path: root/vendor/phpunit/php-code-coverage/src/Report/Html/Renderer/File.php
diff options
authorAndrew Dolgov <[email protected]>2022-03-22 12:24:31 +0300
committerAndrew Dolgov <[email protected]>2022-03-22 12:24:31 +0300
commit1c4f7ab3b838b23afb2ee4dab14acbf75956e952 (patch)
tree0a19274107d717efe92d2c0376cd3105fead5a11 /vendor/phpunit/php-code-coverage/src/Report/Html/Renderer/File.php
parent711662948768492e8d05b778a7d80eacaec368d2 (diff)
* add phpunit as a dev dependency
* add some basic tests for UrlHelper::rewrite_relative() * fix UrlHelper::rewrite_relative() to work better on non-absolute relative URL paths
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/phpunit/php-code-coverage/src/Report/Html/Renderer/File.php')
1 files changed, 1149 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/phpunit/php-code-coverage/src/Report/Html/Renderer/File.php b/vendor/phpunit/php-code-coverage/src/Report/Html/Renderer/File.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..429730192
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/phpunit/php-code-coverage/src/Report/Html/Renderer/File.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1149 @@
+<?php declare(strict_types=1);
+ * This file is part of phpunit/php-code-coverage.
+ *
+ * (c) Sebastian Bergmann <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
+ * file that was distributed with this source code.
+ */
+namespace SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\Report\Html;
+use const ENT_COMPAT;
+use const ENT_HTML401;
+use const ENT_SUBSTITUTE;
+use const T_ABSTRACT;
+use const T_ARRAY;
+use const T_AS;
+use const T_BREAK;
+use const T_CALLABLE;
+use const T_CASE;
+use const T_CATCH;
+use const T_CLASS;
+use const T_CLONE;
+use const T_COMMENT;
+use const T_CONST;
+use const T_CONTINUE;
+use const T_DECLARE;
+use const T_DEFAULT;
+use const T_DO;
+use const T_DOC_COMMENT;
+use const T_ECHO;
+use const T_ELSE;
+use const T_ELSEIF;
+use const T_EMPTY;
+use const T_ENDDECLARE;
+use const T_ENDFOR;
+use const T_ENDFOREACH;
+use const T_ENDIF;
+use const T_ENDSWITCH;
+use const T_ENDWHILE;
+use const T_EVAL;
+use const T_EXIT;
+use const T_EXTENDS;
+use const T_FINAL;
+use const T_FINALLY;
+use const T_FOR;
+use const T_FOREACH;
+use const T_FUNCTION;
+use const T_GLOBAL;
+use const T_GOTO;
+use const T_HALT_COMPILER;
+use const T_IF;
+use const T_IMPLEMENTS;
+use const T_INCLUDE;
+use const T_INCLUDE_ONCE;
+use const T_INLINE_HTML;
+use const T_INSTANCEOF;
+use const T_INSTEADOF;
+use const T_INTERFACE;
+use const T_ISSET;
+use const T_LIST;
+use const T_NAMESPACE;
+use const T_NEW;
+use const T_PRINT;
+use const T_PRIVATE;
+use const T_PROTECTED;
+use const T_PUBLIC;
+use const T_REQUIRE;
+use const T_REQUIRE_ONCE;
+use const T_RETURN;
+use const T_STATIC;
+use const T_SWITCH;
+use const T_THROW;
+use const T_TRAIT;
+use const T_TRY;
+use const T_UNSET;
+use const T_USE;
+use const T_VAR;
+use const T_WHILE;
+use const T_YIELD;
+use const T_YIELD_FROM;
+use function array_key_exists;
+use function array_pop;
+use function array_unique;
+use function constant;
+use function count;
+use function defined;
+use function explode;
+use function file_get_contents;
+use function htmlspecialchars;
+use function is_string;
+use function sprintf;
+use function str_replace;
+use function substr;
+use function token_get_all;
+use function trim;
+use PHPUnit\Runner\BaseTestRunner;
+use SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\Node\File as FileNode;
+use SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\Util\Percentage;
+use SebastianBergmann\Template\Template;
+ * @internal This class is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for phpunit/php-code-coverage
+ */
+final class File extends Renderer
+ /**
+ * @psalm-var array<int,true>
+ */
+ private static $keywordTokens = [];
+ /**
+ * @var array
+ */
+ private static $formattedSourceCache = [];
+ /**
+ * @var int
+ */
+ private $htmlSpecialCharsFlags = ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401 | ENT_SUBSTITUTE;
