escape_string($_REQUEST["field"]);
- $field = "";
- $set_to = "";
- switch ($field_raw) {
- case 0:
- $field = "marked";
- break;
- case 1:
- $field = "published";
- break;
- case 2:
- $field = "unread";
- break;
- case 3:
- $field = "note";
- };
- switch ($mode) {
- case 1:
- $set_to = "true";
- break;
- case 0:
- $set_to = "false";
- break;
- case 2:
- $set_to = "NOT $field";
- break;
- }
- if ($field == "note") $set_to = "'$data'";
- if ($field && $set_to && count($article_ids) > 0) {
- $article_ids = join(", ", $article_ids);
- if ($field == "unread") {
- $result = db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET $field = $set_to,
- last_read = NOW()
- WHERE ref_id IN ($article_ids) AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]);
- } else {
- $result = db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET $field = $set_to
- WHERE ref_id IN ($article_ids) AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]);
- }
- $num_updated = db_affected_rows($link, $result);
- if ($num_updated > 0 && $field == "unread") {
- $result = db_query($link, "SELECT DISTINCT feed_id FROM ttrss_user_entries
- WHERE ref_id IN ($article_ids)");
- while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
- ccache_update($link, $line["feed_id"], $_SESSION["uid"]);
- }
- }
- print api_wrap_reply(API_STATUS_OK, $seq, array("status" => "OK",
- "updated" => $num_updated));
- } else {
- print api_wrap_reply(API_STATUS_ERR, $seq,
- array("error" => 'INCORRECT_USAGE'));
- }
- break;
- case "getArticle":
- $article_id = join(",", array_filter(explode(",", db_escape_string($_REQUEST["article_id"])), is_numeric));
- $query = "SELECT id,title,link,content,feed_id,comments,int_id,
- marked,unread,published,
- ".SUBSTRING_FOR_DATE."(updated,1,16) as updated,
- author
- FROM ttrss_entries,ttrss_user_entries
- WHERE id IN ($article_id) AND ref_id = id AND owner_uid = " .
- $_SESSION["uid"] ;
- $result = db_query($link, $query);
- $articles = array();
- if (db_num_rows($result) != 0) {
- while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
- $attachments = get_article_enclosures($link, $line['id']);
- $article = array(
- "id" => $line["id"],
- "title" => $line["title"],
- "link" => $line["link"],
- "labels" => get_article_labels($link, $line['id']),
- "unread" => sql_bool_to_bool($line["unread"]),
- "marked" => sql_bool_to_bool($line["marked"]),
- "published" => sql_bool_to_bool($line["published"]),
- "comments" => $line["comments"],
- "author" => $line["author"],
- "updated" => strtotime($line["updated"]),
- "content" => $line["content"],
- "feed_id" => $line["feed_id"],
- "attachments" => $attachments
- );
- array_push($articles, $article);
- }
- }
- print api_wrap_reply(API_STATUS_OK, $seq, $articles);
- break;
- case "getConfig":
- $config = array(
- "icons_dir" => ICONS_DIR,
- "icons_url" => ICONS_URL);
- $config["daemon_is_running"] = file_is_locked("update_daemon.lock");
- $result = db_query($link, "SELECT COUNT(*) AS cf FROM
- ttrss_feeds WHERE owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]);
- $num_feeds = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "cf");
- $config["num_feeds"] = (int)$num_feeds;
- print api_wrap_reply(API_STATUS_OK, $seq, $config);
- break;
- case "updateFeed":
- $feed_id = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["feed_id"]);
- update_rss_feed($link, $feed_id, true);
- print api_wrap_reply(API_STATUS_OK, $seq, array("status" => "OK"));
- break;
- case "catchupFeed":
- $feed_id = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["feed_id"]);
- $is_cat = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["is_cat"]);
- catchup_feed($link, $feed_id, $is_cat);
- print api_wrap_reply(API_STATUS_OK, $seq, array("status" => "OK"));
- break;
- case "getPref":
- $pref_name = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["pref_name"]);
- print api_wrap_reply(API_STATUS_OK, $seq,
- array("value" => get_pref($link, $pref_name)));
- break;
- default:
- print api_wrap_reply(API_STATUS_ERR, $seq,
- array("error" => 'UNKNOWN_METHOD'));
- break;
+ $handler = new API($link, $_REQUEST);
+ if ($handler->before($method)) {
+ if ($method && method_exists($handler, $method)) {
+ $handler->$method();
+ } else if (method_exists($handler, 'index')) {
+ $handler->index($method);
+ }
+ $handler->after();
diff --git a/backend.php b/backend.php
index 62cd6229d..92a91ef91 100644
