path: root/lib/dijit/Calendar.js
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authorAndrew Dolgov <[email protected]>2011-11-08 20:40:44 +0400
committerAndrew Dolgov <[email protected]>2011-11-08 20:40:44 +0400
commit81bea17aefb26859f825b9293c7c99192874806e (patch)
treefb244408ca271affa2899adb634788802c9a89d8 /lib/dijit/Calendar.js
parent870a70e109ac9e80a88047044530de53d0404ec7 (diff)
upgrade Dojo to 1.6.1
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dijit/Calendar.js')
1 files changed, 594 insertions, 250 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dijit/Calendar.js b/lib/dijit/Calendar.js
index fa82770ee..b092ed797 100644
--- a/lib/dijit/Calendar.js
+++ b/lib/dijit/Calendar.js
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
- Copyright (c) 2004-2010, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2011, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
see: for details
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit.Calendar"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dijit.Calendar"] = true;
@@ -14,252 +14,596 @@ dojo.require("");
-dojo.declare("dijit.Calendar",[dijit._Widget,dijit._Templated,dijit._CssStateMixin],{templateString:dojo.cache("dijit","templates/Calendar.html","<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" class=\"dijitCalendarContainer\" role=\"grid\" dojoAttachEvent=\"onkeypress: _onKeyPress\">\n\t<thead>\n\t\t<tr class=\"dijitReset dijitCalendarMonthContainer\" valign=\"top\">\n\t\t\t<th class='dijitReset dijitCalendarArrow' dojoAttachPoint=\"decrementMonth\">\n\t\t\t\t<img src=\"${_blankGif}\" alt=\"\" class=\"dijitCalendarIncrementControl dijitCalendarDecrease\" waiRole=\"presentation\"/>\n\t\t\t\t<span dojoAttachPoint=\"decreaseArrowNode\" class=\"dijitA11ySideArrow\">-</span>\n\t\t\t</th>\n\t\t\t<th class='dijitReset' colspan=\"5\">\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"dijitVisible\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"dijitPopup dijitMenu dijitMenuPassive dijitHidden\" dojoAttachPoint=\"monthDropDown\" dojoAttachEvent=\"onmouseup: _onMonthSelect, onmouseover: _onMenuHover, onmouseout: _onMenuHover\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"dijitCalendarMonthLabelTemplate dijitCalendarMonthLabel\"></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div dojoAttachPoint=\"monthLabelSpacer\" class=\"dijitSpacer\"></div>\n\t\t\t\t<div dojoAttachPoint=\"monthLabelNode\" class=\"dijitCalendarMonthLabel dijitInline dijitVisible\" dojoAttachEvent=\"onmousedown: _onMonthToggle\"></div>\n\t\t\t</th>\n\t\t\t<th class='dijitReset dijitCalendarArrow' dojoAttachPoint=\"incrementMonth\">\n\t\t\t\t<img src=\"${_blankGif}\" alt=\"\" class=\"dijitCalendarIncrementControl dijitCalendarIncrease\" waiRole=\"presentation\"/>\n\t\t\t\t<span dojoAttachPoint=\"increaseArrowNode\" class=\"dijitA11ySideArrow\">+</span>\n\t\t\t</th>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<th class=\"dijitReset dijitCalendarDayLabelTemplate\" role=\"columnheader\"><span class=\"dijitCalendarDayLabel\"></span></th>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t</thead>\n\t<tbody dojoAttachEvent=\"onclick: _onDayClick, onmouseover: _onDayMouseOver, onmouseout: _onDayMouseOut, onmousedown: _onDayMouseDown, onmouseup: _onDayMouseUp\" class=\"dijitReset dijitCalendarBodyContainer\">\n\t\t<tr class=\"dijitReset