+ public function render(FileNode $node, string $file): void
+ {
+ $templateName = $this->templatePath . ($this->hasBranchCoverage ? 'file_branch.html' : 'file.html');
+ $template = new Template($templateName, '{{', '}}');
+ $this->setCommonTemplateVariables($template, $node);
+ $template->setVar(
+ [
+ 'items' => $this->renderItems($node),
+ 'lines' => $this->renderSourceWithLineCoverage($node),
+ 'legend' => '<p><span class="success"><strong>Executed</strong></span><span class="danger"><strong>Not Executed</strong></span><span class="warning"><strong>Dead Code</strong></span></p>',
+ 'structure' => '',
+ ]
+ );
+ $template->renderTo($file . '.html');
+ if ($this->hasBranchCoverage) {
+ $template->setVar(
+ [
+ 'items' => $this->renderItems($node),
+ 'lines' => $this->renderSourceWithBranchCoverage($node),
+ 'legend' => '<p><span class="success"><strong>Fully covered</strong></span><span class="warning"><strong>Partially covered</strong></span><span class="danger"><strong>Not covered</strong></span></p>',
+ 'structure' => $this->renderBranchStructure($node),
+ ]
+ );
+ $template->renderTo($file . '_branch.html');
+ $template->setVar(
+ [
+ 'items' => $this->renderItems($node),
+ 'lines' => $this->renderSourceWithPathCoverage($node),
+ 'legend' => '<p><span class="success"><strong>Fully covered</strong></span><span class="warning"><strong>Partially covered</strong></span><span class="danger"><strong>Not covered</strong></span></p>',
+ 'structure' => $this->renderPathStructure($node),
+ ]
+ );
+ $template->renderTo($file . '_path.html');
+ }
+ }
+ private function renderItems(FileNode $node): string
+ {
+ $templateName = $this->templatePath . ($this->hasBranchCoverage ? 'file_item_branch.html' : 'file_item.html');
+ $template = new Template($templateName, '{{', '}}');
+ $methodTemplateName = $this->templatePath . ($this->hasBranchCoverage ? 'method_item_branch.html' : 'method_item.html');
+ $methodItemTemplate = new Template(
+ $methodTemplateName,
+ '{{',
+ '}}'
+ );
+ $items = $this->renderItemTemplate(
+ $template,
+ [
+ 'name' => 'Total',
+ 'numClasses' => $node->numberOfClassesAndTraits(),
+ 'numTestedClasses' => $node->numberOfTestedClassesAndTraits(),
+ 'numMethods' => $node->numberOfFunctionsAndMethods(),
+ 'numTestedMethods' => $node->numberOfTestedFunctionsAndMethods(),
+ 'linesExecutedPercent' => $node->percentageOfExecutedLines()->asFloat(),
+ 'linesExecutedPercentAsString' => $node->percentageOfExecutedLines()->asString(),
+ 'numExecutedLines' => $node->numberOfExecutedLines(),
+ 'numExecutableLines' => $node->numberOfExecutableLines(),
+ 'branchesExecutedPercent' => $node->percentageOfExecutedBranches()->asFloat(),
+ 'branchesExecutedPercentAsString' => $node->percentageOfExecutedBranches()->asString(),
+ 'numExecutedBranches' => $node->numberOfExecutedBranches(),
+ 'numExecutableBranches' => $node->numberOfExecutableBranches(),
+ 'pathsExecutedPercent' => $node->percentageOfExecutedPaths()->asFloat(),
+ 'pathsExecutedPercentAsString' => $node->percentageOfExecutedPaths()->asString(),
+ 'numExecutedPaths' => $node->numberOfExecutedPaths(),
+ 'numExecutablePaths' => $node->numberOfExecutablePaths(),
+ 'testedMethodsPercent' => $node->percentageOfTestedFunctionsAndMethods()->asFloat(),
+ 'testedMethodsPercentAsString' => $node->percentageOfTestedFunctionsAndMethods()->asString(),
+ 'testedClassesPercent' => $node->percentageOfTestedClassesAndTraits()->asFloat(),
+ 'testedClassesPercentAsString' => $node->percentageOfTestedClassesAndTraits()->asString(),
+ 'crap' => '<abbr title="Change Risk Anti-Patterns (CRAP) Index">CRAP</abbr>',
+ ]
+ );
+ $items .= $this->renderFunctionItems(
+ $node->functions(),
+ $methodItemTemplate
+ );
+ $items .= $this->renderTraitOrClassItems(
+ $node->traits(),
+ $template,
+ $methodItemTemplate
+ );
+ $items .= $this->renderTraitOrClassItems(
+ $node->classes(),
+ $template,
+ $methodItemTemplate
+ );
+ return $items;
+ }
+ private function renderTraitOrClassItems(array $items, Template $template, Template $methodItemTemplate): string