--- a/backend.php
+++ b/backend.php
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
$handler = new $op($link, $_REQUEST);
if ($handler) {
- if ($handler->before()) {
+ if ($handler->before($method)) {
if ($method && method_exists($handler, $method)) {
} else if (method_exists($handler, 'index')) {
diff --git a/classes/api.php b/classes/api.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..73fffc66e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/api.php
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+class API extends Handler {
+ const API_LEVEL = 1;
+ const STATUS_OK = 0;
+ const STATUS_ERR = 1;
+ private $seq;
+ function before($method) {
+ if (parent::before($method)) {
+ if (!$_SESSION["uid"] && $method != "login" && $method != "isloggedin") {
+ print $this->wrap(self::STATUS_ERR, array("error" => 'NOT_LOGGED_IN'));
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ($_SESSION["uid"] && $method != "logout" && !get_pref($this->link, 'ENABLE_API_ACCESS')) {
+ print $this->wrap(self::STATUS_ERR, array("error" => 'API_DISABLED'));
+ return false;
+ }
+ $this->seq = (int) $_REQUEST['seq'];
+ header("Content-Type: text/plain");
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function wrap($status, $reply) {
+ print json_encode(array("seq" => $this->seq,
+ "status" => $status,
+ "content" => $reply));
+ }
+ function getVersion() {
+ $rv = array("version" => VERSION);
+ print $this->wrap(self::STATUS_OK, $rv);
+ }
+ function getApiLevel() {
+ $rv = array("level" => API_LEVEL);
+ print $this->wrap(self::STATUS_OK, $rv);
+ }
+ function login() {
+ $login = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["user"]);
+ $password = $_REQUEST["password"];
+ $password_base64 = base64_decode($_REQUEST["password"]);
+ if (SINGLE_USER_MODE) $login = "admin";
+ $result = db_query($this->link, "SELECT id FROM ttrss_users WHERE login = '$login'");
+ if (db_num_rows($result) != 0) {
+ $uid = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "id");
+ } else {
+ $uid = 0;
+ }
+ if (!$uid) {
+ print $this->wrap(self::STATUS_ERR, array("error" => "LOGIN_ERROR"));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (get_pref($this->link, "ENABLE_API_ACCESS", $uid)) {
+ if (authenticate_user($this->link, $login, $password)) { // try login with normal password
+ print $this->wrap(self::STATUS_OK, array("session_id" => session_id()));
+ } else if (authenticate_user($this->link, $login, $password_base64)) { // else try with base64_decoded password
+ print $this->wrap(self::STATUS_OK, array("session_id" => session_id()));
+ } else { // else we are not logged in
+ print $this->wrap(self::STATUS_ERR, array("error" => "LOGIN_ERROR"));
+ }
+ } else {
+ print $this->wrap(self::STATUS_ERR, array("error" => "API_DISABLED"));
+ }
+ }
+ function logout() {
+ logout_user();
+ print $this->wrap(self::STATUS_OK, array("status" => "OK"));
+ }
+ function isLoggedIn() {
+ print $this->wrap(self::STATUS_OK, array("status" => $_SESSION["uid"] != ''));
+ }
+ function getUnread() {
+ $feed_id = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["feed_id"]);
+ $is_cat = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["is_cat"]);
+ if ($feed_id) {
+ print $this->wrap(self::STATUS_OK, array("unread" => getFeedUnread($this->link, $feed_id, $is_cat)));
+ } else {
+ print $this->wrap(self::STATUS_OK, array("unread" => getGlobalUnread($this->link)));
+ }
+ }
+ /* Method added for ttrss-reader for Android */
+ function getCounters() {
+ /* flct (flc is the default) FIXME: document */
+ $output_mode = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["output_mode"]);
+ print $this->wrap(self::STATUS_OK, getAllCounters($this->link, $output_mode));
+ }
+ function getFeeds() {
+ $cat_id = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["cat_id"]);
+ $unread_only = (bool)db_escape_string($_REQUEST["unread_only"]);
+ $limit = (int) db_escape_string($_REQUEST["limit"]);
+ $offset = (int) db_escape_string($_REQUEST["offset"]);
+ $feeds = api_get_feeds($this->link, $cat_id, $unread_only, $limit, $offset);
+ print $this->wrap(self::STATUS_OK, $feeds);
+ }
+ function getCategories() {
+ $unread_only = (bool)db_escape_string($_REQUEST["unread_only"]);
+ // TODO do not return empty categories, return Uncategorized and standard virtual cats
+ $result = db_query($this->link, "SELECT
+ id, title FROM ttrss_feed_categories
+ WHERE owner_uid = " .