dijitCalendarWeekTemplate\" role=\"row\">\n\t\t\t<td class=\"dijitReset dijitCalendarDateTemplate\" role=\"gridcell\"><span class=\"dijitCalendarDateLabel\"></span></td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t</tbody>\n\t<tfoot class=\"dijitReset dijitCalendarYearContainer\">\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td class='dijitReset' valign=\"top\" colspan=\"7\">\n\t\t\t\t<h3 class=\"dijitCalendarYearLabel\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<span dojoAttachPoint=\"previousYearLabelNode\" class=\"dijitInline dijitCalendarPreviousYear\"></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span dojoAttachPoint=\"currentYearLabelNode\" class=\"dijitInline dijitCalendarSelectedYear\"></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span dojoAttachPoint=\"nextYearLabelNode\" class=\"dijitInline dijitCalendarNextYear\"></span>\n\t\t\t\t</h3>\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t</tfoot>\n</table>\n"),value:new Date(),datePackage:"",dayWidth:"narrow",tabIndex:"0",baseClass:"dijitCalendar",cssStateNodes:{"decrementMonth":"dijitCalendarArrow","incrementMonth":"dijitCalendarArrow","previousYearLabelNode":"dijitCalendarPreviousYear","nextYearLabelNode":"dijitCalendarNextYear"},attributeMap:dojo.delegate(dijit._Widget.prototype.attributeMap,{tabIndex:"domNode"}),setValue:function(_1){
-dojo.deprecated("dijit.Calendar:setValue() is deprecated. Use set('value', ...) instead.","","2.0");
-var _2=new this.dateClassObj(this.value);
-return _2;
-_3=new this.dateClassObj(_3);
-this.displayMonth=new this.dateClassObj(_3);
-var _6=this.displayMonth;
-var _7=_6.getDay(),_8=this.dateFuncObj.getDaysInMonth(_6),_9=this.dateFuncObj.getDaysInMonth(this.dateFuncObj.add(_6,"month",-1)),_a=new this.dateClassObj(),_b=dojo.cldr.supplemental.getFirstDayOfWeek(this.lang);
-var _d=new this.dateClassObj(_6),_e,_f="dijitCalendar",adj=0;
-_f="dijitCalendarCurrentDate "+_f;
-_f="dijitCalendarSelectedDate "+_f;
-_f="dijitCalendarDisabledDate "+_f;
-var _10=this.getClassForDate(_d,this.lang);
-_f=_10+" "+_f;
-_c.className=_f+"Month dijitCalendarDateTemplate";
-var _11=dojo.query(".dijitCalendarDateLabel",_c)[0],_12=_d.getDateLocalized?_d.getDateLocalized(this.lang):_d.getDate();
-var _13=this.dateLocaleModule.getNames("months","wide","standAlone",this.lang,_6);
-dojo.toggleClass(_14,"dijitHidden",!(i in _13));
-var y=_6.getFullYear()-1;
-var d=new this.dateClassObj();
-var _16=this;
-var _17=function(_18,_19,adj){
-this.set("value",new this.dateClassObj());
-var _1c=(_1b.datePackage&&(_1b.datePackage!=""))?_1b.datePackage+".Date":"Date";
-delete this.value;
-var _1d=dojo.hitch(this,function(_1e,n){
-var _1f=dojo.query(_1e,this.domNode)[0];
-for(var i=0;i<n;i++){
+ "dijit.Calendar",
+ [dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated, dijit._CssStateMixin],
+ {
+ // summary:
+ // A simple GUI for choosing a date in the context of a monthly calendar.
+ //
+ // description:
+ // A simple GUI for choosing a date in the context of a monthly calendar.
+ // This widget can't be used in a form because it doesn't serialize the date to an
+ // `<input>` field. For a form element, use dijit.form.DateTextBox instead.
+ //
+ // Note that the parser takes all dates attributes passed in the
+ // [RFC 3339 format](, e.g. `2005-06-30T08:05:00-07:00`
+ // so that they are serializable and locale-independent.