+ {
+ $buffer = '';
+ if (empty($items)) {
+ return $buffer;
+ }
+ foreach ($items as $name => $item) {
+ $numMethods = 0;
+ $numTestedMethods = 0;
+ foreach ($item['methods'] as $method) {
+ if ($method['executableLines'] > 0) {
+ $numMethods++;
+ if ($method['executedLines'] === $method['executableLines']) {
+ $numTestedMethods++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($item['executableLines'] > 0) {
+ $numClasses = 1;
+ $numTestedClasses = $numTestedMethods === $numMethods ? 1 : 0;
+ $linesExecutedPercentAsString = Percentage::fromFractionAndTotal(
+ $item['executedLines'],
+ $item['executableLines']
+ )->asString();
+ $branchesExecutedPercentAsString = Percentage::fromFractionAndTotal(
+ $item['executedBranches'],
+ $item['executableBranches']
+ )->asString();
+ $pathsExecutedPercentAsString = Percentage::fromFractionAndTotal(
+ $item['executedPaths'],
+ $item['executablePaths']
+ )->asString();
+ } else {
+ $numClasses = 0;
+ $numTestedClasses = 0;
+ $linesExecutedPercentAsString = 'n/a';
+ $branchesExecutedPercentAsString = 'n/a';
+ $pathsExecutedPercentAsString = 'n/a';
+ }
+ $testedMethodsPercentage = Percentage::fromFractionAndTotal(
+ $numTestedMethods,
+ $numMethods
+ );
+ $testedClassesPercentage = Percentage::fromFractionAndTotal(
+ $numTestedMethods === $numMethods ? 1 : 0,
+ 1
+ );
+ $buffer .= $this->renderItemTemplate(
+ $template,
+ [
+ 'name' => $this->abbreviateClassName($name),
+ 'numClasses' => $numClasses,
+ 'numTestedClasses' => $numTestedClasses,
+ 'numMethods' => $numMethods,
+ 'numTestedMethods' => $numTestedMethods,
+ 'linesExecutedPercent' => Percentage::fromFractionAndTotal(
+ $item['executedLines'],
+ $item['executableLines'],
+ )->asFloat(),
+ 'linesExecutedPercentAsString' => $linesExecutedPercentAsString,
+ 'numExecutedLines' => $item['executedLines'],
+ 'numExecutableLines' => $item['executableLines'],
+ 'branchesExecutedPercent' => Percentage::fromFractionAndTotal(
+ $item['executedBranches'],
+ $item['executableBranches'],
+ )->asFloat(),
+ 'branchesExecutedPercentAsString' => $branchesExecutedPercentAsString,
+ 'numExecutedBranches' => $item['executedBranches'],
+ 'numExecutableBranches' => $item['executableBranches'],
+ 'pathsExecutedPercent' => Percentage::fromFractionAndTotal(
+ $item['executedPaths'],
+ $item['executablePaths']
+ )->asFloat(),
+ 'pathsExecutedPercentAsString' => $pathsExecutedPercentAsString,
+ 'numExecutedPaths' => $item['executedPaths'],
+ 'numExecutablePaths' => $item['executablePaths'],
+ 'testedMethodsPercent' => $testedMethodsPercentage->asFloat(),
+ 'testedMethodsPercentAsString' => $testedMethodsPercentage->asString(),
+ 'testedClassesPercent' => $testedClassesPercentage->asFloat(),
+ 'testedClassesPercentAsString' => $testedClassesPercentage->asString(),
+ 'crap' => $item['crap'],
+ ]
+ );
+ foreach ($item['methods'] as $method) {
+ $buffer .= $this->renderFunctionOrMethodItem(
+ $methodItemTemplate,
+ $method,
+ '&nbsp;'
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return $buffer;
+ }
+ private function renderFunctionItems(array $functions, Template $template): string
+ {
+ if (empty($functions)) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ $buffer = '';
+ foreach ($functions as $function) {
+ $buffer .= $this->renderFunctionOrMethodItem(
+ $template,
+ $function
+ );
+ }
+ return $buffer;
+ }
+ private function renderFunctionOrMethodItem(Template $template, array $item, string $indent = ''): string
+ {
+ $numMethods = 0;
+ $numTestedMethods = 0;
+ if ($item['executableLines'] > 0) {
+ $numMethods = 1;
+ if ($item['executedLines'] === $item['executableLines']) {
+ $numTestedMethods = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ $executedLinesPercentage = Percentage::fromFractionAndTotal(
+ $item['executedLines'],
+ $item['executableLines']
+ );
+ $executedBranchesPercentage = Percentage::fromFractionAndTotal(
+ $item['executedBranches'],
+ $item['executableBranches']
+ );
+ $executedPathsPercentage = Percentage::fromFractionAndTotal(