+ $_SESSION["uid"]);
+ $cats = array();
+ while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
+ $unread = getFeedUnread($this->link, $line["id"], true);
+ if ($unread || !$unread_only) {
+ array_push($cats, array("id" => $line["id"],
+ "title" => $line["title"],
+ "unread" => $unread));
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (array(-2,-1,0) as $cat_id) {
+ $unread = getFeedUnread($this->link, $cat_id, true);
+ if ($unread || !$unread_only) {
+ array_push($cats, array("id" => $cat_id,
+ "title" => getCategoryTitle($this->link, $cat_id),
+ "unread" => $unread));
+ }
+ }
+ print $this->wrap(self::STATUS_OK, $cats);
+ }
+ function getHeadlines() {
+ $feed_id = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["feed_id"]);
+ if ($feed_id) {
+ $limit = (int)db_escape_string($_REQUEST["limit"]);
+ $offset = (int)db_escape_string($_REQUEST["skip"]);
+ $filter = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["filter"]);
+ $is_cat = (bool)db_escape_string($_REQUEST["is_cat"]);
+ $show_excerpt = (bool)db_escape_string($_REQUEST["show_excerpt"]);
+ $show_content = (bool)db_escape_string($_REQUEST["show_content"]);
+ /* all_articles, unread, adaptive, marked, updated */
+ $view_mode = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["view_mode"]);
+ $include_attachments = (bool)db_escape_string($_REQUEST["include_attachments"]);
+ $since_id = (int)db_escape_string($_REQUEST["since_id"]);
+ $headlines = api_get_headlines($this->link, $feed_id, $limit, $offset,
+ $filter, $is_cat, $show_excerpt, $show_content, $view_mode, false,
+ $include_attachments, $since_id);
+ print $this->wrap(self::STATUS_OK, $headlines);
+ } else {
+ print $this->wrap(self::STATUS_ERR, array("error" => 'INCORRECT_USAGE'));
+ }
+ }
+ function updateArticle() {
+ $article_ids = array_filter(explode(",", db_escape_string($_REQUEST["article_ids"])), is_numeric);
+ $mode = (int) db_escape_string($_REQUEST["mode"]);
+ $data = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["data"]);
+ $field_raw = (int)db_escape_string($_REQUEST["field"]);
+ $field = "";
+ $set_to = "";
+ switch ($field_raw) {
+ case 0:
+ $field = "marked";
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ $field = "published";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $field = "unread";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ $field = "note";
+ };
+ switch ($mode) {
+ case 1:
+ $set_to = "true";
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ $set_to = "false";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $set_to = "NOT $field";
+ break;
+ }
+ if ($field == "note") $set_to = "'$data'";
+ if ($field && $set_to && count($article_ids) > 0) {
+ $article_ids = join(", ", $article_ids);
+ if ($field == "unread") {
+ $result = db_query($this->link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET $field = $set_to,
+ last_read = NOW()
+ WHERE ref_id IN ($article_ids) AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]);
+ } else {
+ $result = db_query($this->link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET $field = $set_to
+ WHERE ref_id IN ($article_ids) AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]);
+ }
+ $num_updated = db_affected_rows($this->link, $result);
+ if ($num_updated > 0 && $field == "unread") {
+ $result = db_query($this->link, "SELECT DISTINCT feed_id FROM ttrss_user_entries
+ WHERE ref_id IN ($article_ids)");
+ while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
+ ccache_update($this->link, $line["feed_id"], $_SESSION["uid"]);
+ }
+ }
+ print $this->wrap(self::STATUS_OK, array("status" => "OK",
+ "updated" => $num_updated));
+ } else {
+ print $this->wrap(self::STATUS_ERR, array("error" => 'INCORRECT_USAGE'));
+ }
+ }
+ function getArticle() {
+ $article_id = join(",", array_filter(explode(",", db_escape_string($_REQUEST["article_id"])), is_numeric));
+ $query = "SELECT id,title,link,content,feed_id,comments,int_id,
+ marked,unread,published,
+ ".SUBSTRING_FOR_DATE."(updated,1,16) as updated,
+ author
+ FROM ttrss_entries,ttrss_user_entries
+ WHERE id IN ($article_id) AND ref_id = id AND owner_uid = " .