+ //
+ // example:
+ // | var calendar = new dijit.Calendar({}, dojo.byId("calendarNode"));
+ //
+ // example:
+ // | <div dojoType="dijit.Calendar"></div>
+ templateString: dojo.cache("dijit", "templates/Calendar.html", "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" class=\"dijitCalendarContainer\" role=\"grid\" dojoAttachEvent=\"onkeypress: _onKeyPress\" aria-labelledby=\"${id}_year\">\n\t<thead>\n\t\t<tr class=\"dijitReset dijitCalendarMonthContainer\" valign=\"top\">\n\t\t\t<th class='dijitReset dijitCalendarArrow' dojoAttachPoint=\"decrementMonth\">\n\t\t\t\t<img src=\"${_blankGif}\" alt=\"\" class=\"dijitCalendarIncrementControl dijitCalendarDecrease\" role=\"presentation\"/>\n\t\t\t\t<span dojoAttachPoint=\"decreaseArrowNode\" class=\"dijitA11ySideArrow\">-</span>\n\t\t\t</th>\n\t\t\t<th class='dijitReset' colspan=\"5\">\n\t\t\t\t<div dojoType=\"dijit.form.DropDownButton\" dojoAttachPoint=\"monthDropDownButton\"\n\t\t\t\t\tid=\"${id}_mddb\" tabIndex=\"-1\">\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t</th>\n\t\t\t<th class='dijitReset dijitCalendarArrow' dojoAttachPoint=\"incrementMonth\">\n\t\t\t\t<img src=\"${_blankGif}\" alt=\"\" class=\"dijitCalendarIncrementControl dijitCalendarIncrease\" role=\"presentation\"/>\n\t\t\t\t<span dojoAttachPoint=\"increaseArrowNode\" class=\"dijitA11ySideArrow\">+</span>\n\t\t\t</th>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<th class=\"dijitReset dijitCalendarDayLabelTemplate\" role=\"columnheader\"><span class=\"dijitCalendarDayLabel\"></span></th>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t</thead>\n\t<tbody dojoAttachEvent=\"onclick: _onDayClick, onmouseover: _onDayMouseOver, onmouseout: _onDayMouseOut, onmousedown: _onDayMouseDown, onmouseup: _onDayMouseUp\" class=\"dijitReset dijitCalendarBodyContainer\">\n\t\t<tr class=\"dijitReset dijitCalendarWeekTemplate\" role=\"row\">\n\t\t\t<td class=\"dijitReset dijitCalendarDateTemplate\" role=\"gridcell\"><span class=\"dijitCalendarDateLabel\"></span></td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t</tbody>\n\t<tfoot class=\"dijitReset dijitCalendarYearContainer\">\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td class='dijitReset' valign=\"top\" colspan=\"7\">\n\t\t\t\t<h3 class=\"dijitCalendarYearLabel\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<span dojoAttachPoint=\"previousYearLabelNode\" class=\"dijitInline dijitCalendarPreviousYear\"></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span dojoAttachPoint=\"currentYearLabelNode\" class=\"dijitInline dijitCalendarSelectedYear\" id=\"${id}_year\"></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span dojoAttachPoint=\"nextYearLabelNode\" class=\"dijitInline dijitCalendarNextYear\"></span>\n\t\t\t\t</h3>\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t</tfoot>\n</table>\n"),
+ widgetsInTemplate: true,
+ // value: Date
+ // The currently selected Date, initially set to invalid date to indicate no selection.
+ value: new Date(""),
+ // TODO: for 2.0 make this a string (ISO format) rather than a Date
+ // datePackage: String
+ // JavaScript namespace to find Calendar routines. Uses Gregorian Calendar routines
+ // at by default.
+ datePackage: "",
+ // dayWidth: String
+ // How to represent the days of the week in the calendar header. See
+ dayWidth: "narrow",
+ // tabIndex: Integer
+ // Order fields are traversed when user hits the tab key
+ tabIndex: "0",
+ // currentFocus: Date
+ // Date object containing the currently focused date, or the date which would be focused
+ // if the calendar itself was focused. Also indicates which year and month to display,
+ // i.e. the current "page" the calendar is on.
+ currentFocus: new Date(),
+ baseClass:"dijitCalendar",
+ // Set node classes for various mouse events, see dijit._CssStateMixin for more details
+ cssStateNodes: {
+ "decrementMonth": "dijitCalendarArrow",
+ "incrementMonth": "dijitCalendarArrow",
+ "previousYearLabelNode": "dijitCalendarPreviousYear",
+ "nextYearLabelNode": "dijitCalendarNextYear"
+ },
+ _isValidDate: function(/*Date*/ value){
+ // summary:
+ // Runs various tests on the value, checking that it's a valid date, rather
+ // than blank or NaN.