+ $item['executedPaths'],
+ $item['executablePaths']
+ );
+ $testedMethodsPercentage = Percentage::fromFractionAndTotal(
+ $numTestedMethods,
+ 1
+ );
+ return $this->renderItemTemplate(
+ $template,
+ [
+ 'name' => sprintf(
+ '%s<a href="#%d"><abbr title="%s">%s</abbr></a>',
+ $indent,
+ $item['startLine'],
+ htmlspecialchars($item['signature'], $this->htmlSpecialCharsFlags),
+ $item['functionName'] ?? $item['methodName']
+ ),
+ 'numMethods' => $numMethods,
+ 'numTestedMethods' => $numTestedMethods,
+ 'linesExecutedPercent' => $executedLinesPercentage->asFloat(),
+ 'linesExecutedPercentAsString' => $executedLinesPercentage->asString(),
+ 'numExecutedLines' => $item['executedLines'],
+ 'numExecutableLines' => $item['executableLines'],
+ 'branchesExecutedPercent' => $executedBranchesPercentage->asFloat(),
+ 'branchesExecutedPercentAsString' => $executedBranchesPercentage->asString(),
+ 'numExecutedBranches' => $item['executedBranches'],
+ 'numExecutableBranches' => $item['executableBranches'],
+ 'pathsExecutedPercent' => $executedPathsPercentage->asFloat(),
+ 'pathsExecutedPercentAsString' => $executedPathsPercentage->asString(),
+ 'numExecutedPaths' => $item['executedPaths'],
+ 'numExecutablePaths' => $item['executablePaths'],
+ 'testedMethodsPercent' => $testedMethodsPercentage->asFloat(),
+ 'testedMethodsPercentAsString' => $testedMethodsPercentage->asString(),
+ 'crap' => $item['crap'],
+ ]
+ );
+ }
+ private function renderSourceWithLineCoverage(FileNode $node): string
+ {
+ $linesTemplate = new Template($this->templatePath . 'lines.html.dist', '{{', '}}');
+ $singleLineTemplate = new Template($this->templatePath . 'line.html.dist', '{{', '}}');
+ $coverageData = $node->lineCoverageData();
+ $testData = $node->testData();
+ $codeLines = $this->loadFile($node->pathAsString());
+ $lines = '';
+ $i = 1;
+ foreach ($codeLines as $line) {
+ $trClass = '';
+ $popoverContent = '';
+ $popoverTitle = '';
+ if (array_key_exists($i, $coverageData)) {
+ $numTests = ($coverageData[$i] ? count($coverageData[$i]) : 0);
+ if ($coverageData[$i] === null) {
+ $trClass = 'warning';
+ } elseif ($numTests === 0) {
+ $trClass = 'danger';
+ } else {
+ if ($numTests > 1) {
+ $popoverTitle = $numTests . ' tests cover line ' . $i;
+ } else {
+ $popoverTitle = '1 test covers line ' . $i;
+ }
+ $lineCss = 'covered-by-large-tests';
+ $popoverContent = '<ul>';
+ foreach ($coverageData[$i] as $test) {
+ if ($lineCss === 'covered-by-large-tests' && $testData[$test]['size'] === 'medium') {
+ $lineCss = 'covered-by-medium-tests';
+ } elseif ($testData[$test]['size'] === 'small') {
+ $lineCss = 'covered-by-small-tests';
+ }
+ $popoverContent .= $this->createPopoverContentForTest($test, $testData[$test]);
+ }
+ $popoverContent .= '</ul>';
+ $trClass = $lineCss . ' popin';
+ }
+ }
+ $popover = '';
+ if (!empty($popoverTitle)) {
+ $popover = sprintf(
+ ' data-title="%s" data-content="%s" data-placement="top" data-html="true"',
+ $popoverTitle,
+ htmlspecialchars($popoverContent, $this->htmlSpecialCharsFlags)
+ );
+ }
+ $lines .= $this->renderLine($singleLineTemplate, $i, $line, $trClass, $popover);
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $linesTemplate->setVar(['lines' => $lines]);
+ return $linesTemplate->render();
+ }
+ private function renderSourceWithBranchCoverage(FileNode $node): string
+ {
+ $linesTemplate = new Template($this->templatePath . 'lines.html.dist', '{{', '}}');
+ $singleLineTemplate = new Template($this->templatePath . 'line.html.dist', '{{', '}}');
+ $functionCoverageData = $node->functionCoverageData();
+ $testData = $node->testData();
+ $codeLines = $this->loadFile($node->pathAsString());
+ $lineData = [];
+ /** @var int $line */
+ foreach (array_keys($codeLines) as $line) {
+ $lineData[$line + 1] = [
+ 'includedInBranches' => 0,
+ 'includedInHitBranches' => 0,
+ 'tests' => [],
+ ];
+ }
+ foreach ($functionCoverageData as $method) {
+ foreach ($method['branches'] as $branch) {
+ foreach (range($branch['line_start'], $branch['line_end']) as $line) {