+ $_SESSION["uid"] ;
+ $result = db_query($this->link, $query);
+ $articles = array();
+ if (db_num_rows($result) != 0) {
+ while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
+ $attachments = get_article_enclosures($this->link, $line['id']);
+ $article = array(
+ "id" => $line["id"],
+ "title" => $line["title"],
+ "link" => $line["link"],
+ "labels" => get_article_labels($this->link, $line['id']),
+ "unread" => sql_bool_to_bool($line["unread"]),
+ "marked" => sql_bool_to_bool($line["marked"]),
+ "published" => sql_bool_to_bool($line["published"]),
+ "comments" => $line["comments"],
+ "author" => $line["author"],
+ "updated" => strtotime($line["updated"]),
+ "content" => $line["content"],
+ "feed_id" => $line["feed_id"],
+ "attachments" => $attachments
+ );
+ array_push($articles, $article);
+ }
+ }
+ print $this->wrap(self::STATUS_OK, $articles);
+ }
+ function getConfig() {
+ $config = array(
+ "icons_dir" => ICONS_DIR,
+ "icons_url" => ICONS_URL);
+ $config["daemon_is_running"] = file_is_locked("update_daemon.lock");
+ $result = db_query($this->link, "SELECT COUNT(*) AS cf FROM
+ ttrss_feeds WHERE owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]);
+ $num_feeds = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "cf");
+ $config["num_feeds"] = (int)$num_feeds;
+ print $this->wrap(self::STATUS_OK, $config);
+ }
+ function updateFeed() {
+ $feed_id = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["feed_id"]);
+ update_rss_feed($this->link, $feed_id, true);
+ print $this->wrap(self::STATUS_OK, array("status" => "OK"));
+ }
+ function catchupFeed() {
+ $feed_id = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["feed_id"]);
+ $is_cat = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["is_cat"]);
+ catchup_feed($this->link, $feed_id, $is_cat);
+ print $this->wrap(self::STATUS_OK, array("status" => "OK"));
+ }
+ function getPref() {
+ $pref_name = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["pref_name"]);
+ print $this->wrap(self::STATUS_OK, array("value" => get_pref($this->link, $pref_name)));
+ }
+ function index() {
+ print $this->wrap(self::STATUS_ERR, array("error" => 'UNKNOWN_METHOD'));
+ }
diff --git a/public.php b/public.php
index 2cec82962..598f78c78 100644
--- a/public.php
+++ b/public.php
@@ -48,16 +48,14 @@
$handler = new Public_Handler($link, $_REQUEST);
- if ($handler) {
- if ($handler->before()) {
- if ($method && method_exists($handler, $method)) {
- $handler->$method();
- } else if (method_exists($handler, 'index')) {
- $handler->index();
- }
- $handler->after();
- return;
+ if ($handler->before($method)) {
+ if ($method && method_exists($handler, $method)) {
+ $handler->$method();
+ } else if (method_exists($handler, 'index')) {
+ $handler->index();
+ $handler->after();
+ return;
header("Content-Type: text/plain");