+ // tags:
+ // private
+ return value && !isNaN(value) && typeof value == "object" &&
+ value.toString() != this.constructor.prototype.value.toString();
+ },
+ setValue: function(/*Date*/ value){
+ // summary:
+ // Deprecated. Use set('value', ...) instead.
+ // tags:
+ // deprecated
+ dojo.deprecated("dijit.Calendar:setValue() is deprecated. Use set('value', ...) instead.", "", "2.0");
+ this.set('value', value);
+ },
+ _getValueAttr: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // Support get('value')
+ // this.value is set to 1AM, but return midnight, local time for back-compat
+ var value = new this.dateClassObj(this.value);
+ value.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ // If daylight savings pushes midnight to the previous date, fix the Date
+ // object to point at 1am so it will represent the correct day. See #9366
+ if(value.getDate() < this.value.getDate()){
+ value = this.dateFuncObj.add(value, "hour", 1);
+ }
+ return value;
+ },
+ _setValueAttr: function(/*Date|Number*/ value, /*Boolean*/ priorityChange){
+ // summary:
+ // Support set("value", ...)
+ // description:
+ // Set the current date and update the UI. If the date is disabled, the value will
+ // not change, but the display will change to the corresponding month.
+ // value:
+ // Either a Date or the number of seconds since 1970.
+ // tags:
+ // protected
+ if(value){
+ // convert from Number to Date, or make copy of Date object so that setHours() call below
+ // doesn't affect original value
+ value = new this.dateClassObj(value);
+ }
+ if(this._isValidDate(value)){
+ if(!this._isValidDate(this.value) ||, this.value)){
+ value.setHours(1, 0, 0, 0); // round to nearest day (1am to avoid issues when DST shift occurs at midnight, see #8521, #9366)
+ if(!this.isDisabledDate(value, this.lang)){
+ this._set("value", value);
+ // Set focus cell to the new value. Arguably this should only happen when there isn't a current
+ // focus point. This will also repopulate the grid, showing the new selected value (and possibly
+ // new month/year).
+ this.set("currentFocus", value);
+ if(priorityChange || typeof priorityChange == "undefined"){
+ this.onChange(this.get('value'));
+ this.onValueSelected(this.get('value')); // remove in 2.0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ // clear value, and repopulate grid (to deselect the previously selected day) without changing currentFocus
+ this._set("value", null);
+ this.set("currentFocus", this.currentFocus);
+ }
+ },
+ _setText: function(node, text){
+ // summary:
+ // This just sets the content of node to the specified text.
+ // Can't do "node.innerHTML=text" because of an IE bug w/tables, see #3434.
+ // tags:
+ // private
+ while(node.firstChild){
+ node.removeChild(node.firstChild);
+ }
+ node.appendChild(dojo.doc.createTextNode(text));
+ },
+ _populateGrid: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // Fills in the calendar grid with each day (1-31)
+ // tags:
+ // private
+ var month = new this.dateClassObj(this.currentFocus);
+ month.setDate(1);
+ var firstDay = month.getDay(),
+ daysInMonth = this.dateFuncObj.getDaysInMonth(month),
+ daysInPreviousMonth = this.dateFuncObj.getDaysInMonth(this.dateFuncObj.add(month, "month", -1)),
+ today = new this.dateClassObj(),
+ dayOffset = dojo.cldr.supplemental.getFirstDayOfWeek(this.lang);