+ if (!isset($lineData[$line])) { // blank line at end of file is sometimes included here
+ continue;
+ }
+ $lineData[$line]['includedInBranches']++;
+ if ($branch['hit']) {
+ $lineData[$line]['includedInHitBranches']++;
+ $lineData[$line]['tests'] = array_unique(array_merge($lineData[$line]['tests'], $branch['hit']));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $lines = '';
+ $i = 1;
+ /** @var string $line */
+ foreach ($codeLines as $line) {
+ $trClass = '';
+ $popover = '';
+ if ($lineData[$i]['includedInBranches'] > 0) {
+ $lineCss = 'success';
+ if ($lineData[$i]['includedInHitBranches'] === 0) {
+ $lineCss = 'danger';
+ } elseif ($lineData[$i]['includedInHitBranches'] !== $lineData[$i]['includedInBranches']) {
+ $lineCss = 'warning';
+ }
+ $popoverContent = '<ul>';
+ if (count($lineData[$i]['tests']) === 1) {
+ $popoverTitle = '1 test covers line ' . $i;
+ } else {
+ $popoverTitle = count($lineData[$i]['tests']) . ' tests cover line ' . $i;
+ }
+ $popoverTitle .= '. These are covering ' . $lineData[$i]['includedInHitBranches'] . ' out of the ' . $lineData[$i]['includedInBranches'] . ' code branches.';
+ foreach ($lineData[$i]['tests'] as $test) {
+ $popoverContent .= $this->createPopoverContentForTest($test, $testData[$test]);
+ }
+ $popoverContent .= '</ul>';
+ $trClass = $lineCss . ' popin';
+ $popover = sprintf(
+ ' data-title="%s" data-content="%s" data-placement="top" data-html="true"',
+ $popoverTitle,
+ htmlspecialchars($popoverContent, $this->htmlSpecialCharsFlags)
+ );
+ }
+ $lines .= $this->renderLine($singleLineTemplate, $i, $line, $trClass, $popover);
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $linesTemplate->setVar(['lines' => $lines]);
+ return $linesTemplate->render();
+ }
+ private function renderSourceWithPathCoverage(FileNode $node): string
+ {
+ $linesTemplate = new Template($this->templatePath . 'lines.html.dist', '{{', '}}');
+ $singleLineTemplate = new Template($this->templatePath . 'line.html.dist', '{{', '}}');
+ $functionCoverageData = $node->functionCoverageData();
+ $testData = $node->testData();
+ $codeLines = $this->loadFile($node->pathAsString());
+ $lineData = [];
+ /** @var int $line */
+ foreach (array_keys($codeLines) as $line) {
+ $lineData[$line + 1] = [
+ 'includedInPaths' => [],
+ 'includedInHitPaths' => [],
+ 'tests' => [],
+ ];
+ }
+ foreach ($functionCoverageData as $method) {
+ foreach ($method['paths'] as $pathId => $path) {
+ foreach ($path['path'] as $branchTaken) {
+ foreach (range($method['branches'][$branchTaken]['line_start'], $method['branches'][$branchTaken]['line_end']) as $line) {
+ if (!isset($lineData[$line])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $lineData[$line]['includedInPaths'][] = $pathId;
+ if ($path['hit']) {
+ $lineData[$line]['includedInHitPaths'][] = $pathId;
+ $lineData[$line]['tests'] = array_unique(array_merge($lineData[$line]['tests'], $path['hit']));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $lines = '';
+ $i = 1;
+ /** @var string $line */
+ foreach ($codeLines as $line) {
+ $trClass = '';
+ $popover = '';
+ $includedInPathsCount = count(array_unique($lineData[$i]['includedInPaths']));
+ $includedInHitPathsCount = count(array_unique($lineData[$i]['includedInHitPaths']));
+ if ($includedInPathsCount > 0) {
+ $lineCss = 'success';
+ if ($includedInHitPathsCount === 0) {
+ $lineCss = 'danger';
+ } elseif ($includedInHitPathsCount !== $includedInPathsCount) {
+ $lineCss = 'warning';
+ }
+ $popoverContent = '<ul>';
+ if (count($lineData[$i]['tests']) === 1) {
+ $popoverTitle = '1 test covers line ' . $i;
+ } else {
+ $popoverTitle = count($lineData[$i]['tests']) . ' tests cover line ' . $i;
+ }
+ $popoverTitle .= '. These are covering ' . $includedInHitPathsCount . ' out of the ' . $includedInPathsCount . ' code paths.';
+ foreach ($lineData[$i]['tests'] as $test) {
+ $popoverContent .= $this->createPopoverContentForTest($test, $testData[$test]);
+ }
+ $popoverContent .= '</ul>';
+ $trClass = $lineCss . ' popin';
+ $popover = sprintf(
+ ' data-title="%s" data-content="%s" data-placement="top" data-html="true"',
+ $popoverTitle,
+ htmlspecialchars($popoverContent, $this->htmlSpecialCharsFlags)
+ );
+ }
+ $lines .= $this->renderLine($singleLineTemplate, $i, $line, $trClass, $popover);
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $linesTemplate->setVar(['lines' => $lines]);
+ return $linesTemplate->render();
+ }
+ private function renderBranchStructure(FileNode $node): string
+ {
+ $branchesTemplate = new Template($this->templatePath . 'branches.html.dist', '{{', '}}');
+ $coverageData = $node->functionCoverageData();
+ $testData = $node->testData();
+ $codeLines = $this->loadFile($node->pathAsString());
+ $branches = '';
+ ksort($coverageData);
+ foreach ($coverageData as $methodName => $methodData) {
+ if (!$methodData['branches']) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $branchStructure = '';
+ foreach ($methodData['branches'] as $branch) {
+ $branchStructure .= $this->renderBranchLines($branch, $codeLines, $testData);
+ }
+ if ($branchStructure !== '') { // don't show empty branches
+ $branches .= '<h5 class="structure-heading"><a name="' . htmlspecialchars($methodName, $this->htmlSpecialCharsFlags) . '">' . $this->abbreviateMethodName($methodName) . '</a></h5>' . "\n";
+ $branches .= $branchStructure;
+ }
+ }
+ $branchesTemplate->setVar(['branches' => $branches]);
+ return $branchesTemplate->render();
+ }
+ private function renderBranchLines(array $branch, array $codeLines, array $testData): string
+ {
+ $linesTemplate = new Template($this->templatePath . 'lines.html.dist', '{{', '}}');
+ $singleLineTemplate = new Template($this->templatePath . 'line.html.dist', '{{', '}}');
+ $lines = '';
+ $branchLines = range($branch['line_start'], $branch['line_end']);
+ sort($branchLines); // sometimes end_line < start_line
+ /** @var int $line */
+ foreach ($branchLines as $line) {
+ if (!isset($codeLines[$line])) { // blank line at end of file is sometimes included here
+ continue;
+ }
+ $popoverContent = '';
+ $popoverTitle = '';
+ $numTests = count($branch['hit']);
+ if ($numTests === 0) {
+ $trClass = 'danger';
+ } else {
+ $lineCss = 'covered-by-large-tests';
+ $popoverContent = '<ul>';
+ if ($numTests > 1) {
+ $popoverTitle = $numTests . ' tests cover this branch';
+ } else {
+ $popoverTitle = '1 test covers this branch';
+ }
+ foreach ($branch['hit'] as $test) {
+ if ($lineCss === 'covered-by-large-tests' && $testData[$test]['size'] === 'medium') {
+ $lineCss = 'covered-by-medium-tests';
+ } elseif ($testData[$test]['size'] === 'small') {
+ $lineCss = 'covered-by-small-tests';
+ }
+ $popoverContent .= $this->createPopoverContentForTest($test, $testData[$test]);
+ }
+ $trClass = $lineCss . ' popin';
+ }
+ $popover = '';
+ if (!empty($popoverTitle)) {
+ $popover = sprintf(
+ ' data-title="%s" data-content="%s" data-placement="top" data-html="true"',
+ $popoverTitle,
+ htmlspecialchars($popoverContent, $this->htmlSpecialCharsFlags)
+ );
+ }
+ $lines .= $this->renderLine($singleLineTemplate, $line, $codeLines[$line - 1], $trClass, $popover);
+ }
+ if ($lines === '') {
+ return '';
+ }
+ $linesTemplate->setVar(['lines' => $lines]);
+ return $linesTemplate->render();
+ }
+ private function renderPathStructure(FileNode $node): string
+ {
+ $pathsTemplate = new Template($this->templatePath . 'paths.html.dist', '{{', '}}');
+ $coverageData = $node->functionCoverageData();
+ $testData = $node->testData();
+ $codeLines = $this->loadFile($node->pathAsString());
+ $paths = '';
+ ksort($coverageData);
+ foreach ($coverageData as $methodName => $methodData) {
+ if (!$methodData['paths']) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $pathStructure = '';
+ if (count($methodData['paths']) > 100) {
+ $pathStructure .= '<p>' . count($methodData['paths']) . ' is too many paths to sensibly render, consider refactoring your code to bring this number down.</p>';
+ continue;
+ }
+ foreach ($methodData['paths'] as $path) {
+ $pathStructure .= $this->renderPathLines($path, $methodData['branches'], $codeLines, $testData);