+ if(dayOffset > firstDay){ dayOffset -= 7; }
+ // Iterate through dates in the calendar and fill in date numbers and style info
+ dojo.query(".dijitCalendarDateTemplate", this.domNode).forEach(function(template, i){
+ i += dayOffset;
+ var date = new this.dateClassObj(month),
+ number, clazz = "dijitCalendar", adj = 0;
+ if(i < firstDay){
+ number = daysInPreviousMonth - firstDay + i + 1;
+ adj = -1;
+ clazz += "Previous";
+ }else if(i >= (firstDay + daysInMonth)){
+ number = i - firstDay - daysInMonth + 1;
+ adj = 1;
+ clazz += "Next";
+ }else{
+ number = i - firstDay + 1;
+ clazz += "Current";
+ }
+ if(adj){
+ date = this.dateFuncObj.add(date, "month", adj);
+ }
+ date.setDate(number);
+ if(!, today, "date")){
+ clazz = "dijitCalendarCurrentDate " + clazz;
+ }
+ if(this._isSelectedDate(date, this.lang)){
+ clazz = "dijitCalendarSelectedDate " + clazz;
+ }
+ if(this.isDisabledDate(date, this.lang)){
+ clazz = "dijitCalendarDisabledDate " + clazz;
+ }
+ var clazz2 = this.getClassForDate(date, this.lang);
+ if(clazz2){
+ clazz = clazz2 + " " + clazz;
+ }
+ template.className = clazz + "Month dijitCalendarDateTemplate";
+ template.dijitDateValue = date.valueOf(); // original code
+ dojo.attr(template, "dijitDateValue", date.valueOf()); // so I can dojo.query() it
+ var label = dojo.query(".dijitCalendarDateLabel", template)[0],
+ text = date.getDateLocalized ? date.getDateLocalized(this.lang) : date.getDate();
+ this._setText(label, text);
+ }, this);
+ // Repopulate month drop down list based on current year.
+ // Need to do this to hide leap months in Hebrew calendar.
+ var monthNames = this.dateLocaleModule.getNames('months', 'wide', 'standAlone', this.lang, month);
+ this.monthDropDownButton.dropDown.set("months", monthNames);
+ // Set name of current month and also fill in spacer element with all the month names
+ // (invisible) so that the maximum width will affect layout. But not on IE6 because then
+ // the center <TH> overlaps the right <TH> (due to a browser bug).
+ this.monthDropDownButton.containerNode.innerHTML =
+ (dojo.isIE == 6 ? "" : "<div class='dijitSpacer'>" + this.monthDropDownButton.dropDown.domNode.innerHTML + "</div>") +
+ "<div class='dijitCalendarMonthLabel dijitCalendarCurrentMonthLabel'>" + monthNames[month.getMonth()] + "</div>";
+ // Fill in localized prev/current/next years
+ var y = month.getFullYear() - 1;
+ var d = new this.dateClassObj();
+ dojo.forEach(["previous", "current", "next"], function(name){
+ d.setFullYear(y++);
+ this._setText(this[name+"YearLabelNode"],
+ this.dateLocaleModule.format(d, {selector:'year', locale:this.lang}));
+ }, this);
+ },
+ goToToday: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // Sets calendar's value to today's date
+ this.set('value', new this.dateClassObj());
+ },
+ constructor: function(/*Object*/args){
+ var dateClass = (args.datePackage && (args.datePackage != ""))? args.datePackage + ".Date" : "Date";
+ this.dateClassObj = dojo.getObject(dateClass, false);
+ this.datePackage = args.datePackage || this.datePackage;
+ this.dateFuncObj = dojo.getObject(this.datePackage, false);
+ this.dateLocaleModule = dojo.getObject(this.datePackage + ".locale", false);
+ },
+ postMixInProperties: function(){
+ // Parser.instantiate sometimes passes in NaN for IE. Use default value in prototype instead.
+ // TODO: remove this for 2.0 (thanks to #11511)
+ if(isNaN(this.value)){ delete this.value; }
+ this.inherited(arguments);
+ },
+ buildRendering: function(){
+ this.inherited(arguments);
+ dojo.setSelectable(this.domNode, false);
+ var cloneClass = dojo.hitch(this, function(clazz, n){
+ var template = dojo.query(clazz, this.domNode)[0];
+ for(var i=0; i<n; i++){
+ template.parentNode.appendChild(template.cloneNode(true));
+ }
+ });
+ // clone the day label and calendar day templates 6 times to make 7 columns
+ cloneClass(".dijitCalendarDayLabelTemplate", 6);
+ cloneClass(".dijitCalendarDateTemplate", 6);
+ // now make 6 week rows
+ cloneClass(".dijitCalendarWeekTemplate", 5);
+ // insert localized day names in the header
+ var dayNames = this.dateLocaleModule.getNames('days', this.dayWidth, 'standAlone', this.lang);
+ var dayOffset = dojo.cldr.supplemental.getFirstDayOfWeek(this.lang);
+ dojo.query(".dijitCalendarDayLabel", this.domNode).forEach(function(label, i){
+ this._setText(label, dayNames[(i + dayOffset) % 7]);
+ }, this);
+ var dateObj = new this.dateClassObj(this.currentFocus);
+ this.monthDropDownButton.dropDown = new dijit.Calendar._MonthDropDown({
+ id: + "_mdd",
+ onChange: dojo.hitch(this, "_onMonthSelect")
+ });
+ this.set('currentFocus', dateObj, false); // draw the grid to the month specified by currentFocus
+ // Set up repeating mouse behavior for increment/decrement of months/years
+ var _this = this;
+ var typematic = function(nodeProp, dateProp, adj){
+ _this._connects.push(
+ dijit.typematic.addMouseListener(_this[nodeProp], _this, function(count){
+ if(count >= 0){ _this._adjustDisplay(dateProp, adj); }
+ }, 0.8, 500)
+ );
+ };
+ typematic("incrementMonth", "month", 1);
+ typematic("decrementMonth", "month", -1);
+ typematic("nextYearLabelNode", "year", 1);
+ typematic("previousYearLabelNode", "year", -1);
+ },
+ _adjustDisplay: function(/*String*/ part, /*int*/ amount){
+ // summary:
+ // Moves calendar forwards or backwards by months or years
+ // part:
+ // "month" or "year"
+ // amount:
+ // Number of months or years
+ // tags:
+ // private
+ this._setCurrentFocusAttr(this.dateFuncObj.add(this.currentFocus, part, amount));
+ },
+ _setCurrentFocusAttr: function(/*Date*/ date, /*Boolean*/ forceFocus){
+ // summary:
+ // If the calendar currently has focus, then focuses specified date,
+ // changing the currently displayed month/year if necessary.
+ // If the calendar doesn't have focus, updates currently
+ // displayed month/year, and sets the cell that will get focus.
+ // forceFocus:
+ // If true, will focus() the cell even if calendar itself doesn't have focus
+ var oldFocus = this.currentFocus,
+ oldCell = oldFocus ? dojo.query("[dijitDateValue=" + oldFocus.valueOf() + "]", this.domNode)[0] : null;
+ // round specified value to nearest day (1am to avoid issues when DST shift occurs at midnight, see #8521, #9366)
+ date = new this.dateClassObj(date);
+ date.setHours(1, 0, 0, 0);
+ this._set("currentFocus", date);
+ // TODO: only re-populate grid when month/year has changed
+ this._populateGrid();
+ // set tabIndex=0 on new cell, and focus it (but only if Calendar itself is focused)
+ var newCell = dojo.query("[dijitDateValue=" + date.valueOf() + "]", this.domNode)[0];
+ newCell.setAttribute("tabIndex", this.tabIndex);
+ if(this._focused || forceFocus){
+ newCell.focus();
+ }
+ // set tabIndex=-1 on old focusable cell
+ if(oldCell && oldCell != newCell){
+ if(dojo.isWebKit){ // see #11064 about webkit bug
+ oldCell.setAttribute("tabIndex", "-1");
+ }else{
+ oldCell.removeAttribute("tabIndex");
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ focus: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // Focus the calendar by focusing one of the calendar cells
+ this._setCurrentFocusAttr(this.currentFocus, true);
+ },
+ _onMonthSelect: function(/*Number*/ newMonth){
+ // summary:
+ // Handler for when user selects a month from the drop down list
+ // tags:
+ // protected
+ // move to selected month, bounding by the number of days in the month
+ // (ex: dec 31 --> jan 28, not jan 31)
+ this.currentFocus = this.dateFuncObj.add(this.currentFocus, "month",
+ newMonth - this.currentFocus.getMonth());
+ this._populateGrid();
+ },
+ _onDayClick: function(/*Event*/ evt){
+ // summary:
+ // Handler for day clicks, selects the date if appropriate
+ // tags:
+ // protected
+ dojo.stopEvent(evt);
+ for(var node =; node && !node.dijitDateValue; node = node.parentNode);
+ if(node && !dojo.hasClass(node, "dijitCalendarDisabledDate")){
+ this.set('value', node.dijitDateValue);
+ }
+ },
+ _onDayMouseOver: function(/*Event*/ evt){
+ // summary:
+ // Handler for mouse over events on days, sets hovered style
+ // tags:
+ // protected
+ // event can occur on <td> or the <span> inside the td,
+ // set node to the <td>.