+ }
+ if ($pathStructure !== '') {
+ $paths .= '<h5 class="structure-heading"><a name="' . htmlspecialchars($methodName, $this->htmlSpecialCharsFlags) . '">' . $this->abbreviateMethodName($methodName) . '</a></h5>' . "\n";
+ $paths .= $pathStructure;
+ }
+ }
+ $pathsTemplate->setVar(['paths' => $paths]);
+ return $pathsTemplate->render();
+ }
+ private function renderPathLines(array $path, array $branches, array $codeLines, array $testData): string
+ {
+ $linesTemplate = new Template($this->templatePath . 'lines.html.dist', '{{', '}}');
+ $singleLineTemplate = new Template($this->templatePath . 'line.html.dist', '{{', '}}');
+ $lines = '';
+ foreach ($path['path'] as $branchId) {
+ $branchLines = range($branches[$branchId]['line_start'], $branches[$branchId]['line_end']);
+ sort($branchLines); // sometimes end_line < start_line
+ /** @var int $line */
+ foreach ($branchLines as $line) {
+ if (!isset($codeLines[$line])) { // blank line at end of file is sometimes included here
+ continue;
+ }
+ $popoverContent = '';
+ $popoverTitle = '';
+ $numTests = count($path['hit']);
+ if ($numTests === 0) {
+ $trClass = 'danger';
+ } else {
+ $lineCss = 'covered-by-large-tests';
+ $popoverContent = '<ul>';
+ if ($numTests > 1) {
+ $popoverTitle = $numTests . ' tests cover this path';
+ } else {
+ $popoverTitle = '1 test covers this path';
+ }
+ foreach ($path['hit'] as $test) {
+ if ($lineCss === 'covered-by-large-tests' && $testData[$test]['size'] === 'medium') {
+ $lineCss = 'covered-by-medium-tests';
+ } elseif ($testData[$test]['size'] === 'small') {
+ $lineCss = 'covered-by-small-tests';
+ }
+ $popoverContent .= $this->createPopoverContentForTest($test, $testData[$test]);
+ }
+ $trClass = $lineCss . ' popin';
+ }
+ $popover = '';
+ if (!empty($popoverTitle)) {
+ $popover = sprintf(
+ ' data-title="%s" data-content="%s" data-placement="top" data-html="true"',
+ $popoverTitle,
+ htmlspecialchars($popoverContent, $this->htmlSpecialCharsFlags)
+ );
+ }
+ $lines .= $this->renderLine($singleLineTemplate, $line, $codeLines[$line - 1], $trClass, $popover);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($lines === '') {
+ return '';
+ }
+ $linesTemplate->setVar(['lines' => $lines]);
+ return $linesTemplate->render();
+ }
+ private function renderLine(Template $template, int $lineNumber, string $lineContent, string $class, string $popover): string
+ {
+ $template->setVar(
+ [
+ 'lineNumber' => $lineNumber,
+ 'lineContent' => $lineContent,
+ 'class' => $class,
+ 'popover' => $popover,
+ ]
+ );
+ return $template->render();
+ }
+ private function loadFile(string $file): array
+ {
+ if (isset(self::$formattedSourceCache[$file])) {
+ return self::$formattedSourceCache[$file];
+ }
+ $buffer = file_get_contents($file);
+ $tokens = token_get_all($buffer);
+ $result = [''];
+ $i = 0;
+ $stringFlag = false;
+ $fileEndsWithNewLine = substr($buffer, -1) === "\n";
+ unset($buffer);
+ foreach ($tokens as $j => $token) {
+ if (is_string($token)) {
+ if ($token === '"' && $tokens[$j - 1] !== '\\') {
+ $result[$i] .= sprintf(
+ '<span class="string">%s</span>',
+ htmlspecialchars($token, $this->htmlSpecialCharsFlags)
+ );
+ $stringFlag = !$stringFlag;
+ } else {
+ $result[$i] .= sprintf(
+ '<span class="keyword">%s</span>',
+ htmlspecialchars($token, $this->htmlSpecialCharsFlags)
+ );
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ [$token, $value] = $token;
+ $value = str_replace(
+ ["\t", ' '],
+ ['&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', '&nbsp;'],
+ htmlspecialchars($value, $this->htmlSpecialCharsFlags)
+ );
+ if ($value === "\n") {
+ $result[++$i] = '';
+ } else {
+ $lines = explode("\n", $value);
+ foreach ($lines as $jj => $line) {
+ $line = trim($line);
+ if ($line !== '') {
+ if ($stringFlag) {
+ $colour = 'string';
+ } else {
+ $colour = 'default';
+ if ($this->isInlineHtml($token)) {
+ $colour = 'html';
+ } elseif ($this->isComment($token)) {
+ $colour = 'comment';
+ } elseif ($this->isKeyword($token)) {