+ var node =
+ dojo.hasClass(, "dijitCalendarDateLabel") ?
+ :
+ if(node && (node.dijitDateValue || node == this.previousYearLabelNode || node == this.nextYearLabelNode) ){
+ dojo.addClass(node, "dijitCalendarHoveredDate");
+ this._currentNode = node;
+ }
+ },
+ _onDayMouseOut: function(/*Event*/ evt){
+ // summary:
+ // Handler for mouse out events on days, clears hovered style
+ // tags:
+ // protected
+ if(!this._currentNode){ return; }
+ // if mouse out occurs moving from <td> to <span> inside <td>, ignore it
+ if(evt.relatedTarget && evt.relatedTarget.parentNode == this._currentNode){ return; }
+ var cls = "dijitCalendarHoveredDate";
+ if(dojo.hasClass(this._currentNode, "dijitCalendarActiveDate")) {
+ cls += " dijitCalendarActiveDate";
+ }
+ dojo.removeClass(this._currentNode, cls);
+ this._currentNode = null;
+ },
+ _onDayMouseDown: function(/*Event*/ evt){
+ var node =;
+ if(node && node.dijitDateValue){
+ dojo.addClass(node, "dijitCalendarActiveDate");
+ this._currentNode = node;
+ }
+ },
+ _onDayMouseUp: function(/*Event*/ evt){
+ var node =;
+ if(node && node.dijitDateValue){
+ dojo.removeClass(node, "dijitCalendarActiveDate");
+ }
+ },
+//TODO: use typematic
+ handleKey: function(/*Event*/ evt){
+ // summary:
+ // Provides keyboard navigation of calendar.
+ // description:
+ // Called from _onKeyPress() to handle keypress on a stand alone Calendar,
+ // and also from `dijit.form._DateTimeTextBox` to pass a keypress event
+ // from the `dijit.form.DateTextBox` to be handled in this widget
+ // returns:
+ // False if the key was recognized as a navigation key,
+ // to indicate that the event was handled by Calendar and shouldn't be propogated
+ // tags:
+ // protected
+ var dk = dojo.keys,
+ increment = -1,
+ interval,
+ newValue = this.currentFocus;
+ switch(evt.keyCode){
+ case dk.RIGHT_ARROW:
+ increment = 1;
+ //fallthrough...
+ case dk.LEFT_ARROW:
+ interval = "day";
+ if(!this.isLeftToRight()){ increment *= -1; }
+ break;
+ case dk.DOWN_ARROW:
+ increment = 1;
+ //fallthrough...
+ case dk.UP_ARROW:
+ interval = "week";
+ break;
+ case dk.PAGE_DOWN:
+ increment = 1;
+ //fallthrough...
+ case dk.PAGE_UP:
+ interval = evt.ctrlKey || evt.altKey ? "year" : "month";
+ break;
+ case dk.END:
+ // go to the next month
+ newValue = this.dateFuncObj.add(newValue, "month", 1);
+ // subtract a day from the result when we're done
+ interval = "day";
+ //fallthrough...
+ case dk.HOME:
+ newValue = new this.dateClassObj(newValue);
+ newValue.setDate(1);
+ break;
+ case dk.ENTER:
+ case dk.SPACE:
+ this.set("value", this.currentFocus);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(interval){
+ newValue = this.dateFuncObj.add(newValue, interval, increment);
+ }
+ this._setCurrentFocusAttr(newValue);
+ return false;
+ },
+ _onKeyPress: function(/*Event*/ evt){
+ // summary:
+ // For handling keypress events on a stand alone calendar
+ if(!this.handleKey(evt)){
+ dojo.stopEvent(evt);
+ }
+ },
+ onValueSelected: function(/*Date*/ date){
+ // summary:
+ // Notification that a date cell was selected. It may be the same as the previous value.
+ // description:
+ // Formerly used by `dijit.form._DateTimeTextBox` (and thus `dijit.form.DateTextBox`)
+ // to get notification when the user has clicked a date. Now onExecute() (above) is used.
+ // tags:
+ // protected
+ },
+ onChange: function(/*Date*/ date){
+ // summary:
+ // Called only when the selected date has changed
+ },
+ _isSelectedDate: function(/*Date*/ dateObject, /*String?*/ locale){
+ // summary:
+ // Extension point so developers can subclass Calendar to
+ // support multiple (concurrently) selected dates
+ // tags:
+ // protected extension
+ return this._isValidDate(this.value) && !, this.value, "date")
+ },
+ isDisabledDate: function(/*Date*/ dateObject, /*String?*/ locale){
+ // summary:
+ // May be overridden to disable certain dates in the calendar e.g. ``
+ // tags:
+ // extension
+ return false; // Boolean
+ },
+ getClassForDate: function(/*Date*/ dateObject, /*String?*/ locale){
+ // summary:
+ // May be overridden to return CSS classes to associate with the date entry for the given dateObject,
+ // for example to indicate a holiday in specified locale.
+ // tags:
+ // extension
+ return ""; // String
+ }
+ }
+dojo.declare("dijit.Calendar._MonthDropDown", [dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated], {
+ // summary:
+ // The month drop down
+ // months: String[]
+ // List of names of months, possibly w/some undefined entries for Hebrew leap months
+ // (ex: ["January", "February", undefined, "April", ...])
+ months: [],
+ templateString: "<div class='dijitCalendarMonthMenu dijitMenu' " +
+ "dojoAttachEvent='onclick:_onClick,onmouseover:_onMenuHover,onmouseout:_onMenuHover'></div>",
+ _setMonthsAttr: function(/*String[]*/ months){
+ this.domNode.innerHTML =, function(month, idx){
+ return month ? "<div class='dijitCalendarMonthLabel' month='" + idx +"'>" + month + "</div>" : "";
+ }).join("");
+ },
+ _onClick: function(/*Event*/ evt){
+ this.onChange(dojo.attr(, "month"));
+ },
+ onChange: function(/*Number*/ month){
+ // summary:
+ // Callback when month is selected from drop down
+ },
+ _onMenuHover: function(evt){
+ dojo.toggleClass(, "dijitCalendarMonthLabelHover", evt.type == "mouseover");
+ }
-var _20=this.dateLocaleModule.getNames("days",this.dayWidth,"standAlone",this.lang);
-var _21=dojo.cldr.supplemental.getFirstDayOfWeek(this.lang);
-var _23=new this.dateClassObj(this.value);
-var _24=this.dateLocaleModule.getNames("months","wide","standAlone",this.lang,_23);
-if(i in _24){
-var _28=dojo.position(this.monthLabelNode);
-var dim={width:_28.w+"px",top:-this.displayMonth.getMonth()*_28.h+"px"};
-delete this._popupHandler;
-var _2a=dojo.hasClass(,"dijitCalendarDateLabel")?;
-var dk=dojo.keys,_2d=-1,_2e,_2f=this.value;
-case dk.RIGHT_ARROW:
-case dk.LEFT_ARROW:
-case dk.DOWN_ARROW:
-case dk.UP_ARROW:
-case dk.PAGE_DOWN:
-case dk.PAGE_UP:
-case dk.END:
-case dk.HOME:
-_2f=new Date(_2f).setDate(1);
-case dk.ENTER:
-case dk.ESCAPE:
-return !,this.value,"date");