+ $colour = 'keyword';
+ }
+ }
+ $result[$i] .= sprintf(
+ '<span class="%s">%s</span>',
+ $colour,
+ $line
+ );
+ }
+ if (isset($lines[$jj + 1])) {
+ $result[++$i] = '';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($fileEndsWithNewLine) {
+ unset($result[count($result) - 1]);
+ }
+ self::$formattedSourceCache[$file] = $result;
+ return $result;
+ }
+ private function abbreviateClassName(string $className): string
+ {
+ $tmp = explode('\\', $className);
+ if (count($tmp) > 1) {
+ $className = sprintf(
+ '<abbr title="%s">%s</abbr>',
+ $className,
+ array_pop($tmp)
+ );
+ }
+ return $className;
+ }
+ private function abbreviateMethodName(string $methodName): string
+ {
+ $parts = explode('->', $methodName);
+ if (count($parts) === 2) {
+ return $this->abbreviateClassName($parts[0]) . '->' . $parts[1];
+ }
+ return $methodName;
+ }
+ private function createPopoverContentForTest(string $test, array $testData): string
+ {
+ $testCSS = '';
+ if ($testData['fromTestcase']) {
+ switch ($testData['status']) {
+ case BaseTestRunner::STATUS_PASSED:
+ switch ($testData['size']) {
+ case 'small':
+ $testCSS = ' class="covered-by-small-tests"';
+ break;
+ case 'medium':
+ $testCSS = ' class="covered-by-medium-tests"';
+ break;
+ default:
+ $testCSS = ' class="covered-by-large-tests"';
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case BaseTestRunner::STATUS_SKIPPED:
+ case BaseTestRunner::STATUS_INCOMPLETE:
+ case BaseTestRunner::STATUS_RISKY:
+ case BaseTestRunner::STATUS_WARNING:
+ $testCSS = ' class="warning"';
+ break;
+ case BaseTestRunner::STATUS_FAILURE:
+ case BaseTestRunner::STATUS_ERROR:
+ $testCSS = ' class="danger"';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return sprintf(
+ '<li%s>%s</li>',
+ $testCSS,
+ htmlspecialchars($test, $this->htmlSpecialCharsFlags)
+ );
+ }
+ private function isComment(int $token): bool
+ {
+ return $token === T_COMMENT || $token === T_DOC_COMMENT;
+ }
+ private function isInlineHtml(int $token): bool
+ {
+ return $token === T_INLINE_HTML;
+ }
+ private function isKeyword(int $token): bool
+ {
+ return isset(self::keywordTokens()[$token]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @psalm-return array<int,true>
+ */
+ private static function keywordTokens(): array
+ {
+ if (self::$keywordTokens !== []) {
+ return self::$keywordTokens;
+ }
+ self::$keywordTokens = [
+ T_ABSTRACT => true,
+ T_ARRAY => true,
+ T_AS => true,
+ T_BREAK => true,
+ T_CALLABLE => true,
+ T_CASE => true,
+ T_CATCH => true,
+ T_CLASS => true,
+ T_CLONE => true,
+ T_CONST => true,
+ T_CONTINUE => true,
+ T_DECLARE => true,
+ T_DEFAULT => true,
+ T_DO => true,
+ T_ECHO => true,
+ T_ELSE => true,
+ T_ELSEIF => true,
+ T_EMPTY => true,
+ T_ENDDECLARE => true,
+ T_ENDFOR => true,
+ T_ENDFOREACH => true,
+ T_ENDIF => true,
+ T_ENDSWITCH => true,
+ T_ENDWHILE => true,
+ T_EVAL => true,
+ T_EXIT => true,
+ T_EXTENDS => true,
+ T_FINAL => true,
+ T_FINALLY => true,
+ T_FOR => true,
+ T_FOREACH => true,
+ T_FUNCTION => true,
+ T_GLOBAL => true,
+ T_GOTO => true,
+ T_HALT_COMPILER => true,
+ T_IF => true,
+ T_IMPLEMENTS => true,
+ T_INCLUDE => true,
+ T_INCLUDE_ONCE => true,
+ T_INSTANCEOF => true,
+ T_INSTEADOF => true,
+ T_INTERFACE => true,
+ T_ISSET => true,
+ T_LIST => true,
+ T_NAMESPACE => true,
+ T_NEW => true,
+ T_PRINT => true,
+ T_PRIVATE => true,
+ T_PROTECTED => true,
+ T_PUBLIC => true,
+ T_REQUIRE => true,
+ T_REQUIRE_ONCE => true,
+ T_RETURN => true,
+ T_STATIC => true,
+ T_SWITCH => true,
+ T_THROW => true,
+ T_TRAIT => true,
+ T_TRY => true,
+ T_UNSET => true,
+ T_USE => true,
+ T_VAR => true,
+ T_WHILE => true,
+ T_YIELD => true,
+ T_YIELD_FROM => true,
+ ];
+ if (defined('T_FN')) {
+ self::$keywordTokens[constant('T_FN')] = true;
+ }
+ if (defined('T_MATCH')) {
+ self::$keywordTokens[constant('T_MATCH')] = true;
+ }
+ if (defined('T_ENUM')) {
+ self::$keywordTokens[constant('T_ENUM')] = true;
+ }
+ if (defined('T_READONLY')) {
+ self::$keywordTokens[constant('T_READONLY')] = true;
+ }
+ return self::$keywordTokens;
+ }